Reminds me of the highlight of Chalmers elbowing another player, it was just few days ago. I think his arm got caught fighting thru screen or something, when he yanked his arm out of it, the elbow hit this guy(can't remember the player for the life of me) in his head.
Edit: I'm sorry, but intentional or not, end result is clearly a kick.
Regardless of your intention of putting your leg in front of a player driving to the basket, as far as I'm concerned, that is as good as any intentional flagrant foul. In basketball, you sometimes make yourself bigger using your arms & legs at times, but you don't kick that high, and you don't completely clothesline a drive to the basket like that.
I agree 100% with the Flagrant 2, and IMO, he should be suspended for AT LEAST couple of games.