Mother at 12?

  • Thread starter Lee


United Kingdom
Banbury, UK

Wow... That's shocking, she became pregnant through a drunken one night stand at the age of 11, she smokes 20 a day and she's going through with the pregenancy.

Talk about ruining your life, your thoughts?

Wow... That's shocking, she became pregenant through a drunken one night stand at the age of 11, she smokes 20 a day and she's going through with the pregenancy.

Talk about ruining your life, your thoughts?

what a disgrace
i think the 12 year olds mother being proud sums it up
i feel sorry for the baby :guilty:

Wow... That's shocking, she became pregenant through a drunken one night stand at the age of 11, she smokes 20 a day and she's going through with the pregenancy.

Talk about ruining your life, your thoughts?

Smokes 20 a day? Well i just hope for the childs sake that she packs that habit in during and after the pregnancy. Im asking myself what was she doing going out getting drunk at 11 though let alone having unprotected sex? When i was 11 i had to be at home at 8pm and if i wanted to stay out later id have to go and plead my case with my folks. When i was 11 i wasnt even thinking about smoking and drinking, i was more interested in climbing trees and playing man-hunt (hide and seek game) with my friends. I guess times change.


What scares the hell out of me is that my eldest daughter turned 13 two weeks ago and this kid is younger than that!!!!!!!!!!

I'm shocked, but even more worryingly not particularly surprised.

I'm shocked, but even more worryingly not particularly surprised.

Agreed, I think this story perfectally shows what a mess british society is becoming today, the funny thing is, her mother is proud of her.
wow! i mean, wow! Aside from the obvious wrongness of this, it isn't really unheard of. In medievel times, girls were expected to be married by 10, and to have had at least one child by age 12. But it does beg the question, is her body capable of leting a child develop properly, and also, is she going to be able to actually give birth? I'm not an expert on pregnancies and female development, but one would think that a pregnancy so young would have long term health issues?
She ought to be proud of the daughter (for the decision to keep the child - that's a hard choice to make) - but the mother should be ashamed of herself. If I was drinking, smoking and shagging at 11 years old, I'd have been locked in my room until the universe ended, with occasional pause for being beaten to death with a 2x4 with nails in.
If I was drinking, smoking and shagging at 11 years old, I'd have been locked in my room until the universe ended, with occasional pause for being beaten to death with a 2x4 with nails in.

I thought that is your life... :odd:

Anywhow, I understand it's quite a shock for all of you, but in third world countries this isn't unknown of. Matter of fact, it's fairly hard to find girls over 15 who have no children. Of course, that's in the "barrios" or "favelas", and the city I used to live in was quite divided, being that I lived in a better area than that, but again, it's not unheard of. And they can be pretty proud of their kids as well.

It's called third-world-mentality, I'm afraid. Be happy with the crap. Still, I don't approve of it, and if it would happen to my daughter I would be less than proud I'm sure.
She ought to be proud of the daughter (for the decision to keep the child - that's a hard choice to make) - but the mother should be ashamed of herself. If I was drinking, smoking and shagging at 11 years old, I'd have been locked in my room until the universe ended, with occasional pause for being beaten to death with a 2x4 with nails in.

Would that be being beaten to death each morning or evening (and did you get the weekends off).

In reagard to gooseter point about the historical background I found this

In 1837 – when the minimum legal age at marriage was 14 for boys and 12 for girls – it was possible to give one’s age at marriage as ‘of full age’ or ‘minor’ (aged under 21), as appropriate. (Indeed, in the illustrative marriage entry included as a schedule to the Registration Act, a bachelor and spinster were shown with these age descriptions respectively.) In the early 1850s, the earliest period for which data are available, only about one half of bridegrooms and brides stated their exact ages, although the situation improved steadily and by the end of the century, virtually all ages at marriage were fully recorded. There have been a number of Acts of Parliament regarding marriage since 1836, although they mostly concern aspects such as validity of marriages (including those solemnised overseas), void and voidable marriages, and prohibited degrees of consanguinity and affinity. However, the Acts of Parliament most relevant to this present Historical Volume are those concerning the legal minimum age at marriage:

1836-1928 - Minimum age at marriage: 14 for males, 12 for females

1929 Age of Marriage Act - Marriages between persons either of whom is aged under 16 are void

1949 - consolidated two previous Acts, repealing them.

1969 Family Law - reduced the age of majority from 21 to 18, and the age at
Reform Act which men and women were able to marry without Parental consent from 21 to 18.

So basically until 1928 the biggest part of it all would have been the fact that she was unmarried rather than the issue of having a baby, of course back then being an unmarried mother was not the most blinding social move on the planet.

I do alway think that we run the risk of getting a bit 'Daily Mail' about things like this, and while it is obviously a concern (particularly for me as a parent) It should be remembered that its not exactly a new thing. Rather you could argue that the media is more aware of how it can focus on certain stories and use them to basically sell coverage.


All that said, twelve, talk about screwing your life up. I mean I managed to be a dad and get seperated at 22 and that was stupid enough (I was stupid - my kids aren't adn I wouldn't change them for the world).
Not surprising... it's scary how many tweens are getting "into it" nowadays. In my time, 16 was considered "young".

And c'mon, how many of you didn't have classmates or friends that smoked in their teens? :dopey:

And, for a sense of perspective... the youngest grandmother ever was 18. :lol: ...or less... can't keep up with these tribal girls. :lol:
Anywhow, I understand it's quite a shock for all of you, but in third world countries this isn't unknown of.

Are you saying that Scotland is a third world country? :sly:
What I want to know is where she gets the money from to be buying a 20 pack of cigarettes a day and where she gets the alcohol from. Her mothers obvioulsy a welfare sucking scum and were probably paying for this little girls cigarettes. And that 15 yr old needs his head testing, sex with a 11yr old is disgusting.
I think you would have to have a very small penis to fit into a 11 year old. This makes me sick! I dont even want to see this thread again! :ouch: :grumpy:
I think you would have to have a very small penis to fit into a 11 year old. This makes me sick! I dont even want to see this thread again! :ouch: :grumpy:

The fact that you gave that notion some thought makes you the sickest guy I've seen around here :ouch:
The fact that you gave that notion some thought makes you the sickest guy I've seen around here :ouch:
Your an ass. If there was a middle finger smiley I would put it right in your face. :ouch:
I never even thought of it at all, actually you were the first to think about! I wont bother replying to coments like this again.
I would have been shocked, stunned and amazed about this but I've already heard the same thing on Monday. But not the same story.

I heard off a guy in my year and his mate (both are yr 7/12-13 yrs old) that there is a girl in their year that is pregnant from one of their mates. What was surprising is that neither made her age known untill I asked how old she was, hence I don't think they're lying.

I know of girls that started smoking at 8! So the fact she does 20 a day doesn't even surprise me.
What I want to know is where she gets the money from to be buying a 20 pack of cigarettes a day and where she gets the alcohol from. Her mothers obvioulsy a welfare sucking scum and were probably paying for this little girls cigarettes.

The mother/soon-to-be grandmother will be buying the grandaughter her cigs before the mother is old enough to buy them herself!
If I may ask; where the hell did they find the *censored*ing guts to go *censored* around with a eachother this early, it's insane. And in my opinion, the 15 year old boy has alot more explaining to do concidering his age.


What scares the hell out of me is that my eldest daughter turned 13 two weeks ago and this kid is younger than that!!!!!!!!!!

I'm shocked, but even more worryingly not particularly surprised.


Don't worry, this is a true exception I believe, and I think with just a bit of care towards your children and a bit of raising up this stuff is already.
Don't worry, this is a true exception I believe

Not in the UK, and certainly not for Swindon, I'm afraid.

She does/will set the record for the youngest known mother since the Marriage Act, but I know of at least 3 12-year-olds who have "delivered" in Sheffield.

However, in Scaff's favour, my 10 year old niece lives "in" Swindon and I'm absolutely sure she won't be, errr, until she's over the age of consent, if not much later. It is, as they say, the parenting. Yes, they're with their friends for 8 hours a day at school, but you can more than make up that time, one-to-one, at home. If you let their peers bring them up and educate them in the ways of the world, this is what you get.

CAMAROBOY... Your comment is inappropriate. I won't reprimand you for it, but I would ask you to edit it out (and either Diego or I will reciprocate in the quote of it).
Not in the UK, and certainly not for Swindon, I'm afraid.

She does/will set the record for the youngest known mother since the Marriage Act, but I know of at least 3 12-year-olds who have "delivered" in Sheffield.

Well, to be honest, that gets me worried quite a bit too then.
What kind of hell hole do you go to!?

8.30-3.30 makes 7 hours, plus any extra-curricular activities.

And I work there from 8-4...
All of them. We're lucky if we can keep 'em out until 8.20.
All of them. We're lucky if we can keep 'em out until 8.20.
Wow, I'm honestly amazed.

You teach at a Secondary school right (never known a primary with a lab tech)?

My school is pretty much deserted till at earliest 8:35, and most only get in at about 8:45 (First buzzer, unnofficial time that you should be in school by, registration begins 10 mins later.)
It's quite bizarre really. You can't keep them out in the morning, but the rest of the day they spend trying to get out...
this thread is probably the shocking WTF i've experienced in a while

pregnant at 12, smokes 20cigs a day, :crazy: i bet shes a crackhead too.

As for the kid(the smaller kid), its either gonna be a very very small infant or its mother's pelvis will shatter into millions of pieces:ill:
Why am I not surprised by this sort of thing anymore? It's been said already but the gut wrenching part of this story is the fact that we "taxpaying worker ants" are paying for an ever increasing number of these idiots. In my experience none of these leeches on society have ever done an honest days work in thier life and never plan to!

I'm not proud of this fact but I became a dad at the age of eighteen. Me and my partner have been together since we were fourteen, and have been ever since, but when she got pregnant the 🤬 really hit the fan! Yes our first child was an accident but I wouldn't change him for the world and whats more, I've spent every day since working my butt off to make sure we can support our kids.

How the hell is a twelve year old girl going to raise a baby when she's barely out of nappies herself? What sort of parent lets an 11 year old girl smoke for a start let alone get drunk and then, ??????

I'm gonna leave it there before I bust a blood veesel!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind, at least Mummies proud???

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