- 52
- Australia
- z0b3z
One thing that probably hasn't been brought up, how do you properly race a car vs a bike? I'm not talking about the problem of one ramming the other, I mean matching them. The fastest cars are always going to be faster than the fastest bikes overall on a lap for simple physics reasons, four big contact patches vs two.
So how do you get the two to race together on the same track and actually make it fun? If you put together a car and a bike that overall perform a similar lap time the bike is going to have to be much faster down the straight whilst the car will catch it in the bends. I don't really see that as fun racing myself.
not all people in the community really care about just track racing some of them like drag racing and some like drifting
and a bike vs a car on a track can be a close race depending on skill level of the rider/driver and the track layout