That's what happens. Mess with the bull, you get the horns.
After hearing so much about it, I had to check out the video. Artest(whatever) completes a play, on the way back, he's celebrating by thumping his chest. So while Artest is thumping, Harden bumps into him, Artest throws a high-elbow as the two are still together.
Here's the thing. Artest is a punk. He is also crazy, and I'm 100% sure that it is no act(I still don't buy Rodman, I think he's a phony). So Harden, who is sort of a flashy punk wannabe anyways, he decides to bump into Artest during his celebration? Not very bright.
Don't get me wrong, the elbow is still
COMPLETELY uncalled for, and Artest should be suspended immediately. However, I am totally shocked, because while everybody is talking about the "elbow", not once did I hear about what instigated it. Knowing how big of nut Artest is, I thought he probably did it for no reason. Wow, not a good move by Harden, and for what?