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  • Thread starter STALLIONO

If Mugello, isn't in release. pick one Track.

  • Zolder

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Hockenheim GP

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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People in this Series don't respect whats final. They complain till they get what they want. I'm sorry we made a poll about Assists weeks ago. If you all where too Lazy to Read the 1st Page. Don't make excuses about the Assists. I think you ALL should respect what the 1st page states. The assists will be used. You can have them on in the Lobby. You as the Driver can have them off in your settings
So are we not having a vote? Are people allowed to have TC on in pro? As the way I read this comment is that there will be no vote even though it was said there will be a vote?
No that's crazy, you might as well say that if someone with you're pace deci

I'm going no where, I respected you enough to read the rules properly and this is what I signed up for, can't help it others didn't show the same basic courtesy. If the rules are changed and my pro driver decides to quit, I am going with him.

No Answers.. Don't see why you guys complain now about Assists. Show you don't read the rules. This Series in Writing. You guys really need to read. What Assists your pro want
No that's crazy, you might as well say that if someone with you're pace decided that they wanted to race with assists on they should sandbag and get into the amateur tier. You did not CHOOSE to get into the pro tier, you qualified for the series and were fast enough to get to the top tier.

Like we've been saying constantly now, the rules have been set for ages, why the hell didn't you read them properly when you joined?! If you have suddenly come to the conclusion that the rules do not suit you, then please look elsewhere for your driving enjoyment in one of the many other series available.

Man, all my posts were referring to Apex league, not that one. You have confused there. Wasn't meant the GTPlanet league btw
So are we not having a vote? Are people allowed to have TC on in pro? As the way I read this comment is that there will be no vote even though it was said there will be a vote?

You guys are really killing the Series start. You all are confusing me. From what saw. Pros have already quit. All this work and time. What a waste of my time now.
Okay guys, if you feel it's a joke please just quit. I'm seconds for having this topic locked. You people complain like littke kids
Are you kidding !! just hours ago you where ranting like a mad man looking to put somebodies head on a platter, know that you have your head everything is good . Everyone just fight it out on your own . If it doesnt benifit YOU , you dont care. Thats leadership for you.
What? I was agreeing with you, my pro driver wants real assists available because that's what it says on the front page.

Are you kidding !! just hours ago you where ranting like a mad man looking to put somebodies head on a platter, know that you have your head everything is good . Everyone just fight it out on your own . If it doesnt benifit YOU , you dont care. Thats leadership for you.

After the Bs about the Assists. I doubt the Pro Lobby will have anyone.
OK let's get ready to rock and roll :). Remember one thing this is a series and promotions and relegations at the end of the season. All is not lost on the first race in sure everyone will have ups and down through out the season. Should be fun :)

Been 4 weeks + in the making. I think we can get the teething problems sorted within time. Let's not just quit on it now.
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Hey guys and gals just my 2 cents but you should really think about rolling starts the lag with a full grid is killer. Every standing start i have done with a full grid is a pile up (some get the green some dont ) not anybodys fault. If you watch the pro's (genetmens racing ) they always use a roling start because of the lag issues
This a very good idea, If your want to keep the standing start, wait till the online bugs and such are addressed.
Tomorrow @xkubunt and i are going to hold a psn party chat. Discuss the Assists for the Pro tier. Quitting is a cop out in my eyes. Just because something doesn't go your way. The rules where there for weeks. If you didn't like the rules you should have pulled out of the series. Not complain when road america was finished.
Ah good point :( your qualifying laps were mental though! I thought you'd be charging down on me really early into the race.

@FIL140 you all good mate? Didn't see you online and couldn't get you in the race.
Yeh thanks @xkubunt ive explained Om psn bruv
No i would never of agreed that for PRO, PRO is ABS only.
Erm pro should be more realistic, no? Gt3 has abs and tc. And what do you mean, you would have never agreed, its the rules mate, you dont agree, you abide! Simple.
Just do as I do Beth :)

Your really need to help. Thanks all, for the bs everyone has caused. Get the teams ready and you guys blow up. Non series racers really need to keep their comments to themselves. Well guys the complaining and not reading the rules has caused nothing but Drama. I did nothing wrong here.

If people are going to leave please let me know. Wish something can get worked out here. It's a video game. We all love to Race. No need for all of this. I really have no clue now. I wish you all can forget about the mess from earlier. Move on
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AM Driver - After RA finished here is what I saw:

- Penalties during starting point and no one interested on investigations;
- A lot of risky manouvers during race. GTP OLR?!;
- Last minute rule changes;
- Untrue Tier Division since T3 / AM is not even close of what this document shows (10+ paired drivers);
- Non league drivers ramming around. A great idea BTW! (no brain involved 4 sure);
- Rage quit;
- Non construtive opinions/ideas posted to build a better league (not even close to that after reading last few pages);
- Bragging: I'm better, I'm faster, I'm famous, I'm skilled, I'm honest, I'm the funny one, check my meme… and so on;

We all should be here to build something that could bring us some fun and make new friends.
Thats not what I'm seeing here at this moment. You all should get a shower and get you s*** together. (IK my english sucks)

My idea to contribute: Rolling start like TGC does. First lap formation and race starts at lap #2.
And please, be ******* polite, you're not going to win any ******* race at first corner. Even more if came from back end of grid.
Get real! Wait! Take it easy at first few laps.

BTW: The first 3 picked tracks is a recipe for desaster.
You should pick wider/easier tracks for a series begining, so after a few races the drivers know each other driver style. I'm just trying to figure the 16 AM drivers at Monza 1st chicane, not to mention the narrow LSeca.
I think your getting to big for your boots

Finally did we ever agree on real aids for all? NO because that would of never slip me

It sucks to be wrong and not be able to admit your wrong, so you backpedal.

Well for starters you said that anyone who uses TCS is pathetic.

Oh ffs I already said I was joking!

Zak says I'm getting too big for my boots but I don't see why he should get any more say on the matter than me? I'm just looking out for my teammate and this isn't what he agreed to.

Your not in PRO that's why
Ok ive just caught up on all this and i want to say one thing in particular, to all of you super fast pro drivers, if you have been setting all your amazing laps with tc off, you are dirty rotten stinking cheats! These cars are a lot faster and easier to drive without tc, i know it, you know it, its just about practice and throttle modulation, yeah! I do know my motorsports! Please @Zakspeed_TV argue this point with me? Ive been stuck with cruddy tc, COS ITS THE RULES! not cos its easier! You are fast on track but maybe a bit slow off track, @ozwheels you are %100 correct, if pro has no tc then i dont want tc in am, its only fair that if we are throwing reality out of the window that we should do it fully, its bad enough that we cant have pits(not our fault) and this dictates that we cant have failures but if you pick and choose assists? Come on! Are these arrogant guys really saying that they know better than the FIA....?
AM Driver - After RA finished here is what I saw:

- Penalties during starting point and no one interested on investigations;
- A lot of risky manouvers during race. GTP OLR?!;
- Last minute rule changes;
- Untrue Tier Division since T3 / AM is not even close of what this document shows (10+ paired drivers);
- Non league drivers ramming around. A great idea BTW! (no brain involved 4 sure);
- Rage quit;
- Non construtive opinions/ideas posted to build a better league (not even close to that after reading last few pages);
- Bragging: I'm better, I'm faster, I'm famous, I'm skilled, I'm honest, I'm the funny one, check my meme… and so on;

We all should be here to build something that could bring us some fun and make new friends.
Thats not what I'm seeing here at this moment. You all should get a shower and get you s*** together. (IK my english sucks)

My idea to contribute: Rolling start like TGC does. First lap formation and race starts at lap #2.
And please, be ******* polite, you're not going to win any ******* race at first corner. Even more if came from back end of grid.
Get real! Wait! Take it easy at first few laps.

BTW: The first 3 picked tracks is a recipe for desaster.
You should pick wider/easier tracks for a series begining, so after a few races the drivers know each other driver style. I'm just trying to figure the 16 AM drivers at Monza 1st chicane, not to mention the narrow LSeca.

Wow! Forget about hiw good or bad your english is, we should all read thus and then step back.thus is a very clever and well thought out comment brother. A++++
Ok ive just caught up on all this and i want to say one thing in particular, to all of you super fast pro drivers, if you have been setting all your amazing laps with tc off, you are dirty rotten stinking cheats! These cars are a lot faster and easier to drive without tc, i know it, you know it, its just about practice and throttle modulation, yeah! I do know my motorsports! Please @Zakspeed_TV argue this point with me? Ive been stuck with cruddy tc, COS ITS THE RULES! not cos its easier! You are fast on track but maybe a bit slow off track, @ozwheels you are %100 correct, if pro has no tc then i dont want tc in am, its only fair that if we are throwing reality out of the window that we should do it fully, its bad enough that we cant have pits(not our fault) and this dictates that we cant have failures but if you pick and choose assists? Come on! Are these arrogant guys really saying that they know better than the FIA....?
That's what I've been trying to say, but, I'm new here. This should have been sorted out a while ago. It's quite pathetic actually. I came here expecting a somewhat professionally ran league like I was trying to do, and I am truly disappointed. This is horrible, and its not just one person's fault.
I just want to repeat something that i said back in march/april,
We joined this with the understanding that the rules were to be read and checked on page1 for changes and updates.
We joined this series with the understanding and agreement that we would follow @STALLIONO 's rules.
We joined this series as a regulated series and not as a democracy.
My only real critisism is that @STALLIONO needs to look at everybodies complaints and take fair and justified actions and not act only when it affects him or someone he thinks is important.
Read @STALLIONO 's rules, agree or leave no matter how fast or slow or loud or funny you are, none of us are bigger than the series except @STALLIONO himself and if we really dont like him or his rules....we leave.
@FIL140 @xkubunt you 2 i would like in the Party Chat Tomorrow. @fortbo sorry you cane in to this. The Assists where set in Stone weeks ago. I just don't understand why some waited till now to complain. Possibly mess up a Series that could have been fun. You guys should've went to the 1st page and saw the Assists. Not fair to throw all of this out now. Again sorry @fortbo those Assists where voted on Weeks ago. I wish this non sense would blow over and everyone worry about next week. Right now i have no clue what next week holds.
Can someone show me this vote or proof that real aids would be set for all tiers, because like i said that wouldn't of played with me and i wouldn't have invited others knowing this.

@STALLIONO nothing hear is set in stone, if it was we wouldn't be having this problem now, the rules change day by day.

Anyway i had a great race last night and was looking forward to some epic racing, but maybe the series isn't for me.
@Goruk Well raced mate 👍
I did told skanky that the rules were real assists by psn messages, it was already set several weeks ago.

I have absolutly no problems running whatever setting BUT we should keep it the way we agreed upon and not changing the rules 5 minutes before the 1st race.

If you want a change zak you should ask for it.

TC is a bitch and everybody should deal with it as i :banghead: did during weeks. I even never ever run without it since it was in the rules.

Also something funny happened to me yesterday. I was 7th with allgunner behind but 2 cars where lapping me and algunner was with them so i let them pass clean... and loose a position to al cause of this. It was so frustrating but so good to have that feeling of being on a track with crazy good setups in front several seconds faster
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Also something funny happened to me yesterday. I was 7th with allgunner behind but 2 cars where lapping me and algunner was with them so i let them pass clean... and loose a position to al cause of this. It was so frustrating but so good to have that feeling of being on a track with crazy good setups in front several seconds faster
I felt a bit guilty taking advantage of that.
Edit: double post SORRY
People in this Series don't respect whats final. They complain till they get what they want. I'm sorry we made a poll about Assists weeks ago. If you all where too Lazy to Read the 1st Page. Don't make excuses about the Assists. I think you ALL should respect what the 1st page states. The assists will be used. You can have them on in the Lobby. You as the Driver can have them off in your settings

People don't respect the rules because you (as host) do not enforce them or keep things final.

This thread has been going for long enough for everything to have been decided by now, there has been quali sessions and practice races so how can rules still be up in the air?

I don't envy you as I can imagine it being a challange but there are far to many people involved, it doesn't help that the PCars online functions /options also hinder the series.....
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