Mission 34 - Mercedes Mclaren SLR at Nurburgring

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Okay, heres the story. Recently I got really interested in trying to beat GT4. I'm not close yet, but I have beaten all the missions exept this one. I just came within 2 seconds of the 300SL, and my heart is beating so fast my fingers keep missing the keys, and I sweat enough to fill up an average swimming pool. But I haven't beat it yet. I will update when I do.

1.8xx behind
*Sigh* Well, time for another go. *sigh*

9'12.946 Winning lap, even after more screw ups than usual.
Well I found this site searching for info on this mission.

Just beat the NTSC version by 2.5 sec in about 6 hours with a couple wallrides and grass cuts. Passed the last car on the inside of the last turn. I could probably do it without cheating, but w/e.

The nissan with the turbo upgrade is really fast, but only a 5 speed. I took it on the Ring after putting the turbo and supersofts on it and it makes me like gt4 again :) That SLR almost broke me.
After reading every post in here, trying #34 countless times, and swearing more than I've ever sworn at a GT task in my entire life, I can now say I beat NTSC Mission 34 on the DS2. By an astounding 0.029 seconds. It was dirty. Very dirty. but man was it sweet.

Thank all of you for all your words of encouragement and tips and techniques, videos, pics, and other miscellanious stories. I really couldn't have done it without you all.

If you're trying this mission, keep at it, stay calm, and just work at it. You'll get it too. It is possible.

Cheers all! :D
Yeeeeeeeeeees!!!! I did it!!! :cheers: Ok, I put active steering on for this mission, so the car won't spin, no matter how hard you do land mowing or pushing hard on bumby sections, it wasn't clean job, but I'm now M34 passer and i'm satisfied. ;)
Yeeeeeeeeeees!!!! I did it!!! :cheers: Ok, I put active steering on for this mission, so the car won't spin, no matter how hard you do land mowing or pushing hard on bumby sections, it wasn't clean job, but I'm now M34 passer and i'm satisfied. ;)

"Active steering?"
"Active steering?"

Yep, that's right, go check options -> controllers -> steering setup where you can swith force feedback strength, steering mode(amateur(I also temporally choosed this), pro, simulation) you'll find active steering option there. ;) Mine is PAL version, I'm not sure is there any differences NTSC or JPN versions.
Yeeeeeeeeeees!!!! I did it!!! :cheers: Ok, I put active steering on for this mission, so the car won't spin, no matter how hard you do land mowing or pushing hard on bumby sections, it wasn't clean job, but I'm now M34 passer and i'm satisfied. ;)

Way to go man! Feels great don't it?

That reminds me. I was on the DS2. :)
This test hurts. I got a 5:08 on Nurburgring with my Minolta but can't beat this thing, closest was 5 seconds. Its just painful b/c I know what to do but it is so hard to play by the rules that the SLR is placing on you. It wont let you drive it well.
Yep, that's right, go check options -> controllers -> steering setup where you can swith force feedback strength, steering mode(amateur(I also temporally choosed this), pro, simulation) you'll find active steering option there. ;) Mine is PAL version, I'm not sure is there any differences NTSC or JPN versions.

Never been to that screen. All I have is the DS2, so I never went anywhere that had a wheel icon.
Never been to that screen. All I have is the DS2, so I never went anywhere that had a wheel icon.

It should be under that "Steering" icon [Active Steering 1P] ON/OFF. I have Formula Force GP, it's PC wheel, but works fine also with PS2 because it uses USB port. I assume it's same as GT Force, but without PS2 pad buttons(XO/\[ ]), so I was able to turn GT Force Steering (1P) Simulation mode to Amateur that also gave me advantage. There might be differences in Steering Settings menu depending what controller you are using.
Its just painful b/c I know what to do but it is so hard to play by the rules that the SLR is placing on you. It wont let you drive it well.

Yep. I've beat this race about 6 times now (my best time at 9:12.174, but still not clean enough for me) and I still spin out or lose control on many attempts. It isn't easy, even after learning the car well enough to win. :crazy:

I just beat this mission yesterday.... Took some time but it was'nt all that bad. Just had to play it cool and concentrate, and came out with about half-a second left. :)

And the black f1, and r89c look great. :sly:
**WARNING!** Reading this post may cause a headache, therefore: "Read @ your own risk!"

I tried this only once and i can clearly say: I don't have the patient to even try it again, because i know it would take me at least a year to learn the track, another year to learn the handling of the car and another year to improve my driving on this track and another year to...:lol:
To me, these Missions are just an extention of the Licences. I managed to pass those, some just barely but,....the Missions are NOT my cup of tea 👎
We are not all.....born to race or ..perfect drivers or fast learners. :rolleyes:
Some can learn in a couple hours and some.... have better things to do for a couple hours :eek:
The only reason i've attempted to do the missions, it's because i'd like to get the Toyota '70 race car. I think all the cars in a game, should be available to buy! :grumpy:
Anyways, i have PS2, can someone please tell me where and how i can get a "Game Save" (with all the Missions, Licenses & Rally passed) and what exactly do i need & how to transfer it to PS2?? Please & Thank you in advance! 👍
There's saves all over - probably one on this site somewhere - but you need an XPort/Sharkport or MaxDrive to get it from internet to PS2.
I just did a sample video of how to cheat a bit at Mission 34 (used MT and DSC). I just ran the Mission once and didn't even practice it to get a fast time. Just a clean, easy run. I'm trying to optimize GT4 videos for YouTube so here's one of Mission 34 with more to come. I'm aiming for small file size and tolerable quality. It's a pity that YouTube processing screws up quality videos.

It's a fairly clear video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG8OyWdUOAw

One thing that seems weird. I was checking out various Mission 34 videos for quality and such. It looks like there is some difference on Mission 34 between the NTSC and PAL versions. The opponent staggering seems different somehow. Is the PAL version Mission 34 easier to win? Anyone notice this?

I just took an honest assessment of my skills at winning with race without cheating and truthfully I couldn't win without grasscutting. I lost by a couple of seconds. Oh, well, maybe just a little more practice, luck and a prayer or two. What's even worse, my hand naturally tries to cut grass although my head says don't.
wow, I had no idea you could cut grass at so many places. I only cheated three times in my pass

I know for sure you can cut grass or wallride in six different places. There might even be two more places. I only used four for my video run. I didn't want to make it seem too easy. That's what happens when one can't drive well enough. I had to find all the short cuts. Now, when you use all the shortcuts and still can't win, well, you might have real problem.
It looks like there is some difference on Mission 34 between the NTSC and PAL versions. The opponent staggering seems different somehow. Is the PAL version Mission 34 easier to win? Anyone notice this?

Apparently you haven't been looking at the early pages of this thread. It's pretty old news that the PAL version is about 12 seconds easier; the head start is 8 seconds less, and the 300SL's time is about 4 seconds slower.
Apparently you haven't been looking at the early pages of this thread. It's pretty old news that the PAL version is about 12 seconds easier; the head start is 8 seconds less, and the 300SL's time is about 4 seconds slower.

Yes SirBerra, look in the first 10 pages of this thread and you'll find more info on PAL and NTCS differences.

Closest I came to actually winning was with a 6.xx second split at the finish. I've actually gotten as close as a 3 second split, but the run with the 6 sec split was marred by two 5 second penalties. One was my fault where I rear ended second place during a chicane, then as we both recovered, that car cut me off in such a way that the side of its car touched the front of mine less than a second after my penalty was lifted, adding another 5 seconds of slowdom. Yay me, and yay for PD making us endure this 123 second wait. I'm sure I'm not alone is feeling that it's not the 123 second head start that kills this mission, it's the 123 second sit.
I just did a sample video of how to cheat a bit at Mission 34 (used MT and DSC). I just ran the Mission once and didn't even practice it to get a fast time. Just a clean, easy run. I'm trying to optimize GT4 videos for YouTube so here's one of Mission 34 with more to come. I'm aiming for small file size and tolerable quality. It's a pity that YouTube processing screws up quality videos.

It's a fairly clear video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG8OyWdUOAw

Wow, how can you drive properly using that view?!?!

I find that the rear hover view in GT3 & 4 (mainly 4) sucks big time. I'm now accustomed to the bonnet view with the analogue gauges.

(sorry for off topic-ness)
Wow, how can you drive properly using that view?!?!

I find that the rear hover view in GT3 & 4 (mainly 4) sucks big time. I'm now accustomed to the bonnet view with the analogue gauges.

(sorry for off topic-ness)

he wasn't driving in that view, it was the replay.