National Finals preparation meets/spec racing (NA) All welcome!

  • Thread starter Wardez
Don't have to listen to me, I'm just here with experience and "advice". :)

I agree with running 5 lap races, keeps the atmosphere of whats to come somewhat close, I drive totally different when the race is 10 laps, just a totally different mindset.
Is the room from earlier still open, or does a new one need to be opened? Just curious, as I'm about to fire up GT5 and wanna "dive-bomb" into the action lol. Couldn't resist
Is the room from earlier still open, or does a new one need to be opened? Just curious, as I'm about to fire up GT5 and wanna "dive-bomb" into the action lol. Couldn't resist

:lol: What can I say, I like bad puns. Anyway, I'll be there in a few.
Ok, I have the
Nissan GT-R SpecV (GT Academy Version) '09

If anyone still needs one I'll be happy to send.

Wardez, does this backup (dupe ring) process work multiple times or can it only be done once?
Ok, I have the
Nissan GT-R SpecV (GT Academy Version) '09

If anyone still needs one I'll be happy to send.

Wardez, does this backup (dupe ring) process work multiple times or can it only be done once?

you can send one car a day. I need the Z academy version. don't have that one.
Had some fun tonight racing some of you guys. But at the same time there are way to many guys who are way to aggressive trying to pass and dive bombing corners. Hopefully this will change the more people race together but we will see.
Had some fun tonight racing some of you guys. But at the same time there are way to many guys who are way to aggressive trying to pass and dive bombing corners. Hopefully this will change the more people race together but we will see.

Yep. I'm tired of working my way to the top 3 just to have someone boot me. :grumpy: I also need both Dragon.
Connection/bug issues galore today so I called it an early night.

There's more to cover today:

1. There's questions on whether, on Deep Forest Reverse, using the concrete after the last tunnel is allowed. In my opinion, cutting through there defeats that section's purpose. If I'm host, that area's off limits.

2. For those in the top 2-3 spots at race start, it's more beneficial in the long run if you let your opponent run their pace freely rather than attack them at each corner. By doing so, you'll likely gap the field to the point that you can go for position, and still finish well. Remember, only the top 3 spots earn points each race in the finals.

3. If you tap the ahead car, and they slip up, you should not take advantage. If you do, that will likely earn you a warning at the finals.

4. Sticking your nose in repeatedly at every corner will only slow you and your opponent down. Don't be surprised if the ahead car slams the door shut. That hole was likely there on purpose, because they were aiming for a late apex.

5. Again, dive-bombing as a main method for passing = bad.

6. Regarding bump-drafting, I know some like it. Some do not. It's only acceptable if the other driver is as well, and you back off before the braking zone.

7. If you're connecting through a router, and don't know what port forwarding or DMZ is, look up how to set this up for your PS3. This may help alleviate the persistent DC's not just for yourself, but everyone else in the room.
Connection/bug issues galore today so I called it an early night.

There's more to cover today:

1. There's questions on whether, on Deep Forest Reverse, using the concrete after the last tunnel is allowed. In my opinion, cutting through there defeats that section's purpose. If I'm host, that area's off limits.

2. For those in the top 2-3 spots at race start, it's more beneficial in the long run if you let your opponent run their pace freely rather than attack them at each corner. By doing so, you'll likely gap the field to the point that you can go for position, and still finish well. Remember, only the top 3 spots earn points each race in the finals.

3. If you tap the ahead car, and they slip up, you should not take advantage. If you do, that will likely earn you a warning at the finals.

4. Sticking your nose in repeatedly at every corner will only slow you and your opponent down. Don't be surprised if the ahead car slams the door shut. That hole was likely there on purpose, because they were aiming for a late apex.

5. Again, dive-bombing as a main method for passing = bad.

6. Regarding bump-drafting, I know some like it. Some do not. It's only acceptable if the other driver is as well, and you back off before the braking zone.

7. If you're connecting through a router, and don't know what port forwarding or DMZ is, look up how to set this up for your PS3. This may help alleviate the persistent DC's not just for yourself, but everyone else in the room.

👍 Especially like number 3. If I ever tap someone entering or during a turn I always let them back by, or gap me a little. I also was having lag issues, during my first two races tonight it decided to get buggy on the 5th lap, and screw me over. Oh well, made lots of progress, and had plenty of fun. I probably won't be on much over the weekend since I have a lot of things to do though.
I hope a good few are around tomorrow night, it's my one and only day off!

Well anyway, good points for sure by Rich (outlaw), but I really struggle with the idea that they're evem being brought up, it's not life and death.

And on the point of those concrete patches and tracks with large rumble strips, the guys are only going to be looking at whether we keep two tires inside the white lines, no room for interpretation, so stick to that, if other guys want to use hard surfaces that aren't tarmac, that's their thing.
Well anyway, good points for sure by Rich (outlaw), but I really struggle with the idea that they're evem being brought up, it's not life and death.
I did based on feedback and general observations. What I say is purely my opinion, so it's not it's required. I just want those lucky to go to final have great races out there. We're getting closer every day. :)

I think it's time for some videos which demonstrates good racecraft, just as examples. Enjoy!

1. A multi-car battle on the last lap in Monza. A few bumps were expected, but look how everyone can race hard, but clean.

2. Another example, with competitors further back in the field.

3. Great example of side-by-side racing. Forced and I were well ahead of everyone else, so this didn't hurt the overall result. The bump at the end was expected. Tires were worn and those Miatas understeer. :lol:

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Good racing tonight, very fun as usual. As Outlaw said, the room was quite "choppy", and I was DC'd, decided it was time to call it a night, as far as racing was concerned. Very good points there too, Outlaw. The bugger to me is the short-cutting on the concrete at Deep Forest. I stayed on the track, while another driver who won't be named cut over the concrete and went from 5 lengths behind me to directly next to me as I was swinging out for the left-right before the last turn. I got pitted and he just drove on like NBD. Granted, this is practice, so to each their own, but I don't see the point in practicing something that won't be allowed when it's time to get down to business. Anyway, I'm trying to keep it as clean as possible out there, but I do make mistakes occasionally like every other human. On the topic of human, you know that HumanRacing rig they're giving away to "Racer X"? Well, I'm very curious if the other 32 will receive the same rig. I mean, we did get into the finals, just as the 33rd will get into the finals. Seeing as how they did not give away prizes to leaders each week as they did last year, it only seems a legit possibility that the 32 of us will be in for a sweet surprise if my hunch is right. Let's hope that's the case :D I'm out of here, exercise at Noon and it's already 5AM hehe
This is the best two examples of clean racing I can find at the moment (too many videos to look through in my collection right now).

First video is the GT4 Cup race at Rome, the whole race is just superb close action in a confined space. Really shows clearly how much of a benefit it gained from holding back a passing attempt so that later on you can do it more cleanly for the sake of the tight pack around you:

Second video is a short practice race for WSGTC 2. Only 4 laps:

Something that bears mentioning. Beating your opponent not only requires speed, but also some thinking on your part. Sometimes, you can plan ahead, although things can always change on the fly. Using your head can improve your finish, or even get you a win.

Here's an example:


To fill you in, that's me going against Jason (R1600Turbo) on a custom track using Spec Miatas. For a while, 3rd place was catching up, but after the mandatory pit stop, I allowed RT to run in first uncontested. Together, we pulled a gap large enough that we could do no worse than 2nd. My plan was simple. Attack on the straight on the last lap as that was the only reliable overtake spot on the circuit.

Before the 15 second mark - Wow. I got a really good run. It's not the last lap, but I've been having issues getting a good exit from the final corner. Decided to overtake.

At 1:32 - Uh, oh. Car's not turning. This exit will be poor.

At 1:50 - Big trouble. Remember the point about taking that inside line away on the last lap? Jason got such a good run off the last corner, that option went out the window. I still have some hope, though, because in practice, I've been able to hold my position from the outside.

At 1:52 - Oops. One mistake someone can do on the last lap is push your braking point too far. That's exactly what I did here. A common error, even among seasoned drivers. You can actually trick opponents into an overshoot if you're conservative with braking points during a race.

At 2:05 - Dang. If I had played it smart earlier, I probably would've held onto 1st. Now he's ahead, and there's no reliable overtake positions. I'll have to think on the fly.

At 2:16 - What a run I got off that corner. I have enough for an overtake. However, remember what I said about sticking your nose in? Yep. I'm about to do something unwise. The next kink is quite treacherous, with many crashes happening there in practice. There is only one fine line through there, and Jason doesn't expect me to move inside.

At 2:20 - Despite my silly move, we made it through without much consequence. Good heads-up by Jason, and some miraculous holding-on-for-dear-life from me. The battle continues.

At 2:51 - That corner was my worst, and for Jason, it was one of his best. However, it was a role reversal. Now I'll get a run.

At 2:55 - I could attempt an overtake, but it's going to be very tricky. I'll stay tucked on his bumper, and put pressure on him.

At 3:00 - Two different approaches to a corner. He dove it in, while I aim for a late apex. We have our own ways of driving these last few corners, something that I paid attention to during the race. This will be paramount.

At 3:03 - I got another run, and I knew where to go. Jason had been hugging left and staying there until the last corner. I, on the other hand, was going right, aiming the apex on the first left-hander, and drifting left for the final corner. That right side was going to be open for me, so I went in that direction.

At 3:07 - I got a straighter approach so I can hit the gas to get ahead. The trick will be whether the car will grip for the last corner. Otherwise, I'll drift all the way out, and Jason will likely use a crossover on me.

At 3:09 - Yes! The car's turning as well as I could've hoped. At this point, I knew I had it won. Why? Because, by chance, during a practice race, I learned that because of that incline, the behind car can't get a run on the leader at the top, so it's better to be in the lead position exiting the corner.

At 3:14 - Jason pulls out to no avail.


To sum it up, what you may lack in raw speed can be mitigated by brainpower. :sly:
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I hope a good few are around tomorrow night, it's my one and only day off!
I hope the game will be cooperative. :scared:
1. There's questions on whether, on Deep Forest Reverse, using the concrete after the last tunnel is allowed. In my opinion, cutting through there defeats that section's purpose. If I'm host, that area's off limits.
That's a good news...It should be that way in every room imo.The majority of the racing series here do not allow to pass on concrete anyway.If you can get this turn right then you should be able to cut it properly if you're allowed to.
7. If you're connecting through a router, and don't know what port forwarding or DMZ is, look up how to set this up for your PS3. This may help alleviate the persistent DC's not just for yourself, but everyone else in the room.

Guess I need to port forward, but I'm thinking the issue might be the wireless vs port forwarding. Hopefully not as I have no way to run a cat5 from my room to front of house, unless I get some rj45's from work and a box of cable and deal with the ugly, lol :crazy:
My send car is burned for Friday so if anyone still wants either of those on Saturday let me know and I'll toss it your way.