Need 50 lap setup for Nascar - Daytona

i hate daytona endurance races ,there no longer fun ,feels like a job to try and preserve tyres for anything more than 40 laps ,count me OUT crunchy
i hate daytona endurance races ,there no longer fun ,feels like a job to try and preserve tyres for anything more than 40 laps ,count me OUT crunchy

at least this thread resulted in a veritable result ! :)
Did not expect this from the prior pages where the teens roamed around...
i hear the network will be up and running this week, so i hear. we missed our bi-weekly team racing, sunday, im gona talk too the boys, too see when we gona reschedule, ive been practicing, deep forest, laguna, high speed ring, cirque de sarthe, anticipating the return of the online racing, i hope your still up for that? terry bull. hit me up when we get back online.. capn
i hear the network will be up and running this week, so i hear. we missed our bi-weekly team racing, sunday, im gona talk too the boys, too see when we gona reschedule, ive been practicing, deep forest, laguna, high speed ring, cirque de sarthe, anticipating the return of the online racing, i hope your still up for that? terry bull. hit me up when we get back online.. capn

yeah i will do crunchy ,but last i heard we were doing road course daytona ,we will have to work out what tracks we are running and not just saying them when we get there

p.s. i read wednesday on the playstation europe blog a week back i hope they havent changed the time frame on this
Hi Crunch and Anchor I'm sure I have raced with you two before. I do have one more question. I too have seen people run 50 laps in a 50 lap race but they never actually win the race -- someone allways catches them. Have either of you ever seen anyone actually win a 50 lap race without pitting??
Hi Crunch and Anchor I'm sure I have raced with you two before. I do have one more question. I too have seen people run 50 laps in a 50 lap race but they never actually win the race -- someone allways catches them. Have either of you ever seen anyone actually win a 50 lap race without pitting??

yes ive seen it loads of times a car running all the way on 50 laps and winning ,usually when people drive as buddys not often if any if a driver sets out to run the final 10 laps or so without someone to draft off tho
Yes Big Daddy and Terry Bull we have raced an I enjoyed every second of it. I trust both of you on my quarter-panel anytime. I can tell you I have won with the 50 no pit deal, the first time was back in early February but it is getting tuffer to pull it off. But it is fun to try from time to time if the situation is right. So see you all on line when we get back up, fast times and clean lines
ive seen it so many times, i setup the race for 55laps, now just too keep every racer, happy, i do alot of hosting, alot, 50laps getn kinda old, im turning into one of those racers that pit, and try to chase down a 50lap racer, so i understand both arguments, both are good strategies, u can run over half the laps, pit, and if yr lucky, catch the leader, or run the whole race, no pit, and squeak past the finish, ive said it before and i will say it again, both strategies, depend greatly, on the quality of the drivers your running with. alot times i get drivers pairing up, to run 50laps, and they will win, but also alot of times, you can pit, and run them down, hit me up fellas, when racing resumes, and i will show you....capn
yes terry, i forgot we gona run daytona road course, i hope your team has been practicing. i have been, gota get my nascar racing fix somewhere....
i use a controller, as most of you already kno, i been running practice on daytona trying to see my fastest lap, so far 41.444, the highest i can get, 99 carl edwards, cant even get close to that with any toyotas, 18, 20, 11, my second highest 41.448, i dnt see any place i can tweak the car, to get better laptime, and i wont be buying a wheel either, any suggestions?
i use a controller, as most of you already kno, i been running practice on daytona trying to see my fastest lap, so far 41.444, the highest i can get, 99 carl edwards, cant even get close to that with any toyotas, 18, 20, 11, my second highest 41.448, i dnt see any place i can tweak the car, to get better laptime, and i wont be buying a wheel either, any suggestions?

i use controller too ,the fastest i can run is 41.7 on the USA server but when i play the europe server the fastest i can do is 41.5 , can we tell you where to tweak your car when you havent posted your complete current nascar settings?
All the cars have identical setups, and performance points, the fords, are the fastest, followed by the impala, then, good ole toyotas, my personal fave is my 18 kyle busch, my fave driver in nascar, anybody catch the race sat nite, thats my boy! but anyways, can it really make that much of a difference, if i got myself a wheel, i been using a controller, since i started, and can whoop ass, against the best of them. wana race??? im not very hard to find, bad drivers need not apply. jk ... hit me up, i like when an unknown comes in the room, and puts my boys in their place, so many good drivers, out there, i want you to come race. let me kno, when u come in the room, that you read this, and i invited you, so i dont kick you....capn
terry, i posted, it in another thread, check my post history, but i can post again, i got the settings memorized, here goes, aero 20 - 40, trans 1st gear 2.216, 2nd gear, 1.424, 3rd gear, 1.049 4th gear , 0. 979 final 3.034. racing soft, no ballast, no brakes, dnt need, suspension, ride height +15 both, spring rate 18.0 front, 18.4 rear 8/8, 4/4, 3/3 as follows, camber, +0.06 front + 0.05,rear, toe 0.00 front / - 0.01rear LSD 30/45/20 try that terry, see how your times compare to mine, im gona run a few, to see if i can beat 41.444, i will post them later, almost forgot, reset transmission, default, then tune base 249mph, and your overall top speed should say 257mph at the top, and performance point should be between 630-633, based on car being broken in, and at 892mph...capn
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All the cars have identical setups, and performance points, the fords, are the fastest, followed by the impala, then, good ole toyotas, my personal fave is my 18 kyle busch, my fave driver in nascar, anybody catch the race sat nite, thats my boy! but anyways, can it really make that much of a difference, if i got myself a wheel, i been using a controller, since i started, and can whoop ass, against the best of them. wana race??? im not very hard to find, bad drivers need not apply. jk ... hit me up, i like when an unknown comes in the room, and puts my boys in their place, so many good drivers, out there, i want you to come race. let me kno, when u come in the room, that you read this, and i invited you, so i dont kick you....capn

lol if all the cars have identical setups then how the hell are fords the fastest??

but to answer your question ,wheels can give you a better feel of when your gripping and when your not ,they can also make you more stable around a turn usefull for daytona ,but i cannot remember you ever whooping ass in any room ive been in ,do you have video evidence to back up this claim?
yeah got it crunchy ,will put this in a #99 car and see what i can do ,but i know just by looking at it i can make it faster ,question is are you looking to make a sprint car or use this as your endurance for say 35 laps plus?
This just something to do, while network, is down, i got 22 nascars, different setups, performance points is how i can tell if the cars are the same, u put those numbers on a ford performance point says 632, then on a impala, 633, then toyota 634, only 14 tony stewart, can only crack 41.478, i tried them all, the toyotas i can only get 41.6xx, if that, oh by the way, i gota replay, of a race, u and squintz, and rugby, in a race with me, rooster, phoenix, and some other dudes, i won, rooster 2nd, rugby last as usual, i dnt kno, if they can be uploaded, online for viewing, i also got the league replays saved as well, bet you were wishing u were north american that day, didnt my team whoop yr teams butt, 64-25, from now on we should make sure we race all the races scheduled, and not have yr team give up, even tho mathematically, yr team was finished, i give u this tho, bud u were one of the strongest members of your team, mamenzies as well, i wnt mention who i think was the weakest link, but it wasnt you, thats for sure.... lol actions speak louder than words, and you gota date with the capn, soon, hahaha. if i can upload the replay i will.
that setup i posted, good for 20laps, maybe? wasnt trying too get laps, just fast lap times, i got 2, 50 lap setups, but i find more fun too pit and chase them down. Too many things gota go right to run 50, and the lap times,, even, better too run, consistently, with fresh tires, and draft with someone. Usually before we race, my buds message me what lap their gona pit, and who gona draft with, sometimes it works out, and sometimes it dont. thats the way it goes...
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, and you gota date with the capn, soon, hahaha. if i can upload the replay i will.

you cannot upload them directly to you tube captn ,it was supposed to be a feature when GT5 came out but unfortunatley the programmers didnt include it

the only known way is to set your cam up to the monitor ,and record it as you watch the replay ,and then upload to you tube

its time consuming doing it this way but the GT isnt a recognised format for the you tube video ,but doing it this way you can edit out the boring bits
T i gota replay, of a race, u and squintz, and rugby, in a race with me, rooster, phoenix, and some other dudes, i won, rooster 2nd, rugby last as usual, i dnt kno, if they can be uploaded, online for viewing, i also got the league replays saved as well, bet you were wishing u were north american that day, didnt my team whoop yr teams butt, 64-25, from now on we should make sure we race all the races scheduled, and not have yr team give up, even tho mathematically, yr team was finished, i give u this tho, bud u were one of the strongest members of your team, mamenzies as well, i wnt mention who i think was the weakest link, but it wasnt you, thats for sure.... lol actions speak louder than words, and you gota date with the capn, soon, hahaha. if i can upload the replay i will.

lol our team was so dissapointing rugby needs sacking for agreeing to it ,there was so many things wrong with the whole event from our teams point of view ,rugby told us we were only running daytona that weekend not road courses ,we didnt have cars set-up for running leguna ,cirthe de la sarthe ,high speed ring ,i was lucky to even compete at those not too mention the 1st race team UK started at the back ,difficult to pass on a road course and races were set up so winners ran first on next course but i was the highest scorer for team UK , i beleive i finnished with 10 points (almost half of our teams dismal score)i think i finnished at 10 for leguna ,4 high speed ring ,6 sarthe ,winner indy (with white flag)

but all these things will be sorted out before the next event
Capt. you have the best take on the 50 lap deal of anyone I have talked to. Looks like you sat down and figured it out from all ends. Got alot of respect for you bud.
Hey guys thanks for all the good info. Thought I would throw this out for discussion. I'm not one to worry much about experience points and millions of credits. So here is what I've been doing. I bought four nascars any fully broke each in to 892 HP. Once they were broke in I rebuilt the engine and chassis and then began to duplicate each car. Now I have 20 cars on my flash drive. Each evening before I begin racing I reload my flash drive so that all 20 of these cars are available. I now never worry about oil changes, cars with high mileage or anything else.
Capt. you have the best take on the 50 lap deal of anyone I have talked to. Looks like you sat down and figured it out from all ends. Got alot of respect for you bud.

When all this PSN stuff gets fixed add me and I'll try my 50 lap setup.Don't like racing offline kinda boring.Need to go online and try it too many variables.I'm in the "hunt them down boat myself" it has worked many times for me.
I understand terry, your squad wasnt very prepared, you were the strongest, driver by far, that i saw, plus you were the only member of your team too win, a race, and finish in top5 consistently ,of the 14 drivers participating, This was our second event , and we did run the tracks the first event prior to that event, thats why i messaged yr whole team after we finished, to get your input into the next event, instead of leaving it up to your team captain, so we can make the racing better! Honestly, tho my heart was beating fast and my nerves were fried as we were racing, one of my teammates, (no names), sent me a message after we finished saying, thanks capn, i use too race professionally, motobikes, he said his heart was pounding hard just like when he used too race at laguna seca, for real. if everybody was too walk away with that same rush, and feeling, that all the thanks i need for taking the time to setup and police an event like that i definitly, want your teams input, makes more enjoyable experience for the guys racing, ive had a couple of guys tell me they gona get a group of their buddies, to race us. The day before, the event took place, my teammates setup a room, to practice, 6hours it took us all too get ready, we all ran the tracks together, whoever had the fastest laptimes, on any given track, then that team member would share his setup, with the rest of us, thats how serious we were about it, we wanted every teammate to be runnin the same, setup, just different cars, thats why we dominated! TEAM NORTH AMERICA vs TEAM U.K Round 3 as soon as possible...til then bro....capn
Capt. you have the best take on the 50 lap deal of anyone I have talked to. Looks like you sat down and figured it out from all ends. Got alot of respect for you bud.

THANKS ANCHOR, means alot, i never asked anybody for any setups, ever , i had too figure that part out myself, even tho i am good buds with the guys who race in my rooms, that could do it, i was really excited when i got to 48 laps, and squeaked by, barely, i came in second, but was more happy to have finally done it..capn
When all this PSN stuff gets fixed add me and I'll try my 50 lap setup.Don't like racing offline kinda boring.Need to go online and try it too many variables.I'm in the "hunt them down boat myself" it has worked many times for me.

hit me up when the apocalypse ends, im not hard too find, im capn crunch!
My 2nd best setup, obviously I have my faster setup now so this one goes out to whoever wants. I usually stay on and thats where my post is originally from, eaisly do 50 laps plus if you know what your doin, my record with this setup is 57 laps. if you can hit 45 your doin fairly ok. My current setups run 41.450's no draft which is faster then this setup. This setup no draft runs about 41.6's;title
My 2nd best setup, obviously I have my faster setup now so this one goes out to whoever wants. I usually stay on and thats where my post is originally from, eaisly do 50 laps plus if you know what your doin, my record with this setup is 57 laps. if you can hit 45 your doin fairly ok. My current setups run 41.450's no draft which is faster then this setup. This setup no draft runs about 41.6's;title

very intriguing , 57 , thats highest ive heard , did u win the race you were in?
Yes it was a win, The only time i even attempt a 50 lapper on a set is when i'm doing a race thats worth it. a 50 lap race on a 50 lap set of tires is worthless. I can pit lap 5 and make it the whole next 45 laps spent catching up, done it numerous times. Or if doing a 100 or 200 lapper just pit 4 sometimes 5 times. like somebody said earlier, there has to be the right advantage at the right time. It's a matter of luck. Usually I can tell though from the beginning of a race if it's gonna be a pit race or a no pit. I have done 50 lap races and won on a set with tire to go, it's the gas that kills. And I've went 57 2 times so far, by far the average is 47 to 50, but most of the time I pit around the 40 mark which is very easy to run on the highline. If you got a draft on the highline I can do over 55 laps, but that person your drafting off needs a wheel, not many ppl i know use a controller and like the wall, i would love to look forward to this 50 lap race though if we cud get at least 12 or more ppl. And also Idk if it was you capn, but there was a guy in a lobby i jumped in, this "guy" capn was the host and thought it would be funny to sit on the start finish line, well needless to say i went to past 1st place on the last lap and as i overtook him, there was a car sitting right on the finish line and i lost by, .014 seconds. If it was you, that was a dou*** move, if it wasan't, sorry.