This or especially the teammate idea I really like. 👍
And I can tell you the faster half and slower half, although quite a few of them are basically indistinguishable.
I'm not sure if we could work something like that out so late in the game, but it's a neat idea that we should definitely do sometime. One could even take the results of this shootout, and use it to reform another one, on a different track in a different land. All hail psychosis, something terribly unforgiving.
I work 10-15 hours a day monday through thursday, the OP will be fixed up over the weekend. 👍
I'm still testing the difference between real and low grip. Low grip is actually significantly more accurate for testing cars than real is, so if it doesn't fudge anything up, I'm actually considering it.
The reason is quite simple: The driver can't get in the way as easily.
That can also be the case for driving aids, but SRF is a criminal offense, and those found guilty will be slaughtered by fire-breathing dragons.
TCS, ASM, etc are banned.
Driving line is fine.
Should ABS be banned?
Aero is probably allowed, though I'm thinking mandatory on some over-steering cars and banned from the rest is the simplest way for testing. Thoughts?
I'm strongly considering allowing testers to run either forward, backward, or both. Sounds just crazy enough to make everyone happy.