Might be getting news stuff 12/17/2014

  • Thread starter JER_CREST
Imagine the disappointment if it was just a server maintenance.

If there was going to be an update, people would still find a way to complain, even if it was Spec 2.0.
I don't see why we can't still get a Spec 2.0 update with GT6, just not this month...

It seems that there's still a lot left to do with GT6, considering a few major planned features still haven't been added. And Kaz made comments about the course creator being "in beta" - it wouldn't make sense to say that to the public and then cancel it's release without a formal notification. I could see the either final few features being added in a "blowout"-style Spec 2.0 update, or after all of the previously-planned stuff gets in, Spec 2.0 will come in introducing all sorts of stuff outside of the promised-update content, similar to GT5. It doesn't necessarily have to fall under the anniversary month.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't it mentioned at the Ask Me Anything (or some other panel) at Playstation Experience that there was a decent amount of content still due for GT6, including a track or two? Or was all of the commentary relating to GT7?

I think a large batch of content and/or Spec 2.0 is still gonna happen, just not now, or perhaps a in few updates.
If I remember correctly, GT5s Spec 2.0 occurred around a year after the game is released. In the case of GT6, many people would expect this to be the case around about now, to follow up from GT5. But I do remember Kaz saying for GT5 that he wanted more time to complete the game, so that was probably why there were some many updates for GT5.
Feel free to correct me on any mistakes as this is the best I can remember right now.
If they are going to release a B-spec mode over the Course Creator, I will not be a happy panda. B-spec is near useless and Course Creator would be a Godsend for tons of GT gamers.

Sorry, but you cannot call something useless just because you do not use it. I find great use.
Yes, this is pretty much guaranteed due to a lack of quality Playstation racing game competition. Driveclub failed, Project Cars has caught the PD delay bug, and Forza is a Microsoft exclusive. If something comes along with comparable physics and cleans up the rough edges that have plagued GT5 and GT6, then PD will need to up their game to remain on top of the racing game podium.