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  • Thread starter STALLIONO

If Mugello, isn't in release. pick one Track.

  • Zolder

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Hockenheim GP

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Ok I'm just ignoring a certain few In here from now on, great race tonight even with the mistakes had some great battles. My vote for pro is to keep traction off.
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Tcs and abs was voted on a while back. You Pros are Complaining. Someone from the Pro Tier. Please stand up, go to your Computer. Go to please make a poll for your Assists for your Lobby. @fortbo we agreed a long time ago, that everyone will be using Tcs and Abs in all Tiers. So yeah Pros, please start your own pm chat. Make a poll for what assists you can use. Stop spamming the Topic with your Bs and arguing back and forth please. It's your Lobby.
Tcs and abs was voted on a while back. You Pros are Complaining. Someone from the Pro Tier. Please stand up, go to your Computer. Go to please make a poll for your Assists for your Lobby. @fortbo we agreed a long time ago, that everyone will be using Tcs and Abs in all Tiers. So yeah Pros, please start your own pm chat. Make a poll for what assists you can use. Stop spamming the Topic with your Bs and arguing back and forth please. It's your Lobby.
See my last post.
Tcs and abs was voted on a while back. You Pros are Complaining. we agreed a long time ago, that everyone will be using Tcs and Abs in all Tiers.

What's the point of a poll when it's all agreed on, like you just said.
The poll should have been done 4 weeks ago, not after the first race.
See my last post.

We had a poll a while back about tcs and abs. The poll was to have both on in each Tier. Like i said you Pros make your own poll for those Assists. It's your Lobby. I can not say. Okay Pros, TCS is off. You guys need to vote. Just the pros vote

@Rexuz the Pros want certain Assists off. Let them vote. Those 2 are still off for Semi and Am
We had a poll a while back about tcs and abs. The poll was to have both on in each Tier. Like i said you Pros make your own poll for those Assists. It's your Lobby. I can not say. Okay Pros, TCS is off. You guys need to vote. Just the pros vote
I agree with you... @Terronium-12 please sort this thread out and delete all the unnecessary posts. It's gotten bad.
Tcs and abs was voted on a while back. You Pros are Complaining. Someone from the Pro Tier. Please stand up, go to your Computer. Go to please make a poll for your Assists for your Lobby. @fortbo we agreed a long time ago, that everyone will be using Tcs and Abs in all Tiers. So yeah Pros, please start your own pm chat. Make a poll for what assists you can use. Stop spamming the Topic with your Bs and arguing back and forth please. It's your Lobby.
Thats what a good leader goes
@Rexuz it wasn't me by the way on the first corner I was just the benefactor. Im pretty sure I know about was but I doñt have names on the replay. Ill prob double press the share button for the start of the next race so I can get the first few laps recorded from my perspective
I'm driving in the PRO tier and IMO we should run the league without assists. I don't see the point to allow TC or ABS when we are meant to be the fastest tier in that series, and tbh running with TC on or ABS is so easy, it's so boring and no motivating while driving as its like gas brake, turn the wheel and you don't have to worry about anything else. I vote for realistic assist, ABS and TC OFF without doubt. Can't understand why do we need the ABS to race when we are in theory the "fastest and skilled" Tier.
I said I have no problem with TCS on.

@STALLIONO You said it perfectly, it was voted to be the same assists for all lobbies and that was to set them to real. So why should we vote on it again? The "pro" tier doesn't need special catering. We are the same people as everyone else.

You all where complaining. Make a poll to decide your Assists You Pros can have whatever Assists you all want on or off.
I'm driving in the PRO tier and IMO we should run the league without assists. I don't see the point to allow TC or ABS when we are meant to be the fastest tier in that series, and tbh running with TC on or ABS is so easy, it's so boring and no motivating while driving as its like gas brake, turn the wheel and you don't have to worry about anything else. I vote for realistic assist, ABS and TC OFF without doubt. Can't understand why do we need the ABS to race when we are in theory the "fastest and skilled" Tier.
This is exactly my point but I get called arrogant, and asked to join a different league, I want to feel like I'm driving on the edge, knowing 1 mistake will punish me like it did today, with tc on it really is to easy you just floor it and TC sorts it all out no skill involved.

A poll will have to be done on psn with just the pro drivers nobody else, so everyone gets chance to vote. As some do not visit this site often to make there vote count.
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A poll will have to be done on psn with just the pro drivers nobody else, so everyone gets chance to vote. As some do not visit this site often to make there vote count.

Yes kie, please get this taken care of. You guys are the Pros. Race with what you want.
This is exactly my point but I get called arrogant, and asked to join a different league, I want to feel like I'm driving on the edge, knowing 1 mistake will punish me like it did today, with tc on it really is to easy you just floor it and TC sorts it all out no skill involved.

Yes, but why come to that conclusion 5 min before the first race of the season and not 4 weeks ago?
You had all the time in the world to make a poll regarding changing the already agreed rules.

Your stupidity have already made people in the league quit tonight.
Yes, but why come to that conclusion 5 min before the first race of the season and not 4 weeks ago?
You had all the time in the world to make a poll regarding changing the already agreed rules.

Your stupidity have already made people in the league quit tonight.
Exactly, there was no discussion on it, it's not our fault you didn't bother to check the rules. Ignorance isn't an excuse, the rules were there in clear writing and you didn't follow them, in any other situation where someone had broken the rules a punishment or penalty would be handed out.
Yes, but why come to that conclusion 5 min before the first race of the season and not 4 weeks ago?
You had all the time in the world to make a poll regarding changing the already agreed rules.

Your stupidity have already made people in the league quit tonight.
I joined after this vote as I was not aware when I got asked to join Zak said tc was banned along with stability, Zak wouldn't lie he must have thought these were the rules, if I knew tc was on I probably wouldn't have joined as it's not my thing. Plus why would you do a vote before the pro drivers were confirmed. This is only for pro so only pro should be involved with any vote.
Exactly, there was no discussion on it, it's not our fault you didn't bother to check the rules. Ignorance isn't an excuse, the rules were there in clear writing and you didn't follow them, in any other situation where someone had broken the rules a punishment or penalty would be handed out.
I wasn't host so why would I get a penalty? I didn't create the room.

Just stop with the "we're the best so we don't need assists." If that's what you really think, please start your own racing career and leave sims to pathetic TCS using peasants.
Another constructive comment nice.
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I don't get why others should be penalized just because @Zakspeed_TV (and more) didn't have the time to read the rules before the season? Everyone else did and now they get a penalty for it.

@kie25 Well then obviously Zak told you the wrong rules didn't he? How is that everyone else's problem?

If Toto Wolff tells both Hamilton and Rosberg that they can cut the monaco chicane every lap they can't start a poll after the race that they won, and say, hey Toto told us it was ok to cut the chicane, so that's what the rules should be.
This is exactly my point but I get called arrogant, and asked to join a different league, I want to feel like I'm driving on the edge, knowing 1 mistake will punish me like it did today, with tc on it really is to easy you just floor it and TC sorts it all out no skill involved.

Agree. For me theres no motivation into running WITH assists. I can understand people who start playing racing games or stuff like that. However in order you play more and more game and you start to be fast and getting more skilled the first thing you do, at least me, is to rid off assists. I race on Apex and Pro tier is without assists and I haven't seen no one complaining yet so.. What's going on
Another constructive comment nice.
I won't continue the debate with you if you can answer one question? Why do you think we should not use assists if these cars use assists in real life while being driven by world class factory drivers.

@NervoTank Obviously everyone on Apex has the same elitist we're the best attitude.
I joined after this vote as I was not aware when I got asked to join Zak said tc was banned along with stability, Zak wouldn't lie he must have thought these were the rules, if I knew tc was on I probably wouldn't have joined as it's not my thing. Plus why would you do a vote before the pro drivers were confirmed. This is only for pro so only pro should be involved with any vote.
Usually it's helpful to create the rules before people sign up rather than afterwards, that way people know what they are getting into and they can't complain about the rules after they join (and this series is proof of that lol).

The poll came about because there was confusion on whether or not assists would be FORCED, and not just allowed. As far as I'm aware we decided that real assists would be the assist settings for all tier lobbies. Like I said it was in the OP and it's been there for ages, surely when you joined the series you would have read the rules and if there was anything conflicting with what you were told you would double checked in the thread. If you had double checked this could have been sorted out before the race rather than after it.

I wasn't host so why would I get a penalty? I didn't create the room.
I didn't specifically mean you, I meant whoever the host/whoever told them to turn TCS off.
Just stop with the "we're the best so we don't need assists." If that's what you really think, please start your own racing career and leave sims to pathetic TCS using peasants.

I'm not saying we are the best, what I'm saying is that we are meant to be "the fastest and skilled tier" and consequently as pro drivers everyone should run with no assists. What's the point into running with assist in the highest tier?
I race on Apex and Pro tier is without assists and I haven't seen no one complaining yet so.. What's going on

If I host their next race lobby and without saying put all assists ON. Do you think they will be complaining after the race?
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