Y'know, just because you can't do it, doesn't mean you should go calling people who can do it and have put enough practice in to pass it freaks who have too much time on their hands and no social life.
We M34 Passers just had enough patience and determination and that bit of skill required to beat it, doesn't mean we don't have lives.
I second that, I'm working 8.30 to 17.00 and after that my wife's working and my role is being daddy untill 20.30. So you can see my gaming time is very very limited.
Still, I want to share my M34 strategy, I tried the mission once, being 25 seconds to slow I decided to look here, after reading this thread (completely - it was worth it) I decided my strategy would be to buy the Merc (which hurts, not being a Mercedes lover

) and run the Nurburgring 4 hour endurance. My laptimes dropped from 7.29-ish to 7.10-ish so I decided to have a go at M34 again.
So far I spent a little over 4 hours (spread over 2 days) yesterday my 5th run was the one, the first four I used to decide on the overtaking points. Because of my practicerace I rocket through the first half of the ring, I managed to overtake the #5 Merc way before the Karrusel, on the fast uphill section get him in sight only one corner after the start of this section. I stay behind him until the left corner where you have to break, he breaks harder so there you go.
After reading here that most of you say you have to overtake him at the karrusel I knew I was fast enough, so I take it easy through the much tougher second half. I still overtake the 190 directly after the right turn onto the final straight. Taking it easy through the left bend under the bridge so I don't ram #2 and take on the sl in a sprint from the last corner.
This strategy doesn't result in a real fast time, maybe I'll try to drive the second half like a maniac later on so I can change the overtaking points and get a real fast time!
So far I'm just happy having all missions cleared!