• Thread starter Masi_23
As a NASCAR fan I really like what Jeff Gordon says when you first try out NASCAR. Like he knows NASCAR doesn't get much respect from road guys. So far the handling at daytona seemed very very arcade. Oh well thanks for the effort PD.

How is it "arcade" to you? The handling is very realistic for the Nascars. If you want more of a challenge then turn the aids off, but dont call it "arcade", because its very realistic.
How is it "arcade" to you? The handling is very realistic for the Nascars. If you want more of a challenge then turn the aids off, but dont call it "arcade", because its very realistic.

I can tell you have never played a real NASCAR game. Just admit that first, then we can move on. I turn all that stuff off. Assist are for punks. But the NASCAR is JUNK. Its so bad they should be embarrassed. Indy is was off. The straight away is so much longer then that. And Daytona is very weird feeling. I'm been playing NASCAR games since EA 99 watch countless hours of races and been to about 40 NASCAR races. Trust me man its bad.
In defense I think you have to get to a certain level to switch physics modes..things seem too easy right now no matter what im driving and all assists off. Right now im only at level 8 so it may be a while.
Actually they don't....

Back on-topic, loving the sound of them... pretty amazing thunderous V8...
I can tell you have never played a real NASCAR game. Just admit that first, then we can move on. I turn all that stuff off. Assist are for punks. But the NASCAR is JUNK. Its so bad they should be embarrassed. Indy is was off. The straight away is so much longer then that. And Daytona is very weird feeling. I'm been playing NASCAR games since EA 99 watch countless hours of races and been to about 40 NASCAR races. Trust me man its bad.

Your assesment is spot-on.

A car hasn't been built of any kind that steers that bad, much less a million dollar race car.
I guess motorsport is an emotive thing, when you couple that with the fact that everyone on the internet talks like a cage-fighter (best said in the Napoleon Dynamite voice) you end up with threads going this way.

I love ALL motorsport - I'll watch people race absolutely anything with engines in, so I'm pleased that Nascars are represented in GT5.

In a few weeks when people have taken them around some of the famous GT5 Original Courses we'll see a slight shift in the general snobbishness about Nascar because people will realise that these cars are actually about as brutal as a race car comes.

They have massive amounts of torque and power with virtually no downforce.

Trouble down low? I'm not surprised :D
Actually they don't....

Back on-topic, loving the sound of them... pretty amazing thunderous V8...

Omg. The sound is the worst part. Not even close. The sound has to be the easiest to get right. Listen to real NASCAR. Probably the first time you've done so. Then go listen to gt5

Now gt5.. fast forward a bit.


A deaf man could hear how bad that is. Way to high pitched. Sound for NASCAR is 1/10 gameplay is 3/10. Sorry gt guys this won't change ur mind about NASCAR. If fact it will only make you hate it more :-(
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As much as I HATE to say this (this is coming form a hardcore NASCAR racer), minus the graphics, the NASCAR portion of GT5 is ALMOST as bad as NASCAR 09. What little NASCAR tracks they have are modeled very accurately, the sound is off by quite a bit. But, the physics is horrifying. Obviously, there is no restrictor plates at Daytona, so I can't even comment on how the cars can and should drive there. Indy, however, ugh. I can go around the corners at Indy at apx. 175 mph, nearly wide open, IN 3RD GEAR!!!! I haven't got into the gear ratios yet, but the default gearing sucks. Shifting into 4th at around 180? We should be going around those corners no more than 165, probably a lot less than that.

Anyone else agree that the draft is sill way to powerful?
Nice! We'll figure it out. Hopefully once we get everything unlocked it will provide harder physics..
Nice! We'll figure it out. Hopefully once we get everything unlocked it will provide harder physics..

Maybe but I wouldn't bet on it. I think PD was as ignorant about NASCAR as most member here are. They probably thought they could use the same physics and just make circle tracks how hard can it be......WRONG
I can tell you have never played a real NASCAR game. Just admit that first, then we can move on. I turn all that stuff off. Assist are for punks. But the NASCAR is JUNK. Its so bad they should be embarrassed. Indy is was off. The straight away is so much longer then that. And Daytona is very weird feeling. I'm been playing NASCAR games since EA 99 watch countless hours of races and been to about 40 NASCAR races. Trust me man its bad.

lol! EA Nascar!!
Hey EA NASCAR 2001- 2004 Thunder were VERY VERY good games. Then they started to outsource there production. EA 2003 Thunder blows this GT5 NASCAR away.

To be fair, they are fully fledged games dedicated to the subject, where as Nascar in GT5 was probably added to attract more of the American market to the game (better sales for Sony)

I'm a big WRC fan but having a few cars from last year and no courses from the actually WRC is as about as good as it gets. So I understand, no hard feelings.
Hey EA NASCAR 2001- 2004 Thunder were VERY VERY good games. Then they started to outsource there production. EA 2003 Thunder blows this GT5 NASCAR away.

You all just keep arguing and nit-picking GT5s NASCAR whilst I'm enjoying everything that the game has to offer. Have fun 👍
Guys, remember that this is something that PD could very easily remedy in a patch. And about the restrictor plate thing, theres ways around that too. We can still have awesome plate-style races online as long as we detune the engines so they don't crank out so much power. Thats really the only problem from what I can tell, and its definitely something that can be worked around if everyone cooperates.
Sound of the car isn't really bad, its the Gearwhine overpowering the engine. It still sounds like a V8, but its hardly audible because of it. This could easily be fixed as PD first showed at Gamescom. Not that big an issue in my book. And toyota_gt1, I'm not sure I agree with this being as bad. Honestly, nothing can be worse then 09. Daytona was smooth and not bumpy. The draft (at least when I tryed at Daytona) took much longer whereas in 09, its instant and lets not forget the fact you didn't even need the draft to pass cars (which even you know hardly happens at Restrictor plate races).
Didn't buy 09. Played the demo it was crap. Played the full game at my friends house and realized you had to have assists on to play.

Ur right it is the gear noise. I just expected more outta there NASCAR. I didn't buy it for the nascar though. Atleast we got our own game coming out in Feb
I didn't expect much out of NASCAR in GT5 and it's certainly lived up to those expectations. It feels separate from the rest of the game, like a last minute 3rd-party add-on.
The NASCAR Cars are lulzy to say the least. Well done PD for not including a restrictor plate. Because NASCAR cars really do 230 at Daytona now?

Sounds are terribly bad, though, there is a rather large assortment of paints to choose from. Then again, that could be said for most of GT.

But who cares, it's NASCAR, this is GT5. Gran Turismo is all about the road cars in my book, NASCAR is....... NASCAR. Not hating on NASCAR, but who expected this to be the NASCAR game?
The nascars are crap because of the sounds, I've been to a couple races, the gear whine is way to loud and the motor doesn't sound beefy enough. im completely disappointed in GT5 because they seemed too have put absolutely 0 effort into making any of the cars sound a little bit like the real deal. its still a good game but the sound aspect ruins it for me.
Speaking as a person from the UK I've got to say I'm pretty much enjoying GT5 NASCAR for a number of reasons.

1. It's a welcome diversion from the main element of Gran Turismo, racing production cars. Along with rally and karting, NASCAR adds another style of motorsport to master.

2. It actually promotes NASCAR as a technical and skillful form of driving, instead of the oval track, left turn only, bore fest, which a lot of people outside the U.S view NASCAR as being. It's a good advert for NASCAR to non Americans.

3. It's directed toward everyone and not just die hard NASCAR fans which makes it a lot more appealing for others to try, which I'm sure was PD's intention in the first place. If it was a full blown NASCAR sim I and probably many others wouldn't have bothered trying it out.

All in all I'm pleased it was included in GT5.
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I was actually quite impressed with the NASCAR race, its cockpit view at high speed is very immersive and gives a great sense of speed, and 16 cars helps too for Oval racing (of course more is better, but we're coming from 6-8 . But of course I'm not at all burdened with any knowledge about the real thing, so that's probably where I differ from people who complain ;).