MT vs AT - how much faster?

  • Thread starter MSkovmose
How much faster is the cars using MT rather than AT? I'm a noob and only just starting to try and get used to using manual transmission. Not going too well. Always forget to gear down when breaking. :D
Good decision to go with MT, it will start to feel natural very quickly.
No idea exactly how much faster it will make you, but you’ll definitely be faster.

Always find AT changes gears too soon, and doesn’t shift down quite often when it should. MT is the way to go.
I am automatic player with Controller 1.44.8 on Daytona :) It depends of the car, some cars are very good with Automatic like Beetle GT3, but Porsche GT3 is horrible on automatic
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traction control slows you down to much for my liking to suggest it to anyone atleast...I Do use it on 1 though if im way out ahead or in longer races towards the end to prevent any type of spinout or loss of control it just always feels like its bogging me down
With automatic shifting you will never be the fastest on Racing Games, but if you dont want to bother with shifting then use Automatic Shift and Traction Control. You must to use TC for auto shifting because you cant gear up to prevent losing traction. In GT7 i use for GT3 cars automatic shift with TC1. With TC1 you will not lose traction in acceleration on slow speed corners.
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MT is faster, but needs more skill. If you're completely new to driving games I think it's fine to start on AT to get used to proper racing (driving line, braking points, etc.). You can still be very fast even with AT and MT will not magically make you a better driver. It's better to get the basics down.
I can't use at because it's just doesn't feel right even if it makes me slower in some cases, it's all car dependent of course, some cars are OK with at, in endurance races with pits involved you need to use Mt otherwise you run out of fuel pretty quick
In 917 legend I managed to do 6 laps with Mt, same scenario I was only able to do 3 laps wit at
I can't use at because it's just doesn't feel right even if it makes me slower in some cases, it's all car dependent of course, some cars are OK with at, in endurance races with pits involved you need to use Mt otherwise you run out of fuel pretty quick
In 917 legend I managed to do 6 laps with Mt, same scenario I was only able to do 3 laps wit at

There is a MAP / POWER mode for cars :) 1 2 3 4 5 6
I started GT7 in AT and then had to switch to MT for IA-10. Once I got used to MT there I took it to Rally (the menu not the grind) and found that it's very forgiving. I used MT through Porsche, WTC, Ferrari and then to completion. I won't be going back. Even the Taycan feels strange now.
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MT is clearly there to really achieve the optimum and to be able to keep up with the best of the best. But for the vast majority of drivers, it will hardly matter whether they are MT or AT. So much can happen in a race and so much can go wrong, from wrong braking points to too much or too little braking force, wrong turning points or accelerating too early or too late. For many drivers, the difference between MT and AT will hardly be and the weight will fall.

I say.. YES faster MT is usually "safer" in terms of a consistent lap time is AT. If someone can do 5-10-15 laps in a row and the times only differ by a few tenths, then I think it makes sense to go from AT to MT to be able to get the best out of it.

Basically, everyone should ride what they feel comfortable with, whether it's AT/MT, or TCS on/off ectr. Only plays a role if you want to belong to the "elite". Before that, if you are still missing several seconds (ie 5 seconds and more on an average route) on the best drivers, in my opinion it makes no sense to go to MT.

BTW. I'm an AT driver, but I did a few short laps on the MT earlier, when it went well it was good and felt nicer to drive... but the smallest shifting error costs really nasty time.
Basically, everyone should ride what they feel comfortable with, whether it's AT/MT, or TCS on/off ectr. Only plays a role if you want to belong to the "elite". Before that, if you are still missing several seconds (ie 5 seconds and more on an average route) on the best drivers, in my opinion it makes no sense to go to MT.
For me, on a controller, using MT has two benefits.

1. You just feel more involved with controlling your car. It gives you something else to think about about, makes you think about what gear you need to be in, experimenting etc.

2. It just has the benefit of giving your right thumb something to do.

Not unlike a real car really. Driving a manual is more involved, and it gives you more to do. But certainly it's still a choice. Some people prefer to sit back in an auto in real life and a game.
It’s a bit more nuanced than ‘faster or slower’. Couple of things:

Some cars won’t benefit from being revved out all the way to the limiter, such as cars where peak power comes quite early and torque drops off early. For example, doing the drag challenges with my R32 GTR and a low or mid rpm turbo. It was actually faster in a straight line shifting a bit short of redline. Other cars such as a Honda VTEC might make peak power just before redline, so in that case it’s advantageous being able to change up a fraction later than in Auto.

Another thing is fuel preservation. Short shifting can be the difference between getting over the line or running out of fuel in endurance races. Sometimes relying on the leanest fuel map just won’t cut it alone!
you can also use the manual to shift earlier in more powerful cars and prevent losing traction alot better than the AT
This is a very good point, especially with the new TCS system (assuming you're going with 0 TCS) that basically requires the player to short-shift in lower revs to keep the car in a straight line!
Should I start using the MT for my car. I have been using the automatic ones this whole time and it has not worked in the harder CE lap attacks. Willow Springs is a hard one, and so is Laguna Seca. I see a lot of top drivers use the MT. What are the benefits of this transmission, does it make your car faster/better at cornering/braking? I know and have learned thanks to the drag races in the Mission section of the game.
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Should I start using the MT for my car. I have been using the automatic ones this whole time and it has not worked in the harder CE lap attacks. Willow Springs is a hard one, and so is Laguna Seca. I see a lot of top drivers use the MT. What are the benefits of this transmission, does it make your car faster/better at cornering/braking? I know and have learned thanks to the drag races in the Mission section of the game.
I started to use MT on the slow race A's with road cars and time trials with road cars, where you have time to think. It made a difference to my lap time - enough to make the difference between winning and losing in lots of races.

With faster cars and tricky circuits, I lazily use AT still. In the long term MT is certainly the way to go, but if you just want to switch on and race instantly with one less thing to think about then AT is still an option.
Should I start using the MT for my car. I have been using the automatic ones this whole time and it has not worked in the harder CE lap attacks. Willow Springs is a hard one, and so is Laguna Seca. I see a lot of top drivers use the MT. What are the benefits of this transmission, does it make your car faster/better at cornering/braking? I know and have learned thanks to the drag races in the Mission section of the game.
I don't know how anyone plays this game with an AT. The additional braking you get from using a MT is awesome. The extra rotation you can get on tight turns when dropping down a gear is unquestionable. The ability to stay in the engine's powerband with at MT is a game over scenario when compared to AT. Try driving the DP-100 tuned for the Tokyo WTC600 race. If you drove an AT with that car, you would probably be a minute slower in your overall race time vs the manual transmission.
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I don't know how anyone plays this game with an AT. The additional braking you get from using a MT is awesome. The extra rotation you can get on tight turns when dropping down a gear is unquestionable. The ability to stay in the engine's powerband with at MT is a game over scenario when compared to AT. Try driving the DP-100 tuned for the Tokyo WTC600 race. If you drove an AT with that car, you would probably be a minute slower in your overall race time vs the manual transmission.
^This. I’ve been using AT for the past four weeks, as I’ve broken my right 5th metacarpal. Another week and a half to go before my next X-ray. I give props to those that are quick with AT. To me, it’s the worse. It’s the first time I’ve using AT and I’m definitely much slower than my MT use.
Everything mentioned in quoted post, applies when I use the RB26 Mazda3 at La Sarthe. I’d probably no stop(if the track stays dry) on FM1, if I were using MT. The AT burns through fuel and I can’t rely on engine braking when coasting.

If I stuck to using cars like a Hellcat, LC500 or Alphard, fine.
I used AT for maybe the first week just to get used to the game then I switched it MT. I do that in every racing game I play. It is easier to cut down on things you have to be concerned about. TBH I mainly like it just to hear the shift points🤣
I learned MT in Forza Horizon 5 (and also in real life prior to that) so it was an easy transition when I got GT7. The fuel saving is definitely the most obvious benefit I see since I like to grind with many different cars and sometimes you have to short shift a bit to make it work. It becomes muscle memory at some point and it feels unnatural not to shift if I drive an EV.
I completeted the game on AT and now try to shift to MT but still struggle with it. It feels unnatural to shift on a controller, on a wheel it would probably be no problem.
To the controller players: Which button settings work best for you? I use X/□ for up/downshift
I used AT for the first few days in GT7, then tried MT. I never use AT now. I use a controller. I’ve set ‘Up Shift’ to the circle on the right hand side, and for ‘Down Shift’ the left arrow on the left side of the controller. For me it seems logical, accelerate and up shift with right R2 and circle on the right side, then brake and down shift using L2 and left arrow on the left side of the controller.
The benefit of MT is that you change gear when you want to, several cars benefit from early upshifts, both in terms of acceleration and/or fuel save, but there’s also the benefit of hanging on to a gear through a corner.
If you use AT, it changes at set points with no control from you.
The AT in GT7 is not like a modern clever AT which adapts.
It takes time to get used to AT, but as an old man approaching mid 70s, if I can adapt, so can most people! Good luck!