Good!Hey a6, it seems the bulls heard your inspiring speech and thrashed the Mavs.
Not a chance.Let's see if they can find consistency though.
David Stern got 🤬 at San Antonio for sending 4 out of 5 starters back to Texas vs. Miami, and promised "Sanctions".
Well, Mr. Stern, you need to sanction the guy who does your scheduling. Scheduling one side for four days rest while the other was playing a fourth night in five games, no wonder why Greg Poppovich sent his starters home. You favor the East!
There's a lot of talk going on that the Raptors are about to sign Mickael Pietrus. What do you guys think? If stats are anything to go by, he's probably well past his prime and will probably under-achieve as a Raptor.
If it's just the age, he'd be a decent addition to the bench. It's unusual to for someone to be unsigned this late into the season though. There possibly could be an issue, like injuries or something?There's a lot of talk going on that the Raptors are about to sign Mickael Pietrus. What do you guys think? If stats are anything to go by, he's probably well past his prime and will probably under-achieve as a Raptor.
What I think should be done to David Stern, I'm certain it's against the AUP, so I won't say it, but you get the idea. I could not begin to describe how disgusting I find that sellout.Pop's wallet lightened $250k for the sit down.
He loves Miami and other superstar laden teams because they sell most Jerseys and other team crap.
He hates teams like the Spurs because they happen to be teams that win using fundamentals.
Congratulations to all other winners. As for the whole Spurs deal, I am sort of on the "Spurs did the right thing" side of the fence. I swear David Stern is making this whole thing seem like an NBA version of the 2005 F1 United States Grand Prix- in the sense of cheating fans out of a marquee matchup *in November* by not having all the star players out for SA. I don't know what to REALLY think or believe, so I kept my commentary simple on this whole matter.