Mission 34 - Mercedes Mclaren SLR at Nurburgring

  • Thread starter Swift
T1 +1'50.089
T2 +1'41.159
T3 +1'32.752
T4 +1'19.887
T5 +1'08.307
T6 + 56.224
T7 + 41.397
T8 + 33.107
T9 + 26.711
T10 + 12.951
T11 + 4.366
Final -1.904

I try'd using the spilts and found they are way dif to my times, was this the ntsc, because my first split is 1'43-45 sec then the next is 1-2secs better
but i then find the between your 1'19 and 1'08 i get mid teens and a '10
and so far i havent even seen another car let alone over taken, even on a good run i see my times are way off so i push and mess up
'Pal splits please...

how dopey, i just found that if you use 2/3rds braking not full you stop better:dopey:
YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY WON THIS STUPID RACE!!!!!! now i can get 100% buhahahhaa hours + hours = - 0.2 at the finish line

Good luck on all who are still pulling there hair out and drinking lots of mountain dew
Well, this is my very last mission. I attempted it a few nights ago and came within 2 sec. of the 300 SL (if I had PAL version, I'd be done! Oh well...) I think the only thing that's screwing me up now, is trying to quickly get around the 4th place car. I usually pass him going downhill, but that's only because the road is pretty narrow right there and I have to brake a bit to make sure I don't hit him and get a penalty. Aah, now I feel like giving it another go or two...I'll post again when I pass it, or just to tell you all my new problems.
God, this mission was brutal. But, then again, who would have though it wouldn't be? It's the last mission, anyway. My advice though is to take those splits from one of the above posters and also if you happen to not make those times, if you can still see the 300SL at the end of the race, you're in good shape. I had to play aggressive and so when we got towards the third to last turn I rammed into him at about 200-ish MPH because that was my best shot, or rather only chance. Also, even though I got a penalty, if you can still win the race you're okay.
Aah...the agony. During my last series of attempts (which was 2 wks. in-game time, not including times when I clicked retry) I missed him - by .010 !!! :grumpy::banghead:🤬

Oh well, at least I know I have any chance of getting it done now. I've thought about ramming into him, but that hill of grass would kill my momentum, make me miss and hit the pit-entry armco. I've seen him go around the last corner, but I fear I'll miss.
WOO-HOO!! I finally passed it around noon. Aaah, the glory. The freedom from worrying that I'd never pass this mission and that it'd be the last thing I've to do in GT4 is all over. Yes! And the best part is, I did it all cleanly (don't remember if I went on the grass a few times, but I didn't have to smash into the 300SL). It came down to drag, as I only beat him by .435. :D
I took a break from this misson and will start trying it again soon... I've been working on other parts of the game... with any luck, this mission will be toast in a week or so... gotta alow some time to get used to the track and the car again!

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, broken down into 4 parts, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.





-Drive very, very fast for 13 miles.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
I cannot believe that I just passed this mission...I won by 0.8 seconds.

I passed the SL65 at the first yellow marker (the left-most one) on kylehnat's part 3 map.

What I can't grasp is the fact I only needed 8 attempts (PAL), or that Tsukuba Wet Hard in the SC hall took 8 also :D

Now I have a lovely R89C in my garage, and "Mission Clear" on all the missions :)
I went thru most of this thread but didn't find an answer so.....

I bought the SLR & put on a set of hard sport tires so I could practice & learn the track, the problem is the car in the mission handles nothing like my practice car.
The stock car is no race car but the one in the mission is a Fu(%!N pig!
I'll practice for a couple of hours & go try the mission & I'm all over the place.
What settings do I need to put on my practice car to make it handle as poorly as the one in the mission??
ISSAAAAAAAAAA Just did it!!!!
Now i understand it was the best way to "LEARN" Nurbugring
As a matter of fact practing with a similar car didn't helped me much
What really worked was taking a day off at work and sending may WIFE and KID to spend a day at the zoo. So i had 10 hours with peace enough to concentrate.
One thing the other tell that's true.When you finish this mission you'll see thats so much easier than you thought

It's not as easy as you think MICHEALSHCUMACH, I did it, I still dont think its easy...
didn't realize there was diff between PAL and NTSC versions, got them both... beat the PAL version a year ago when it first came out in Asia, and beat the NTSC version couple weeks ago; both times took at least 40 trials, and the waiting was frigging painful! hope they'll do a flying start instead of waiting in GT5 missions.

requires absolutely NO MISTAKE AT ALL and some luck too. my race time was 9'12.326
I allways got 20-25 sec too slow time and I never passed even SL 65 AMG, so I give up. Mission 34 seemst to meant only for some freaks, whose don't have much other activities at free time than gaming, especially GT, maybe GT4's idea is to give something and enough challenges for everyone, luckily passing that mission isn't anykind of condition to access eg. all normal races, completing rest of the game. I've tried mission 34 only because that Nissan R89(?)CP, to get some car that's competitive in GTWC, now I just need to gather 5% more game progress to access endurances and those prices.
Mission 34 seemst to meant only for some freaks, whose don't have much other activities at free time than gaming

Y'know, just because you can't do it, doesn't mean you should go calling people who can do it and have put enough practice in to pass it freaks who have too much time on their hands and no social life.

We M34 Passers just had enough patience and determination and that bit of skill required to beat it, doesn't mean we don't have lives.
Y'know, just because you can't do it, doesn't mean you should go calling people who can do it and have put enough practice in to pass it freaks who have too much time on their hands and no social life.

We M34 Passers just had enough patience and determination and that bit of skill required to beat it, doesn't mean we don't have lives.

I second that, I'm working 8.30 to 17.00 and after that my wife's working and my role is being daddy untill 20.30. So you can see my gaming time is very very limited.

Still, I want to share my M34 strategy, I tried the mission once, being 25 seconds to slow I decided to look here, after reading this thread (completely - it was worth it) I decided my strategy would be to buy the Merc (which hurts, not being a Mercedes lover :sly: ) and run the Nurburgring 4 hour endurance. My laptimes dropped from 7.29-ish to 7.10-ish so I decided to have a go at M34 again.

So far I spent a little over 4 hours (spread over 2 days) yesterday my 5th run was the one, the first four I used to decide on the overtaking points. Because of my practicerace I rocket through the first half of the ring, I managed to overtake the #5 Merc way before the Karrusel, on the fast uphill section get him in sight only one corner after the start of this section. I stay behind him until the left corner where you have to break, he breaks harder so there you go.

After reading here that most of you say you have to overtake him at the karrusel I knew I was fast enough, so I take it easy through the much tougher second half. I still overtake the 190 directly after the right turn onto the final straight. Taking it easy through the left bend under the bridge so I don't ram #2 and take on the sl in a sprint from the last corner.

This strategy doesn't result in a real fast time, maybe I'll try to drive the second half like a maniac later on so I can change the overtaking points and get a real fast time!

So far I'm just happy having all missions cleared!
GRRRR. This mission is driving me crazy. This has got to be the WORST CAR ive ever driven. My168 HP Honda Beat version F can beat this Mercedes.
I'd rather do GT4 all over without the last mission than do this last mission.
Beat the 300SL by 1.3xx seconds a couple weeks back. Took many many tries...

What I found hardest was figuring out corner speeds. Since you only use 4 gears for 200+ miles per hour, having the little red recommended gear number didn't help much (since 2nd gear is like 70-120 or something like that, etc.). It mostly boiled down to using only that car for a couple days to get used to its handling and braking characteristics, and retrying until each corner's best line and speed was completely memorized.
I am new to this forum and am 99.8% done (ntsc version) and just need to finish this mission. I was wondering if cars go faster in gt4 with manual transmission. If somebody could answer me I would really appreciate it.
Since the gearing in the SLR is very wide (I never even make it past 4th gear), using an auto-tranny could cost you dearly if it selects the wrong gear, or shifts when you don't want it to. I'm sure it can be done with an automatic transmission, but most people here would advocate using the manual gearbox.
I finally beat it. I cheated very badly though. I got two penalties and still barely won. That is how bad I cheated. I tried forever doing it clean and I could not get any closer then 5 secs. (ntsc version). If I ever get a dfp I will try again without cheating. I would like to thank everyone who gave advice on this forum.
I dont get why you only get up to 4th gear in the slr mclaren. It is only rated at 207 and you can get well over 200 in fourth in gt4. also in real life this car is only availible with at, which kind of sucks for a supercar.
Unfortunately, I have yet to beat this mission myself and find it easier to do it in AT not MT. I'm not a fan of MT because I'm used to driving my racing with AT so since that, I never pay attention to the game when driving with MT causing me to lose my precious seconds and minutes sometimes.

I'm still going to keep at it until this dang darn mission is beaten on my game once and for all ( NTSC-NA Version )
I dont get why you only get up to 4th gear in the slr mclaren. It is only rated at 207 and you can get well over 200 in fourth in gt4. also in real life this car is only availible with at, which kind of sucks for a supercar.

But it doesn't hit the redline, so it doesn't shift automatically.
Since the gearing in the SLR is very wide (I never even make it past 4th gear), using an auto-tranny could cost you dearly if it selects the wrong gear, or shifts when you don't want it to. I'm sure it can be done with an automatic transmission, but most people here would advocate using the manual gearbox.

Eh, didn't cause me too many problems, did it cleanly too.
Y'know, just because you can't do it, doesn't mean you should go calling people who can do it and have put enough practice in to pass it freaks who have too much time on their hands and no social life.

We M34 Passers just had enough patience and determination and that bit of skill required to beat it, doesn't mean we don't have lives.

I'm sorry about that comment up there, I just got too pissed off with M34... Lately I found some way to make progress (-> passed) with some other missions that may help me with M34, so maybe someday...