Nat./Regional Finals training - Updates from finals around the world!

  • Thread starter Wardez


Not Hotdog
Staff Emeritus
United States
Las Vegas UTC-8
Racers around the world are welcome to join, this is not US only!


I'm using the same special PSN account from last year for everyone to add, if you want an invite, post here!
But if you participated last year, you're already good to go đź‘Ť

Here's some footage provided by outlaw4rc (US Finalist) for you to get a glimpse at the type of racing that goes down!

And be sure to check out Jett Chandler's (Jett_Racer - 2012 Silverstone Finalist) Twitch TV channel he livestreams from here:

It's time to prepare!

Following up from the excellent racing and training get togethers we did last year I, and the rest of the PURE establishment, present organized practice for National/Regional/Territory Finals for GT Academy 2013. Get used to racing under pressure as some of the world's best spec racers test your skill in our rooms.

We invite you to post scheduled online GT5 racing lobbies and lounges, add each other as friends, and run as much practice in the different car and track combo's we'll be suggesting to each other as possible. But this will be spec racing with tuning prohibited.
The key thing will be variety, running cars you're not comfortable with, at new tracks or variations of tracks you might not have otherwise run, we're here to help everyone all get used to eachother's driving and racing styles.

All races will be held within the special PSN account private lounge. If you'd like to participate, just post your interest and I will add you. If you want to invite friends that's fine as well, we're just not posting the PSN name here publicly to avoid being inundated with friend requests.

Most of the time we'll be running short sprint races from 3 laps to around 10, depending on the track and the mood of the room of course. Easy drop-in drop-out topnotch racing!

Just gotta say though, we all have to watch out for eachother as well.
This is a self-regulating organism.

If any of you encounter a driver that doesn't show the best of behavior, report it to me and I'll look into it. If I get the bandit confirmed, then off he goes from the friendlist.

We reserve the right to deny admittance to anyone.
No racecraft, no sportsmanship, no service.



These cars, from now on, must be run stock (bought brand new from the dealership) with only an oil change and must always only have 0 miles/km distance driven. Racing the cars in our lobbies with tire wear set off means the cars' engines will not gain distance driven.

Power - PP figures are at zero miles/kilometers with an oil change. Set the room to the displayed PP
  • Silvia Spec-R Aero (S15) '02 - [251hp - 436pp]
  • Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '07 - [316hp - 459pp]
  • Skyline Coupe 370GT Type SP '07 - [335hp - 461pp]
  • Fairlady Z (Z34) '08 - [337hp - 464pp]
  • Skyline GT-R V-Spec II NUR (R34) '02 - [343hp - 475pp]
  • GT-R SpecV '09 [502hp - 538pp]
  • GT-R Black Edition '12 - [552hp - 548pp]
  • 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08 - [381hp - 516pp]
Update on the
370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08

  1. Change to the vehicle list specifications in the first post (OP) of this thread:
    the 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08 [not the untradeable 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy) '08 that has less power stock and can't be traded] will now be run at zero miles/kilometers with a fresh oil change making HP of 381 @ 516pp.

    Players that currently have broken-in Tuned 370's (GTA Version), please restore them to zero miles, then do an oil change. If your car is already at 0 miles/km, you're good to go.

    We changed this because we realized players can use a restoration ticket (RT) which resets the odometer/miles gained to 0. The RT does not take parts off of cars though (as the first description box says), so if you have a engine upgrade, you'll need to get a new one.

    Five restoration tickets were a gift in 2.02 upgrade only if you had previously purchased any of the October DLC packs. They are not tradeable/giftable and can not be awarded anymore. The tickets would be in your items list near the bottom in the same page as the free GT Auto service coupons - Game Items: Special Coupons.

    If you only got GT5 recently, or never bought DLC, you won't have a RT, so you'll need us to directly send you a zero mile Tuned 370. Please post a request in the thread if this is your situation and we'll get one to you with priority.

    This will make it easier for everyone to be at an even playing field with the car (which is probably the most important car to have complete parity with) and not have to resort to detuning and such in order to have everyone race.
  2. An alternate option to those guys currently waiting/looking for the 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08:

    You can get the Academy cars in the Marketplace section of these forums. Just post a "wanted" thread and someone is bound to have one to trade, or possibly even just give you, if they have duplicates/care for your cause.

    You must specify that you are looking for a car with no miles/km on it.

We went to these lengths for this car because we feel it's the most challenging to race and thus requires the most amount of practice in order for everyone to feel comfortable racing it. It was the car that messed up the most people's races at Nationals last year, so get it nailed! Important!

This GT-R Academy Version must be used with full break in and fresh oil figures. Must be used fully broken in.
  • GT-R SpecV (GT Academy Version) '09 - [517hp - 543pp]

Click here to access the practice times spreadsheet:
(New sheet will be made soon)

These are the settings used:

Recommended room settings:
Slots: 16
Race Quality: High
VOIP: Disabled
Host: Unfixed

Extra event Settings -
Penalty: None
Race Finish Delay: 140
Visible Damage: Off
Mechanical Damage: Limited

Regulation Settings -
Car Restrictions: None
Set Performance Points, not power and weight.


Recommended race formats:
What we're looking to train most of all in these races is adaptability and "explosive speed."
In other words: we want the racing to vary and be unsettling. We don't want to keep running "favorite" combos too much, although throwing them in to break up monotony is always ok we don't want to trail off the focus here.

This is what the standard race should be like:
Drivers decide among themselves what car they would like to focus on, and for how long. Drivers can decide to work with one specific, difficult/problem, car for a few races, or decide to jump in to different cars for every race, up to the mood of the room. Same goes for tracks, there may be more technical or unusual tracks or combos that may do well to provide some longer focus on. That's great.

But after that's sorted, practice before races should absolutely be limited to a minimum, or none at all ideally, depends on the size of the room.

Ideally, the track should be voted on, people jump in and get 1-3 laps only to qualify (as per competition), then start the race (minimum race time of 4 minutes, maximum 20).

Be sure to stick around for a bit and leave some space in between races to let off necessary steam or criticism rather than compounding any negativity with racing causing problems on track.

We don't need no drama YA FEEL MEH.

Ok, great, carry on!
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Does the typo in the banner have any particular significance, given that it's there again for 2013?
I think I can work as a moving chicane, so icanhasaninvite?
Prep last year was the funnest few weeks I ever had in GT5 even though I wasn't a finalist.

My goal is 30 hours a week of prep time over the next month, so you guys can bet you'll see me racing here 7 days a week from now to the finals.
Cool, yeah, it's great fun. outlaw4rc should be helping out a lot with the rooms again, otherwise it'll be open to anyone to just run the room as needed since it'll be private lobby racing of course. I'll make the account and send you guys invites later tonight/early morning.

Can't believe that's slipped by this whole time, wow. I'll fix it later haha.
Send me an invite as well Psn: EpicGonzago3. Had a ton of fun last year, this year should be no different
Nice thread Eddie. Awfully kind of you to start the ball rolling.

Please add my non GTP account. (more funds in that one)

Hopefully I won't make the tracks too slippery from all the rust that I need to knock off :sly:

edit - a couple thoughts about the extra event settings.. Do we really need the finish timer to go for 2min 20sec on such short races? Also, do we want vehicle damage (I could go either way on this one)?
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No problem guys, please read the OP over again, I updated it.

Originally, I was going to make a new account since I thought I had put "2012" in the name somewhere, but then I realized it actually doesn't, so it's good to go. We'll be using the same accounts.
Hi Eddie, thanks for setting this up! Last years races were incredibly competitive and fun. I must have inadvertently deleted the ones from last year ... Can you add me to your list that needs to be invited/added?

PSN: gatordaryl

I am 4 seconds slower than you qualifiers. Can I still join you for some racing. I am pretty alert of others around me and good at staying out of the way. Just trying to improve my driving skills.
Of course man, no problem. Everyone's welcome. I especially know you're good for it MCH! One of the cleanest :cheers:

Just gotta say though, we all have to watch out for eachother as well.
This is a self-regulating organism.

If any of you encounter a driver that doesn't show the best of behavior, report it to me and I'll look into it. If I get the bandit confirmed, then off he goes from the friendlist.

We reserve the right to deny admittance to anyone.
No racecraft, no sportsmanship, no service.
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edit - a couple thoughts about the extra event settings.. Do we really need the finish timer to go for 2min 20sec on such short races? Also, do we want vehicle damage (I could go either way on this one)?

Yeah, not sure on that actually. Works well as a hesitator... but then again, there's no damage in Nationals... not sure. But, you know, those are just "recommended" settings, not a mandate, so we can definitely switch off according to who's in the room and such, so np there. Same goes for finishing distance.

Initially it was long so everyone could get their battles through, but we can always correct course if need be.
If I get some tine to jump on in the evenings ill jump on and race some, had a blast last year getting prepared for finals. Add me Eddie believe I deleted accounts from last year.
Ok, so Gonzago, RedReevos, carracerptp, and a few other guys never left the friend list, so be sure to check your list for an account starting with "GTA------"

Everyone else that's shown interest so far has been added.

I tried adding a few old names I knew would be interested myself, if you guys know of anyone that you know for sure would be excited to be a part of this, please by all means post their PSN name here and I'll add them. Not everyone is on GTP all the time so I don't want people to miss out.

Got you added đź‘Ť
Btw, tell Joey his friend list is full, I tried adding him but got denied.

I'll have to refresh my memory of how we did these races last year.

What do you mean?
Adding. I'm gonna give access to the account to a few PURE gentlemen in order to add people when I'm sleeping or at work :dunce:

Last year, people would wait days for me to get off my lazy ass and add them... wanna avoid that this time :D
Would like to take part in this please (even if GT Academy isn't in NZ this year so far). My race craft and etiquette is generally very good unless I get a bad case of brain fade - when that comes around I'm usually ready for bed so it shouldn't be a major concern. Please use my current account LCachero_PHI_NZL.
I think I have you added already man, check your friend list.

Yes, I do!

You're good to go already đź‘Ť