Microtransactions Have Arrived in Gran Turismo Sport

Can't help myself but to laugh. How gullible are you people? As if fans of the series haven't been through this before. At this point you all should've known better not take Kaz's words as some kind of utlimate truth.

Edit: I don't agree with or like MT in fully priced AAA-games at all but my point still stands.

Gullible about what?? With lootboxes and microtransactions that have became controversial especially with Battlefront 2.

Many developers and publishers would have learnt their lesson about this feature.
The over reaction is hilarious, trust and betrayal used in this context is so weird...
Anyways, I love the idea, I'm going to buy all the Grx Gr1 gr3 and gr4 cars that I'm missing and I will erase the trillion repeated cars that I currently have, I need some order in my garage. Thanks PD for the micro transactions!
Even though i don't need it cause i like the idea of working to get the satisfaction that i own each car, i thing it's a good thing for people that only race online!
I've never seen so many people upset over what others choose to do with their own time and/or money. :boggled: I shut off the micro-transaction option and just kept on rolling. What do I care whether someone spent their $3 on a car or spent hours "grinding" for it? That is their choice. If they value their time more than money then go for it. Should I be upset that a teenager on summer break has 10x more time to play Gran Turismo than I do? Should I consider it unfair that he/she is able to grind away at the game for hours and I cannot because I have a job and an adult life? Going by some folks logic here it seems I should be! :lol: But I'm not upset. You see, I couldn't care less if people grind their lives away in GT Sport, or choose to spend their money buying cars. It is whatever works for you. I'm glad you have the option to fully enjoy the game, however it suits you. As long as it isn't pay-to-win nonsense, and it isn't, then I fail to see how having more choices is a bad thing.
Pretty obvious and simple to get though...

If these MTX over the next year or so end up earning Polyphony/Sony some convincing cash. The they might feel they can push more and more, leading to them locking or selling exclusive items.

Money talks in this world really. Look at GTA and how their shark cards drove that game to a chore. Or Fortnite, lol. They gave the game away and made how much from all the recurring spending, lol.

Time will tell, but this game is no less likely than another that is proving to be breaking all sorts of records and new ground in earning potential. Billions out there for developers to try to earn.

Basically, open this door, the whales get in. And their spending power means more than our preferences/playstyles.

As I said, obvious really.
Pretty obvious and simple to get though...

If these MTX over the next year or so end up earning Polyphony/Sony some convincing cash. The they might feel they can push more and more, leading to them locking or selling exclusive items.

Money talks in this world really. Look at GTA and how their shark cards drove that game to a chore. Or Fortnite, lol. They gave the game away and made how much from all the recurring spending, lol.

Time will tell, but this game is no less likely than another that is proving to be breaking all sorts of records and new ground in earning potential. Billions out there for developers to try to earn.

Basically, open this door, the whales get in. And their spending power means more than our preferences/playstyles.

As I said, obvious really.
They had MT in previous GT games....if your theory is true shouldn’t this have already happened? Besides, how much are they really going to make? My guess is not much at all
They had MT in previous GT games....if your theory is true shouldn’t this have already happened? Besides, how much are they really going to make? My guess is not much at all
Ahh, so you can guess, but I'm wrong to do so, lol.

It's unknown as to what will come, plus the whales couldn't return as the door was shut. Obviously.

Not saying it can't work and favour gamers too. GT6 offered a fair way to earn credits. Seasonals and multipliers.

It is easy to remain balanced, if they want. But it's more often proving to be a slippery slope. Look around. Happening in many games now. GT isn't sacred, lol.
That is more of Polyphony's issue not wanting to outsource. GT6 had full dynamic time of day and weather system, 400 or so premium cars, lots of tracks, and they still gave you free DLC cars, tracks, and features post-launch, things they could have charged.

Forza 5 was also skimpy on content at launch and still made you pay for DLC car packs $10 each, including cars already in the previous games. So yes, forgive me if I'm thankful Polyphony didn't go this route and actually gave us significant free post-launch DLC, including already 4 tracks, 3 of which were remade to PS4 quality and don't look like they came from PS3/PS2 games.

Polyphony didn't even announce the DLC would be free before or even at release before any DLC even came out to entice you into buying the game. Kaz said he wanted 500 cars in the game and people were already expecting DLC to be paid because providing 300 free cars made to PS4 quality just isn't financially feasible for a company that doesn't want to outsource.

I would've been thankful if GTS had launched with several hundread cars, many tracks and whatnot and would still give out free DLCs, just like they did with GT6. But the fact is GTS had very limited contents and it almost felt like I paid full price for a demo. In fact the only reason I bought it, despite knowing how little contents there were, was I knew they would add more post launch, and I wouldn't have to pay for those. I expected it to be that way so naturally I can't just praise PD for their "generosity". Just because something is given for free, doesn't neccessarily mean it's given out of generosity.
I feel like there's some caveat emptor here, especially in comparison to Forza 5.

Forza 5 they did a fairly embarrassing sort of announcement that they would add tracks due to 'popular demand'. I bought the game like a year later knowing that it lacked content and the price I paid I was 'content' with the content.

I feel similar to GT Sport. I knew that the day one had a limited track and car list and not much outside of "Sport Mode".

So I held off at least until they added Leagues.

I also knew they would add egular content just like GT6 and I knew that they would do something like the "real world money for credits" thing they had in 6.

I'm ok with this. I'm bemused by their half-assed addition of car mtx... while I paid a million credits for the 787 and $450k for the GT LM Spec II and...

I'm also aware that they will drop GT Sport like a dead kitten once whatever is "new and hot" comes along. They did it twice before in the past generation.

The leopard doesnt change its spots. I cant feign outrage at what they did. I'm just happy to enjoy GT Sport while its still current, which some say won't be for that long.
I don't mind micro-transactions as hopefully they should allow us to get more content for the game.

But I don't understand why the expensive cars are not there. Do they really expect to earn money on the cheap cars that can be bought in game after doing a couple of circuit experiences?

I don't see the "pay to win" argument coming in there because as far as sport mode is concerned, the 20 mil cars are not used for races. Even if they were, it would be a one make so it isn't like you're buying an op car. They only way you can really "pay to win" is by buying the META in a Gr class, but even then those cars are all easily earned in game.

Instead of cars 2 million and less in the PSN store it should be 2 million and more.
Can't help myself but to laugh. How gullible are you people? As if fans of the series haven't been through this before. At this point you all should've known better not take Kaz's words as some kind of utlimate truth.

Edit: I don't agree with or like MT in fully priced AAA-games at all but my point still stands.
Kaz has made a lot of promises over the years in the franchise and failed to deliver. I don't know if he's ever made one and walked it back months later til' now, though.

But yeah, trusting anything he says should be a lesson learned for long time fans.
PD lied to us?
"micro transaction" to me means a pay for content that is otherwise not accessible to the gaming community.
MT (as many are defining it, I call PD's version an option) was part of the game from it's release.
Surely you all recall the limited edition/gold-box... ?
I mean really, given that, who was so naive to think the "option" to purchase in game content was not on PD's mind?

And, it's not a case of buying content otherwise unavailable to the community... So what's the problem?

Personally, I paid extra for the limited edition, and, if the current "option" to buy cars that I have no interest in grinding for becomes available, for real cash, I'll pony up.

Then, on release of the next content update, we'll start a thread for all those who hate "MTx" to thank those of us who funded PD to continue development of the game.
Think of us as "amateur racing" investors.

You're welcome.
PD lied to us?
"micro transaction" to me means a pay for content that is otherwise not accessible to the gaming community.
MT (as many are defining it, I call PD's version an option) was part of the game from it's release.
Surely you all recall the limited edition/gold-box... ?
I mean really, given that, who was so naive to think the "option" to purchase in game content was not on PD's mind?

And, it's not a case of buying content otherwise unavailable to the community... So what's the problem?

Personally, I paid extra for the limited edition, and, if the current "option" to buy cars that I have no interest in grinding for becomes available, for real cash, I'll pony up.

Then, on release of the next content update, we'll start a thread for all those who hate "MTx" to thank those of us who funded PD to continue development of the game.
Think of us as "amateur racing" investors.

You're welcome.
You are the problem then.

It is people with that attitude that allows companies to do this.

The rest of us then get this kind of crap from them.
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How am I or anyone like me the problem?
The community retains the option to grind away for in game credits to purchase whatever their heart desires...
Forgo grinding, and plunk down $ for the same cars.

Choices, you get to make them.

What is PD doing that ruins the communities experience?
There is no "locked content", there is no "pay to win strategy", there is nothing anyone can purchase with real $ that cannot be purchased with in game credit.
If this was a pay for it or you cannot access it situation, I'd be more understanding.
How am I or anyone like me the problem?
The community retains the option to grind away for in game credits to purchase whatever their heart desires...
Forgo grinding, and plunk down $ for the same cars.

Choices, you get to make them.

What is PD doing that ruins the communities experience?
There is no "locked content", there is no "pay to win strategy", there is nothing anyone can purchase with real $ that cannot be purchased with in game credit.
If this was a pay for it or you cannot access it situation, I'd be more understanding.
I edited the post a few minutes after making it. Originally it only had the first line I take it the edit makes it clearer.
Issue I see is that there is a simple way to get rid of their "time saver". Give out more money at the end of races, if there was no grind in the first place then there would not be a need for "time savers". Sure its optional but its temptation and judging by the success of microtransactions it works.

Also since GTS acts a service with consistent updates with new content there is always a new carrot, always something that requires more money, always an expensive vehicle.

I personally think they did it in a decent way as some other games added transaction is a horrible way and destroyed the balance as a result such as Forza 7.
Telling you bluntly, 6 months free DLC speaks and means more than PD introducing MT.
Another good bit of irony.

So it's a pass because it's offered a good amount of free DLC. This is where it gets weird though, because you've went on about Forza and it's microtransactions, and would drag it through the dirt. You want to know the funny part about that though? Forza literally has none. So the only thing I can see here is that you're incapable of being honest when it comes to either game, and you're outright lying in both directions.
Lets look at time as a currency, as I'm sure we are all familiar with the phrase, "time is money".

When I was in my teens, I had all kinds of time, and no money.
When I was in my 20's I had a 9-5 job, still had plenty of time, and some money.
In my 30's I became a leader in my profession, requiring me to be in before the troops, and still there after they left... time started to become precious, and money became less of a problem.
Now in my 50th year, and serving as a manager, I'm in even earlier than the leaders and still there after they've gone home (and, as you age mental exhaustion really starts to take it's toll... that's for another "time"). Now, I have little time, and to be honest, you cannot put a price on my "free" time.
Time and money have come full circle for me.

So... PD's recent "option"...
Those with lots of time still get all the content for free. I'm good with that. I would not want content be locked away behind $.
Those with precious little time, well, we now have an option to get content otherwise inaccessible to us (no time)... and folks have a problem with that?
Neither is getting a content/performance advantage...
One group is free to use time as currency, another is free to use currency to essentially buy time.

It is people with that attitude that allows companies to do this.
The rest of us then get this kind of crap from them.
I'm really not trying to pick a fight, sincerely.
I have to ask, what crap are you getting from PD?
All content is still free, nothing has changed in that regard... the game has always been about investing time to earn credits... same old same old continues.
There is now an "option" to use real $ to purchase content.
If you liked the game the way it was, carry on.
If you don't have time to invest, you now have the option to invest $ to gain access to content previously available to those with time.

Now if they would just make the $15-20M cars available... as, even i have time to earn $2M.
So, I will concede the current $ cap is most unusual... if not borderline useless.
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I'm really not trying to pick a fight, sincerely.
I have to ask, what crap are you getting from PD?
All content is still free, nothing has changed in that regard... the game has always been about investing time to earn credits... same old same old continues.
There is now an "option" to use real $ to purchase content.

The problem is, depending on how popular the "option" to use real money gets, it could potentially be imposed upon everyone in the coming updates or even in future titles.
The problem is, depending on how popular the "option" to use real money gets, it could potentially be imposed upon everyone in the coming updates or even in future titles.
Yes... I would not want to see that.
Burdening/limiting/restricting those who have tight finances/more pressing obligations (teens, college students, families, retired... etc) would be unpopular with me too.
I think the current "option" works... but nickle and dimming "all" would be BS.
Many developers and publishers would have learnt their lesson about this feature.

You're saying that like all micro-transactions are equal, when they're not.

PD is offering a small short-cut that has no bearing on performance or how competitive you can be, and all content affected is readily available to all players with no additional money being handed over. There's many ways that they could have implemented this that would have been questionable - but they didn't take any of them. All micro-transactions are not the same. PD do know this and that's why they've kept the intrusion of this element of the game to a bare-minimum. People are berating Kaz for this, but honestly the way I see it, is that this implementation is so irrelevant, the only thing it can serve to do is to tick a box on a Sony corporate checklist.

Can anyone come up with some form of a transaction in the game that would have less impact that still offers a player something in return?

Also, FWIW, I support not being able to buy the 20 mil cars. Kaz's opinion seems to be these are hard earned... which I'm okay with... the fact that this is till the case despite micro-transactions is yet more evidence that this is neither a cash-grab or a pay-wall on PD's part.
People are berating Kaz for this, but honestly the way I see it, is that this implementation is so irrelevant, the only thing it can serve to do is to tick a box on a Sony corporate checklist.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it was stated that there would be none, rather than them being implemented. At that point, I think the flak towards Kaz is reasonable for the words he said yet again.

They're harmless to the game either way.
Also, FWIW, I support not being able to buy the 20 mil cars. Kaz's opinion seems to be these are hard earned... which I'm okay with... the fact that this is till the case despite micro-transactions is yet more evidence that this is neither a cash-grab or a pay-wall on PD's part.
Fully agreed (bet I shocked some with that)... I "personally" wish it were different, but understand and respect it.
Storm in a teacup. The MTX currently employed by PD has no malicious effect on the game whatsoever. Cars purchased with real life currency provide no edge in either casual nor competitive mode. Some people have in general a contemptuous relation to MTX across the board, which to some extent is understandable as certain games operate under imposed pay-to-win structures (I've always been leery of people with such repulsive affinity for pay-to-win). However GTS is no such game, don't be obtuse guys.
I personally think they did it in a decent way as some other games added transaction is a horrible way and destroyed the balance as a result such as Forza 7.

Can you be more specific? Why do you prefer this to forza 7s system? That seems really surprising.
Can you be more specific? Why do you prefer this to forza 7s system? That seems really surprising.
That's a question I'd like answered too. Because it literally makes no sense considering there's no microtransactions in Forza 7.
The problem is, depending on how popular the "option" to use real money gets, it could potentially be imposed upon everyone in the coming updates or even in future titles.
I’ll have to find it, but the infamous Rockstar is a good example. V’s micro transactions are so popular, it’s been reported they will likely carry it over into RDR2 in some form.

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick confirmed as much in a recent investor call. In the call, Zelnick claimed that microtransactions accounted for a whopping 42% of Take-Two’s “net bookings” in the past quarter, and so it’s no surprise that future games like Red Dead Redemption 2 will feature them.

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