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i hate daytona endurance races ,there no longer fun ,feels like a job to try and preserve tyres for anything more than 40 laps ,count me OUT crunchy
i hate daytona endurance races ,there no longer fun ,feels like a job to try and preserve tyres for anything more than 40 laps ,count me OUT crunchy
i hear the network will be up and running this week, so i hear. we missed our bi-weekly team racing, sunday, im gona talk too the boys, too see when we gona reschedule, ive been practicing, deep forest, laguna, high speed ring, cirque de sarthe, anticipating the return of the online racing, i hope your still up for that? terry bull. hit me up when we get back online.. capn
Hi Crunch and Anchor I'm sure I have raced with you two before. I do have one more question. I too have seen people run 50 laps in a 50 lap race but they never actually win the race -- someone allways catches them. Have either of you ever seen anyone actually win a 50 lap race without pitting??
i use a controller, as most of you already kno, i been running practice on daytona trying to see my fastest lap, so far 41.444, the highest i can get, 99 carl edwards, cant even get close to that with any toyotas, 18, 20, 11, my second highest 41.448, i dnt see any place i can tweak the car, to get better laptime, and i wont be buying a wheel either, any suggestions?
All the cars have identical setups, and performance points, the fords, are the fastest, followed by the impala, then, good ole toyotas, my personal fave is my 18 kyle busch, my fave driver in nascar, anybody catch the race sat nite, thats my boy! but anyways, can it really make that much of a difference, if i got myself a wheel, i been using a controller, since i started, and can whoop ass, against the best of them. wana race??? im not very hard to find, bad drivers need not apply. jk ... hit me up, i like when an unknown comes in the room, and puts my boys in their place, so many good drivers, out there, i want you to come race. let me kno, when u come in the room, that you read this, and i invited you, so i dont kick you....capn
, and you gota date with the capn, soon, hahaha. if i can upload the replay i will.
T i gota replay, of a race, u and squintz, and rugby, in a race with me, rooster, phoenix, and some other dudes, i won, rooster 2nd, rugby last as usual, i dnt kno, if they can be uploaded, online for viewing, i also got the league replays saved as well, bet you were wishing u were north american that day, didnt my team whoop yr teams butt, 64-25, from now on we should make sure we race all the races scheduled, and not have yr team give up, even tho mathematically, yr team was finished, i give u this tho, bud u were one of the strongest members of your team, mamenzies as well, i wnt mention who i think was the weakest link, but it wasnt you, thats for sure.... lol actions speak louder than words, and you gota date with the capn, soon, hahaha. if i can upload the replay i will.
Capt. you have the best take on the 50 lap deal of anyone I have talked to. Looks like you sat down and figured it out from all ends. Got alot of respect for you bud.
Capt. you have the best take on the 50 lap deal of anyone I have talked to. Looks like you sat down and figured it out from all ends. Got alot of respect for you bud.
When all this PSN stuff gets fixed add me and I'll try my 50 lap setup.Don't like racing offline kinda boring.Need to go online and try it too many variables.I'm in the "hunt them down boat myself" it has worked many times for me.
hit me up when the apocalypse ends, im not hard too find, im capn crunch!
I will, have quite a few Canadian buddies,maybe do a World Series of Nascar.
My 2nd best setup, obviously I have my faster setup now so this one goes out to whoever wants. I usually stay on gamespot.com and thats where my post is originally from, eaisly do 50 laps plus if you know what your doin, my record with this setup is 57 laps. if you can hit 45 your doin fairly ok. My current setups run 41.450's no draft which is faster then this setup. This setup no draft runs about 41.6's http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/driving...c_id=m-1-58918574&pid=941103&tag=topics;title