Mideast "peace"

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Originally posted by Talentless
Why you did, Mr. Nobel winner.

nah,.. those were just suggestions,.. you dont even wanna here about my map :lol: It's a pretty f'd up idea that we could never convert to,.... but genius all the same.
from dictionary.com

One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
A theory, especially in ethics or aesthetics, that conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them.
Originally posted by Talentless
from dictionary.com

One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
A theory, especially in ethics or aesthetics, that conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them.

I dont see a difference,... their both open-minded and neutral proposals.
The difference is with the specificity of the definitions and there common usage. Agnosticism is primarily about a neutral position on the validity of religion. Relativism is a broader term. Both are applicable, but I consider one to be more appropriate. I do not see them as being exactly synonymous. Frankly, I don't remember why I even said I'm not a relativist. Relativism is pretty much just saying, no one's wrong on just about anything.
The definition of agnosticism that is most understood is this one: "One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism." Which is why I don't like refering to myself as an agnostic. It implies there is some insecurity about the issue, like you're holding out for fear of death to admit you were wrong.

But then there is this one: "One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God." I like that one. It essentially cancels itself out. It is obviously not worth discussing. Nor is it "atheism". Atheists are funny because because they end up being the most devout "theists" of all, and are quite religious in their anti-godness. This doesn't help anything. They resent all the other "theists". Just more hate.
I dont mind following by example when it comes to general morals of Christianity,... GENERAL morals, like the golden rule,.... when I stop following and turn around is when the altimadiums are presented.
Name one religion that does not have as a tenate something similar to " thou shall not kill ".
People through history have killed and conquered for alot of reasons other than religion. In the mid east you have two people who wan't the same piece of land and hve fought over it for generations both just happen to try to use religion to acheive a means to an end or to justify their actions towards each other. Then there is this other problem of people generally hating others who are different ( IMO its fear that drvives the hate ).
You see it throughout history..the " your not like me so you must be my enemy so I have to kill you" rational of life ,that takes in all factors of culture ..including religion and often determines what culture ultimatly survives in any given region. We still have not come very far from survival of the fittest.
That pretty much sums up our histoty on the planet.
Originally posted by ledhed
Name one religion that does not have as a tenate something similar to " thou shall not kill ".

Yeah - that's one thing that really raises my hackles - I don't recall the 1st commandment containing any modifiers, like 'except for <insert opposing religion here>'. It really couldn't be clearer.
Originally posted by milefile
DGB and M5: You seem to think that in order for something to be attributed to Christianity the agents performing said acts must have been wearing T-shirts that said "In the name of Christ." During the time we're talking about, Christianity was more than just a vapid "religion" like it is now. .

No, I'm taking it strictly on Red Eye Racer's definition - they walked in with muskets drawn and bibles open saying 'convert or die.'
I've heard that the commandment is supposed to read 'Thou shalt not murder' or something like that.
Originally posted by M5Power

No, I'm taking it strictly on Red Eye Racer's definition - they walked in with muskets drawn and bibles open saying 'convert or die.' [/B]

As far as middle-southern America is concerned,.. yes,...

.....but dont forget about the chemical warfare that happened in North America. ;)
Originally posted by M5Power

No, I'm taking it strictly on Red Eye Racer's definition - they walked in with muskets drawn and bibles open saying 'convert or die.' [/B]

Well there's your problem right there.
That's true. To be right someone else has to be wrong. But it was more subtle than that, and more ingrained. These are things the average Christian (they all tend to be average) has no sense for.
Yeah, those morality narcs won't stop our right to indicisiveness and weakness of personal ethics.

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