Microtransactions Have Arrived in Gran Turismo Sport

If car models are updated then thats the very definition of new content.

...But it’s the same car

It may be new content to the game, but it isn’t really new to the franchise as a whole.
I always feel grateful to PD even back to GT5 because they tend to not commercialise things like Turn10.

eg, for FM6 I went all out and got the game VIP car packs and 2 x DLC and porsche and the final bill was... I dont want to know.

So far with GTS its just been the price of the main game. So this MTX thing for cars under $2 mil that I dont need isnt such a big deal.

I know it will garner big headlines though.

I'm unaware of those single use paints in GT5. I bought the collectors edition off a mate of mine for a case of beer and I didnt seem to miss out on anything, even the 1:43 Mercedes SLS.
This is the worst thing that ever happened in a GT game. Giving people the option to buy cars with microtransactions that you actually have already paid for.

I dont mind paying for DLC as in GT5 (I have every possible version of GT5 that has been sold from the signature edition to the normal version & I bought all DLCs as well for GT5 on 3 different psn accounts).

Same thing with GT6, I bought every possible edition there was - virtual and hardcopy.

But this is just utterly rediculous, paying a second time for cars that are already in the game is one step too far.
I encourage anyone and everyone on this site to avoid putting their money towards these MTCs. They may not be a big deal now but if enough people buy the cars, these MTCs will return in the next game and will probably be worse. This is just a suggestion. Ultimately, you can do whatever you want with your money. I just don't think these MTCs have any place being in the game.

I'm also perplexed as to why it was said that game wouldn't have microtransactions, only to have them introduced less than a year later.
What a blatant lie. Is this what it felt like to be lied to by Kaz all those years??
Or maybe use you head slightly. With the game released, more resources are open, meaning more people working on one car.

Unless those resources include time travel, the model development time shouldn't be massively different pre- and post-release (at least, not if the models are really blank-slate, from-the-ground-up projects). Yamauchi-san has went on record multiple times about the six-month time table for cars, and the shokunin approach of one artist. We covered it in 2014, and Yamauchi reiterated it at the GTS launch event in 2017.

We've seen a very quick rate of cars arrive in GT Sport since release — not only quicker than anything previously seen in the GT series, but practically any racing game. The vast majority of these models have been ones we've seen (in Premium form) in the PS3 era. Either those two facts are highly coincidental, or they're related.

If car models are updated then thats the very definition of new content.

Good to know. Does that definition apply to all games?

This is the worst thing that ever happened in a GT game. Giving people the option to buy cars with microtransactions that you actually have already paid for.

I dont mind paying for DLC as in GT5 (I have every possible version of GT5 that has been sold from the signature edition to the normal version & I bought all DLCs as well for GT5 on 3 different psn accounts).

Same thing with GT6, I bought every possible edition there was - virtual and hardcopy.

But this is just utterly rediculous, paying a second time for cars that are already in the game is one step too far.

Er, you're not paying a second time — unless you want to.

I'd also very much object to this being the worst thing to happen to a GT game. These are quite innocuous microtransaction price tags in the face of the credits in GT6. IIRC, a single Jag XJ13 would ring up as over $100 if someone were that insistent on spending cash for a car!
Gran Turismo: The rEAl Driving Simulator

New track: 19,99$
Livery for helmet and suit: 9,99$
Shot cars with hour character on the photo: 4,99$
7 cars sold separately: 4,99$ each one.
New microtransactions options: 49,99$
Its pretty funny how the same few posters try so desperately to undermine GTS. Meanwhile in reality GTS is on track on being the second best selling racing game of this generation, and is the most active racer online.
Gran Turismo Sport Crosses Five Million Players

Forza Horizon 3 crosses 9 million players on Xbox One and PC


5>9 :dunce:
This is the worst thing that ever happened in a GT game. Giving people the option to buy cars with microtransactions that you actually have already paid for.

I dont mind paying for DLC as in GT5 (I have every possible version of GT5 that has been sold from the signature edition to the normal version & I bought all DLCs as well for GT5 on 3 different psn accounts).

Same thing with GT6, I bought every possible edition there was - virtual and hardcopy.

But this is just utterly rediculous, paying a second time for cars that are already in the game is one step too far.
But... but... you dont have to! In fact if you do your kind of a fool. Like I agree they shouldnt really be there but your acting like PD is forcing you to pay money for these things. They arent.
Hmmmm... We should wait another year, to see the results again. BTW, with XBOX and PC it's not that huge the quantity of players.
Irrelevant information. He made a claim that pertains to now, it's not correct.

Regardless, it's statistics just being pointed out. It's not worth getting into an actual debate over when 3 Staff members are already making notions of his views, and likely won't let this thread turn into another vs. comparison.

BTW, I find it very odd how one can brag about the amount of free DLC GT Sport gives after this gem from when we were told GT would have no microtransactions.
With no microtransactions, DLC will be paid. I never understood those who thought they deserved free DLC when a lot of people work on it....people that could easily work on a new game for instance. So there needs to be some return.

Timeframe is important though. Many pubs tell their devs to hold back work to sell later as DLC. So I can understand from that view if people say it should be free. Anything after 3 months, imo, indicates work being put in for the DLC and so should be paid.

"I don't understand how one can expect free DLC, but I sure will gloat about it compared to other games".
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This is just a option to buy micro transaction, but this is for newer players who got the game because it’s $40 in US price tag. I would not recommend to my friends list on ps4 in this micro transaction to buy cars off the playStation store.
Alot of people are saying this. Im pretty sure the reason why they have the 2 million cutoff is so it dont cause this big "pay to win" controversy. Because think about it. If they allowed you to spend real money on the most expensive cars 2 things could/would happen.

People will not only scream its become pay to win, cause the people with the deepest pockets bought the most expensive cars, and 2 this will prevent PD going all rockstar by having future cars being so ridiculously expensive you pretty much have to spend real money to get them. Which again would have people in an uproar.

This is how im seeing why they made that decision anyway.
If they're gonna have microtransactions at all I think it should only be for cars that cost over 2 million.

Somehow I doubt this'll survive.
A year later, this is nothing. If it keeps people playing or brings people in this is fine. If you have been playing for a while you should have most of what you want. There is no I win button.
I don't think I will use mt. I don't see why it should matter eithe. This is just something to cry about. I suppose there are those people feel hurt that someone else didn't have to grind but the game is a year old get over it.
You should consider that we've got a lot of free content ever since the game released so it is only natural that they need some sort of external consistent income to continue to provide extra free content, I bet that offcial licenses for tracks and cars are not cheap.
I honestly thought they would bring payed DLC's at some point and leave microtransactions out but this way is actually better in my view has long as they do not overdo in every single car price moving forward.
One thing I request, PD please bring back championships and a cash reward associated with it.
This is like making donations to an indy game to place more content.
Difference is :
1- It's a AAA title.
2- You donate to us - we give you a free 2 million car ( metaphorically )
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I'm glad they have made this decision, it takes forever to get some of these great cars!
Here's a question if you can buy the cars now how many of you would like to see more tracks up for sale?
The GT Sport is great don't get me wrong but there are not enough tracks to keep it exciting, I'd rather pay $$ and get as many tracks as i can so i can enjoy the game to it's potential.
Anyone else agree??
People really dont understand. If the gran turismo franchise dont sell well why should it exist?? If you want it to exist then pay for it. To buy a car in game you can CHOOSE how to pay. GTSPORT sales not as big as the other titles by pd. Support this game or not its your choose not the stop whine and **** off. They need some extra money to keep the free Content or should we be forced to buy dlc car pack haha never mate. I let other people finance for the free content i rather farm that ****
This is about the most trivial way imaginable to implement micro-transactions and it comes off the back of another FREE update containing FREE cars, FREE tracks and FREE features.... and still people complain. It's entirely optional, offers little practical benefit, and yet people are petitioning it to be removed. The entitlement is strong!

People paid for the game already, If Kaz is going to say pre-launch "No microtransactions" then it should stay that way, aka Kaz is a liar.

If the car count started out somewhat abysmal PD only have themselves to blame, They could have easily ported the GT:6 premiums straight into sport and things would have been great but no, PD as always stupid decision after stupid decision, Maybe PD didn't get the memo about the kind of backlashes games have been getting for microtransactions and loot boxes.

The way I see it is this GT:Sport IS a competitive online game, Paying real money probably will be a sticking point for many people, The in-game economy was always crap I said this from the start, I don't get much time to play so surprise surprise its people like me that are PD's target market with this anti-consumer practice, But sadly for PD I won't be paying any extra real money I already bought the game.

Look at No man's sky, It just got a huge update which I now believe is the 3rd huge update for that game almost 2 years after its release, Are they adding microtransactions to supplement income? Nope not as far as I'm aware.
I don’t have that much time to play, so for the most part, I don’t have the money to buy the cars I want in game. That’s part of the reason why I don’t mind the MT’s, but considering Kaz did say that there wouldn’t be any MTs at all makes you wonder about this even being an issue if GTS had a half decent economy.
They could improve this, create a 2nd hand dealer where you can sell youre paid car for real money,and collect a fee over it. And while they at it, put some ultra rare only buy with real cash cars in it.and of course a race division where you can race eachother, and the winner gets the car of the other. Guess a pinkslip is how you call it?

Nah just joking, not for me this option, rather grind.
I don't mind micro transactions at all, especially as you can turn it off.

However, i really don't like that it reminds you every time you start the game and then takes you to the web posting, maybe this was an oversight, not sure.
I hope they streamline the buying process as you have to confirm again that you want to use in game credits, which should just be the default if you turned off the option showing MTX.

I also am aware of the regions of America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, but I have never been to "Purchased Items" off the coast of South Africa.

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