My triple screen office rig: 46" 55" 46" Tv lift & Carbon fiber Dashboard + GS-4 Seat

  • Thread starter HoiHman
Thanks Mark, Steve and Darin :)

I still have some little things to do, but they will have to wait. The building period is over for now and it's time to start enjoying it more.

The CSW feels great again with the new motors. I am still undecided on the CSS. Tommorow i will get the parts to repair my CSR Elite. If the ELite is supported on the next Xbox, i will probably mod it and build a dashboard for it too. I felt kind of naked racing Forza 4, with only the CSR Elite on the desk without the dashboards on the side.

I found an unexpected new feature of my rig this weekend: Adjustability

This weekend my 12 year old son took his first real ride in my rig. I found out that it was very easy to adjust the seatframe to his size. He spend about an hour hotlapping in F1 2012 and he actually really liked it and was pertty good at it too :)

Standing next to the rig on the (concrete) floor i couldn't feel a single vibration and put my hands on the frame a couple of times to check if simvibe was still working.
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Thanks Mark, Steve and Darin :)

I still have some little things to do, but they will have to wait. The building period is over for now and it's time to start enjoying it more.

The CSW feels great again with the new motors. I am still undecided on the CSS. Tommorow i will get the parts to repair my CSR Elite. If the ELite is supported on the next Xbox, i will probably mod it and build a dashboard for it too. I felt kind of naked racing Forza 4, with only the CSR Elite on the desk without the dashboards on the side.

I found an unexpected new feature of my rig this weekend: Adjustability

This weekend my 12 year old son took his first real ride in my rig. I found out that it was very easy to adjust the seatframe to his size. He spend about an hour hotlapping in F1 2012 and he actually really liked it and was pertty good at it too :)

Standing next to the rig on the (concrete) floor i couldn't feel a single vibration and put my hands on the frame a couple of times to check if simvibe was still working.

So it can be adjusted to a shorty like me of 1m69. Good thing to know. :P
Glad you finally got your son into the rig. Still remember you saying that the rest didn't have any interest at all.
Him liking it is good, but it could get expensive if he wants a rig too. lol
Than again, maybe there are some awesome father and son times ahead of you. Which can be great. :)

ps. I could bring my TH8 to see if you actually fancy an H-shifter at all. That is if you want to.
I found an unexpected new feature of my rig this weekend: Adjustability

One of the benefits of doing an 80/20 rig right along with fully adjustable seat! 👍 👍

Curious about the Work in progress.... :dopey:
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Just stepped out of Henk's door. Very amazing!
He can be very proud. Top notch building work.

Will write more tomorrow.

Thank you very much for this awesome experience, Henk.
You really gave me a lot to think about for my own future plans.
It was great fun having you over Chris.

To bad there wasn't enough time, but like always :

Time flies when you are having fun :D
So the day started a bit hectic for me, and for those who know me I basically live on American westcoast times. lol
I woke up at around 2pm ish, and checked my mail.
First was an email from Henk saying I should leave a bit earlier like I said, so he suggested 3pm. Yikes!
Then I read a mail from Fanatec asking me for pics of the parts I needed. Oh boy.

So I disassembled my CSW to make pics and removed a pedal shifter from the one of the rims, which took me about 30-45 minutes including writing the mail and assembling it again.

After this I went downstairs for a drink and grabbed two slices of bread. After all, dinner was out of the question due to being underway and at Henk's place (who already had dinner with the family prior my arrival). A
lso when I got back after driving 3 hours to (traffic jams) and a bit more than 2 hours back, I did not feel like eating anymore at 1:15am.
I did the basic 'morning' practices like shaving, brushing teeth and the like.
I dropped my CSW and rims, my T500 and its pedals, the Hydraulic handbrake, my gloves, and some other bits and bobs I wanted to show Henk for a sec, in my car. Off I went at 3pm exactly.

However, I still needed to fill my car up with some good old gasoline and I noticed some bird **** on my car. Since the pumps were all busy, I drove into a washbox and washed my car. After I was done the pumps were still busy so I checked my tyre pressure. After I was done with that and filling up the car with gas it was already a shocking 3:20am.
There go the 30 minutes Henk said I should've left earlier.

Driving to Henk was long and boring in my lonesome. I was really looking forward to my arrival.
Dispite traffic jams I was still exactly on time. Though than I made the aweful mistake of taking a wrong turn which send me in the wrong direction. This meant I was going to be 10 minutes too late. Sorry, Henk. ;)

So finding Henk's place was really easy. Of course I already looked at Google Streetview to find my way to his doorstep once I got there. Though him having a BMW garage meant he already had a website prepared for me too look at for details.

Walking into the garage. It was a very beautiful and clean garage. Many garages I have been in (including big dealerships) look like botchers (in Dutch: beunhazen).
Every tool was needly put away. Henk later showed me the drawers in which he had foam with cut-outs for each tool, and each drawer has a specific set of tools to be used for specific repairs. The floor was really clean. The whole atmosphere was great.
The needness of it all really showed Henk's character and later this would be proven once I stepped into his office.

So we shook hands and Henk directed me to the office. My first impression... "HOLY CRAP... those screens are huge. It was so much smaller in pics, wow!".
Those screens are really impressive as they covered basically an entire wall in the office, or so it felt like.

First Henk showed me his button boxes. Which are really need. The led lights he build in there look fantastic. It gives a great effect on the buttons, knobs and switches. The labels are easily to see and you don't have to fumble around in the dark anymore mid-race. A really nice addition.
The quality of the buttons and so on are top notch, but most impressive is the box itself. Its genius!
The other side is also very handy with the drop in button box and ipad. With further to the right a keyboard and down below the tactile amps and equalizer. All are within arms reach, we are (unexpectedly in a land of giants) about the same height so what was true for him was so for me as well.

Between the CSW and drop in box he is working on something else which was handy for the handbrake placement, but he will reveal that himself when he sees fit. Look forward to that update, guys. ;)

After this he proceeded to showing me his neat little ipod clock stand on top of the CSW. Simple but brilliant, and everything on the rig is carbon fibre foil wrapped btw.

The rig itself has been made with 40/20 frame tubing and has a nice tear drop plate. Its heavy as hell, but Henk has made a nice handy cart for that as well, so he can put the chair away in the showroom during working hours.
The rig features a really comfortable OMP seat, which Henk put some nifty inclination too. So the front is raised a bit so the seat leans a bit backwards. So you basically slide into the seat a bit.

The way he has made the effort to use a double isolator system in his rig really made a great change, as a lot more vibrations were coming through the rig.

Though I must say it was hard for me to feel any direction from chassis mode, though as we were pressed for time it all had to be done quickly. In the end when I went back to my car and drove off the vibrations were much less present, but I did notice that I had felt direction earlier in the rig as per my feelings in the car.

He also has a buttkicker under the pedals for engine rpm vibrations, which was nice but shouldn't be used at high volume. It gets uncomfortable and unrealistic quickly.

Another single buttkicker used was the one for the impacts. While mounted horizontally I thought it would feel bad, thinking impacts always come from the side.
However, Henk showed me how awesome it feels when you play Dirt 2 at Baja and land after having jumped with your truck. It was really awesome!
I will see how I can do this same thing down the line.
I really wish to feel that kick in the butt. The impact felt the same as your ass coming off of your seat might flight and than being slammed into the seat upon landing.
Unbelievable! It actually made Baja fun while I always thought it was boring to drive.

Talking about Dirt 2, using Henk's handbrake was really great and felt intuitive. Though I lacked practice of course. I wish I had mine working already. Though I am still waiting for my slave cylinder (same one pilmat uses).
The placement of the handbrake was very intuitive and I easily grabbed it. The grip he made on it was perfect as well. Though I might've looked for a different color or color combination myself to wrap it with, though this is a matter of taste of course. Also why I have a black and red foam grip myself.

So that's 4 buttkickers for chassis mode, 1 buttkicker on the pedals, 1 buttkicker under the seat and the last one is the one for the shifter.
Though Henk didn't have a shifter, he already made a shifter mount for a future item. We didn't get around to mounting my TH8 on there, but to him my TH8 felt good and the mod was perfect. He didn't seem to have trouble with shooting into seventh. Though maybe he wishes to express his opinions on that later.

So the shifter mount still needs some work I think, but it's pretty hard to make something for something prior to actually getting it. The tactile vibrations were coming through perfectly, though some chassis vibrations were mixed in. Though this is normal for any real shifter as well.

Than on to something else, the monitors. These things like I said were HUGE. I liked it and it felt good, but I think I'd rather lower them a bit more or raise the seat and wheel more. Though either is impossible in his situation I think.
Due to the position of the rig versus the monitors I felt as if I was looking up to the monitors, and thus also up to the road instead of down onto the road. I did like the fact that my dash was lined up so that I could see it through the wheel, but I felt the viewing angle/line of sight was wrong when it concerned the road.
This might be influenced that my own car's seats are rather high up, especially compared to a Toyota GT86. Though even if I compare the line of sight of the rig with that car, I still feel the monitors should be a bit lower.
Like I said, nothing that one can do about it. And as long as Henk's happy with driving in his rig like that, I am happy too. It's his preference and everyone has to respect that.

For me this also was the first time using triples. It was an amazing experience. Being able to view the cars along your side really helps.
The only real downside I found in the end when I got back into my car was that the monitor on the right hand made it feel like the mirror was where my center console panel normally is. It was too close. In my own car I'd have to turn my head far more to see that mirror and the door it is attached to. The passenger door is also further away in real life.
I don't know if this is a triples thing or that the cockpits are so horribly moddeled in games. Maybe some of you can answer this for me?

Driving some retail Fanatec gear at Henk's place also made a difference (as I said in the Fanatec announcement topic). It felt like the CSW was much better engineered and it was a real eye opener because of the day and night difference.

Last but not least I got to try a CSR Elite. It was a great wheel as well. Fast as hell too. Much faster than the CSW due to the massive weight difference. It felt as if the wheel had no weight at all.
It was much sharper in response due to this and comparible to the T500 in a way, though I did feel that it could've been made a bit heavier and a bit more solid.
To get some edge of that sharpness and make the wheel feel less like a toy. And I say toy here purely in relation to the weight, cause the last time a steering wheel felt so light I had one of those toy dashboards for little kids in my very early youth.
If I had to advise Henk anything after giving some thought about it (or any of you) when the wheel is out of warranty, maybe you can hot glue some fishing lead into the rim to increase its weight and make it more sturdy along the way.

Forza Horizon which I played with the Elite was awesome to play and I should get it sometime in the future for sure. Though I do feel it needs a wheel of any kind to go with it.

Honestly I wish I had a garage like him and a home improvement store across the street. The guy is really lucky to have the means and skills to make all of this possible.
I could go on and on as much as I wish I could've stayed but after some Forza it was time for me to leave with a lot of stuff to think about and some awesome memories.

Thank you, Henk, for this wonderful experience you have given me and I wish you all the best in the future with this awesome rig of yours that keeps getting better and better. Well done and be proud of what you've achieved, as it is well earned.
Thanks for the kind words Christiaan :)

I really enjoyed your visit.

Let me explain about the hight of the screens and the triple screens cocpits

I also use the middle screen for waching movies/playing games.

If the tv is too low above the desk, watching a movie feels awkward. So i adjusted the hight of the center screen (tv lift) to the level it is also comfortable for watching movies or playing other games.

I even use it a lot as a 55" monitor :D

I set up the hight of the chair and wheelbase to match exactly for my size (i'm a bit taller), using the prefered center screen hight as a starting point.

You right about the angle of the screens and cockpits, but it also has to to with depth perception and getting used to it. It took me a lot of time to get used to the Forza 4 triple screen cockpits in particular.

Because the sidescreens are on a desk, i can easily adjust the angles and move the side screens about 15-20cm each further away from the driver position than they were last night. This way i can move away the side mirror a bit further.
You can also adjust a lot with POV settings.
You're 1m70 ish? I am 1m69. That's the height difference I think.

It's always a compromise I guess. It's a matter of what you like, Henk. I can give my opinion of it a hundred times, but it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. You are the one that needs to sit there after all. ;)
I can understand the decision you made with the rig though. 👍

Before I start on triples though, I need some serious power to run pCARS on triples.
If you wish to run pCARS full power 'currently' you need at least 3 nVidia Titans. Which is currently my favourite game. Although I need to revisit Dirt 2 again soon. :P
Henk, I just rediscovered Dirt 2 thanks to your efforts.

Just using the standard Dirt 2 profile at the right volume is already bliss.
Also I put some small rubber rings (that normally go inside your water tap) under the Buttkicker mount of the rSeat to create the double isolator effect. Those rings are nice and soft and the result is bliss. A huge noise reduction and a big increase in feel along with less annoyance downstairs and for the neighbours. :D


Also I went and got these rubber granulate tile supports (the size of a beer mat (bierviltje)). Package of 10 for 3 euros, was worth a shot.
So I have my rSeat, with rubber isolators underneath, than the tiles, than a carpet and than the floor. Still noise downstairs, but its pretty distant now.
The vibrations feel great though. I really lost myself in Dirt 2 thinking I was really driving over that gravel in Croatia. lol
Love that first level with its handbrake turns btw. Using the TH8 is a nice solution until my handbrake's finished.

Thanks for all the tips and tricks. I am going to improve quickly. ^_^
Ended up buying the Behringer iNuke NU1000DSP in the end. Was thinking of getting a 4-channel Art amp like you have, but figured I could almost buy 2 iNukes with DSP for that price.
Haven't got Forza Horizon yet though, as I want to get a wheel with that. Else I will be too disappointed coming from the experience I had at your place. :)

So yeah, just wanted to update you as to the impact it had driving at your place as far as my rig improvements go. :D

Edit: I almost forgot, I also get Xpadder already and love using it as much as I did over at your place. Awesome program for menu control and that kinda stuff.
You're 1m70 ish? I am 1m69. That's the height difference I think.

If you wish to run pCARS full power 'currently' you need at least 3 nVidia Titans. Which is currently my favourite game. Although I need to revisit Dirt 2 again soon. :P

I'm actually 1.78. But not a big difference there. When i sit in the seat, the steering wheel lines up perfectly with the one on the screen, which was my ultimate goal :)

As you saw you can run pCARS pretty good with only one video card. If you want to go night racing or drive in the wet, pCARS turns into a slideshow on almost any videocard. But it's a awesome game and it only gets better every week :D

Also I went and got these rubber granulate tile supports (the size of a beer mat (bierviltje)). Package of 10 for 3 euros, was worth a shot.
So I have my rSeat, with rubber isolators underneath, than the tiles, than a carpet and than the floor. Still noise downstairs, but its pretty distant now.
The vibrations feel great though. I really lost myself in Dirt 2 thinking I was really driving over that gravel in Croatia. lol
Love that first level with its handbrake turns btw. Using the TH8 is a nice solution until my handbrake's finished.

Thanks for all the tips and tricks. I am going to improve quickly. ^_^
Ended up buying the Behringer iNuke NU1000DSP in the end. Was thinking of getting a 4-channel Art amp like you have, but figured I could almost buy 2 iNukes with DSP for that price.
Haven't got Forza Horizon yet though, as I want to get a wheel with that. Else I will be too disappointed coming from the experience I had at your place. :)

So yeah, just wanted to update you as to the impact it had driving at your place as far as my rig improvements go. :D

Edit: I almost forgot, I also get Xpadder already and love using it as much as I did over at your place. Awesome program for menu control and that kinda stuff.

Good to hear your making progress and that your visit inspired you to make adjustments on your rig. 👍

Even better that your visit contributed to you getting a new CSW base from Fanatec.

The iNuke is a great amp for tactile. The key for great tactile is good isolation. I would advise you to modify the mini LFE to LFE SE. It's very easy, you can go wrong and it reduces bottoming out of the piston.

Back my own building notes:

De bracket surrounding the left dashbord is now completely finished and covered with carbon fiber. All i need now is the extra led light i ordered from dealextreme. This will take at lease 2-3 before delivery :ill:
I'm actually 1.78. But not a big difference there. When i sit in the seat, the steering wheel lines up perfectly with the one on the screen, which was my ultimate goal :)

As you saw you can run pCARS pretty good with only one video card. If you want to go night racing or drive in the wet, pCARS turns into a slideshow on almost any videocard. But it's a awesome game and it only gets better every week :D

Good to hear your making progress and that your visit inspired you to make adjustments on your rig. 👍

Even better that your visit contributed to you getting a new CSW base from Fanatec.

The iNuke is a great amp for tactile. The key for great tactile is good isolation. I would advise you to modify the mini LFE to LFE SE. It's very easy, you can go wrong and it reduces bottoming out of the piston.

Back my own building notes:

De bracket surrounding the left dashbord is now completely finished and covered with carbon fiber. All i need now is the extra led light i ordered from dealextreme. This will take at lease 2-3 before delivery :ill:

Ooops. I must be too used to looking up at my 1m90 dad that I didn't notice that difference. That would make for a different line of sight for sure. Almost 10cm difference can be a lot depending on the occasion.

Oh yes, I am looking forward to that new retail CSW for sure. Though I didn't shout it off of the roof tops yet. ;)
Now the only thing left to complete the package is a CSS SQ to compliment it. Though with the new amp being expensive I first will wait for reviews as I am not in a hurry. Besides, I have a SFA1 as well.

I have been thinking about the bottoming out part. At which point I wondered if it might not be better to put foam in the colored caps instead. With a solid thin foam layer as base, this would prevent the soft foam (if used on top or even if used on the piston) to not protrude through the cap after a while.

Great going finishing the left box, well almost finishing it. Can't wait to see the final resuts. It already looked pretty that day.

Waiting sucks though, especially with delays. Though at least I will get the nuke today, but the pressure transducer left america a week ago now (the 20th), but haven't heard anything since. Mind you Derek's package left American soil on the 19th, and arrived when I was at your place.
That is the second package disappearing in the states in a short amount of time. Reminding me once again how American shipping handlers think its fun to do certain stuff during working hours on cam with someone else their packages. I am sure there are lots of good people too though.
Will have to wait till the end of next week and else I will contact the ebay seller.
I connected the rally style handbrake to my CSR Elite, now i can use it in GT5 / Forza 4 and Forza Horizon.

I wanted to move the Rally style handbrake close and right next to the wheel so it feels very natural and easy to use.

Having it right up there next to the wheel is really awesome :D

This meant i had to make some adjustments to the righthand side of the dashboard so i can still grab the HB instantly without hitting the dashboard with my hands.


I also (finally) finished the dashboard lights for the left button box and bought an extra ipad stand to put on the mouse tray on the drawer.


The top left toggle switch is used to turn the dashboard lights on / off, so i can see all the buttons very good when racing in a dark room.


In real life the lights are better spread than on camera, but this picture give a better view.


I also made a modification in the butt kicker mounts at the pedals.


In the new situation i mounted the buttkickers horizontal (they were mounted vertical before)

The rubber isolators allow more vibration from left to right than they do from up to down.


Mounting the mini LFE's horizontal instead of vertical is a great improvement (in my case)
Nice update, Henk. I thought you were busy? Now I get why. lol ;)

I see how this can improve your feel. But wouldn't it be easier to switch the rubber around a quarter turn.
That way the rubbers would act in the way you wanted it, while leaving the correct vertical movement of the effects intact.

So like this... (prepare for crude mspaint work!).

Looks great Henk!
I knew you were up to something lol You always go quiet before we see something new!
A very clean job as usual, love the lights and light switch!

Thanks for your help today mate much appreciated!
Henk, I never commented on this before but this suddenly hit me watching ISR's review of Basher's brake mod for the T500.

Driving at your place, the brake pedal... I didn't seem to notice it as we both have the same spring on there. The only issue was that I was on the T500 for a while, so I had to re-adjust again back than.
Found it quite funny that I only realised now that I never noticed anything remarkable about it for me. lol
I did notice the spring though, on the pedals. It just never sank in I guess. :dopey:

Just wanted to share at random. :P
Nice update, Henk. I thought you were busy? Now I get why. lol ;)

I see how this can improve your feel. But wouldn't it be easier to switch the rubber around a quarter turn.
That way the rubbers would act in the way you wanted it, while leaving the correct vertical movement of the effects intact.

So like this... (prepare for crude mspaint work!).

Thanks Christiaan :)

Actually switching the rubber would have been A LOT of extra work compared to switching the transducers. Letting the mini LFE's vibrate from left to right instead of up/down is also more in sync with the isolators on the bottom of my entire race frame.

Alhough technically left right is a different movement than in real life up/down, it's a vibration (not movement) so i can't feel the difference.

Looks great Henk!
I knew you were up to something lol You always go quiet before we see something new!
A very clean job as usual, love the lights and light switch!

Thanks for your help today mate much appreciated!

Thanks Mark, glad i could help. Hope your motors will last longer this time :)

Henk, I never commented on this before but this suddenly hit me watching ISR's review of Basher's brake mod for the T500.

Driving at your place, the brake pedal... I didn't seem to notice it as we both have the same spring on there. The only issue was that I was on the T500 for a while, so I had to re-adjust again back than.
Found it quite funny that I only realised now that I never noticed anything remarkable about it for me. lol
I did notice the spring though, on the pedals. It just never sank in I guess. :dopey:

Just wanted to share at random. :P

I think that you didn't notice because driving in another rig than your own gives you some much different impressions (screens, wheel, tactile) at the same time, so it's very easy to miss the the brake modification. (which i still like very much)
Nice job with the handbrake, closer is better no doubt! 👍
I really like the lights, I am sure they must look great when dark. :drool:
Ongoing revisions and tweaking are the great part about DIY rigs.
As usual, great detail, lots of good ideas and tips from you. :)
Wanted to post back now I have more time.

Great seeing you progress with the dash as it is a wonderful inspiration for ideas.
Think we both have similar objectives. Great quality of finish, nice lighting and functional.
Your ticking all my boxes Henk!

I would do the same with the handbrake but also have a nice DSD sequential accompany it and eventually a Fanatec CS shifter beside the seat.

Question is how many buttons/switches/dials is really enough or ideal?
The DSD dash also has lots while the SRH dash seems less cluttered, being more compact but then has it enough?

Give us a breakdown on what you think?
Nice job with the handbrake, closer is better no doubt! 👍
I really like the lights, I am sure they must look great when dark. :drool:
Ongoing revisions and tweaking are the great part about DIY rigs.
As usual, great detail, lots of good ideas and tips from you. :)

Thanks Steve :)

I found myself searching for buttons when racing in the dark. So i wanted to illuminate the buttons, but only if it didn't compromise the look of the dashboard.

I took me quite a while to find a solution, but i'm pretty happy with it. Nice to hear you like it too.

Wanted to post back now I have more time.

Great seeing you progress with the dash as it is a wonderful inspiration for ideas.
Think we both have similar objectives. Great quality of finish, nice lighting and functional.
Your ticking all my boxes Henk!

I would do the same with the handbrake but also have a nice DSD sequential accompany it and eventually a Fanatec CS shifter beside the seat.

Question is how many buttons/switches/dials is really enough or ideal?
The DSD dash also has lots while the SRH dash seems less cluttered, being more compact but then has it enough?

Give us a breakdown on what you think?

Thanks Mate :)

Both DSD & SRH dashes look great, but when mounted on the CSW base they still look like somthing that's added afterwards. ( especially the DSD ones )

I wanted to go for a complete integrated dashboard look, in which button box and wheel look like they are one unit.

If i had to choose i would probably go for the SRH dash. One issue though : there is very little room for button labeling.

You can never have too much buttons though. I really like the rotary encoders (for POV & seat and in car adjustments).
The illuminiated toggle switches are great for immersion and looks. If you go multiplayer a whole range of buttons with quick chat messages is also very handy.

It hard to put number on it, but when i started labeling them i ran out of buttons before i ran out of ideas for labeling them :)

I currently have : 25 buttons, 5 rotary encoders & 7 toggle switches.
Depending on the game, sometimes i use them all, sometimes i only use the buttons on the wheel

The rally style HB brake is definately on the right spot, i drove a couple of rally games this weekend and i'm really like it.

Moving it next to the wheel also frees up the space for a CSS, which is definately going to be added to my rig. The support for the shifter will be mounted directy on the isolated 80/20 seatframe on which also the mini LFE with the shifter extensions is mounted. This means the gear shift and rpm will be felt on the shifter without me having to rearrange my tactile transducers. ( already tested )

Most likely will a mount for the CSS be my next project.

After that, if the CSR Elite is supported on the next Xbox , i will probably build a dash for it too.
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Cleared out the attic yesterday and had some nogstalgic moments :)

This is where it all began: my modified desk with integrated pedalstand


On top of the desk there was wopping 17" iiyama monitor:


The wheel of choise was a MS sidewinder Force Feedback wheel
That surely is a change from what you have now, Henk.
Those CRT's were never made for triples either now that I look at your old beast again. lol
Was that an Antec case or a Chieftec?
The Case is Chieftec Christiaan.

I just wonder how many times you can fit the surface of the 17" into my triple 46" 55" 46" rig :confused:

My post today is not about something added to my rig, but about something removed:

I sold my CSR Elite to lammy77. Packed and send it today to his adress


With any luck he will be enjoying it this weekend :)

This means i will focussing on PC racing only and perhaps some GT6 on the PS3. Really looking forward to the developments on new wheels for the next gen consoles. I Hope there will a good (fanatec) XB1 available in november
The Case is Chieftec Christiaan.

I just wonder how many times you can fit the surface of the 17" into my triple 46" 55" 46" rig :confused:

My post today is not about something added to my rig, but about something removed:

I sold my CSR Elite to lammy77. Packed and send it today to his adress

With any luck he will be enjoying it this weekend :)

This means i will focussing on PC racing only and perhaps some GT6 on the PS3. Really looking forward to the developments on new wheels for the next gen consoles. I Hope there will a good (fanatec) XB1 available in november

I am shocked. You who loved Horizon so much, I never thought you would sell it.
Now would be a good time for triple PS3's Henk?
I'm surprised you were never tempted before. As nice as forza is in triples GT5 is brilliant
Now would be a good time for triple PS3's Henk?
I'm surprised you were never tempted before. As nice as forza is in triples GT5 is brilliant

Actually i was thinking about that too Mark 👍

Now i need to find someone who wants to swap one of my xboxes with a PS3.
I already have 2 PS3's, so i'm very tempted to go in that direction.
We have stores here were you can trade in or sell your unwanted older consoles, Laptops, games, mobiles anything electronic really.
Aren't there stores like that in the Netherlands? Ours are very very busy.
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