Need 50 lap setup for Nascar - Daytona

Yes it was a win, The only time i even attempt a 50 lapper on a set is when i'm doing a race thats worth it. a 50 lap race on a 50 lap set of tires is worthless. I can pit lap 5 and make it the whole next 45 laps spent catching up, done it numerous times. Or if doing a 100 or 200 lapper just pit 4 sometimes 5 times. like somebody said earlier, there has to be the right advantage at the right time. It's a matter of luck. Usually I can tell though from the beginning of a race if it's gonna be a pit race or a no pit. I have done 50 lap races and won on a set with tire to go, it's the gas that kills. And I've went 57 2 times so far, by far the average is 47 to 50, but most of the time I pit around the 40 mark which is very easy to run on the highline. If you got a draft on the highline I can do over 55 laps, but that person your drafting off needs a wheel, not many ppl i know use a controller and like the wall, i would love to look forward to this 50 lap race though if we cud get at least 12 or more ppl. And also Idk if it was you capn, but there was a guy in a lobby i jumped in, this "guy" capn was the host and thought it would be funny to sit on the start finish line, well needless to say i went to past 1st place on the last lap and as i overtook him, there was a car sitting right on the finish line and i lost by, .014 seconds. If it was you, that was a dou*** move, if it wasan't, sorry.

Thank you for confirming the high line route.I have said this for a long time and you are correct.Most people with a controller do not like the high line.
This setup online will do 41.9's on the highline by yourself and about 40 laps there, Over 50 laps if you have someone to draft with, highline good for saving tires, inside i run to ctach other cars,
This setup online will do 41.9's on the highline by yourself and about 40 laps there, Over 50 laps if you have someone to draft with, highline good for saving tires, inside i run to ctach other cars,

I'm well aware of the driving lines and the drafting.Said the same thing you did back in January.
After spending the last six evenings working on a setup to go 50 laps at Daytona I have finally found a tune that will achieve 55 laps. Of course I have not been able to confirm online for obvious reasons but this setup will at least allow me to follow the Aspec cars in Practice Mode at Daytona for 55laps at which time I run out of gas. My front two tires are fully black at 53 laps and the rear tires still have a few laps left. It was interesting that you can still make laps with no front tires as long as you have rear tires. I have no plans to post this setup because no one was good enough provide one to me.

If someone wants to PM me a 50 lap setup that actually works I will send them back my setup. I did try this setup in Practice Mode where I lead every lap and I was able to go 37 laps at which time I ran out of gas. I'm sure I could have made 5 more laps on my tires.
Big daddy i did post my "weaker" setup, it's in a link about 2 posts up, My current setup is top secret but that link is my slower setup, 41.6s online no draft and 50+ laps with my current best 57 before I almost ran out of gas. Off line in practice mode it runs 41.4's and after the cars make their first pit, i usually set for 80 to 100 laps during practice to break in cars. Anyway once they pit around the 33 lap mark, then I go all out to about lap 45, i'm sure if i slowed and wait for them to come out of the pits I could do over 60 laps seeing those cars are running 43 second lap times. If you want try that setup. My current setup I will follow those cars even after they pit to see if I can hit this 60 lap mark running lap times of 43 seconds in a draft. Obviously no one online runs that slow but i'll post here later tonight the results.
I went 55 laps last night and ran out of gas. That is the best gas mileage I've been able to get so far. My tranny was set at 242 so I may try 249 and see if I can get a few more laps. My goal was to find a setup that would allow me to run a hard 40 laps without pitting. I can now do that with ease only having to draft 5 to 10 laps to keep from running out of gas. Running hard for 40 laps is critical for 200, 150, 75 and 40 lap races. It also gives you an advantage in the 50 and 100 lap races because your tires are always better at the end of the race than the competition.
Try adjusting your gears, the higher the RPM's the more gas your burning. I have all my gears set, after 1st gear to 6,000 RPM's, 2nd 3rd and 4th all start at 6,000. It will def increase your gas mileage. also remember those cars are goin about the stock 43.000 times. so your tire wear online won't be the same. But it will give you a general idea of how many laps you can go.
I know that in practice mode those same cars are about two seconds per lap slower than online so I need to be able to get 55 laps in practice to guarantee 40 laps laps online. The way my setup is now I always run out of gas before my tires give out whether it is 37 laps or 55 laps -- doesn't seem to matter. I hope it's that way online. Also, I am running the high third gear as do you, and I have had to use it in every race which I know hurts my fuel mileage.

I know I could get a few more laps if stayed a litter closer to the draft in the same car pack during practice mode. Seems like whenever I try though the cars behind want to come up and wreck me. Some of those same car drivers are real assholes -- if they tried that online they would get booted in a heartbeat.

When we get back online I will host a room where all the races will be 40 laps.
I'd like to join your online practice session's, I've been following your thread and I'm at about the same place with my setup as you are.
Def add me, PSN theycallmeherbie. 40 laps I can do by myself online easy. Gas is actually worse the higher the RPM's. whether it be a 3 gear or a 4 gear setup.
i am one of those people that have the 50 lap setup. i can go between 48 and 52 laps but everything has to fall in place for that to happen, no wrecks and dont be pushed. i wont give out my setup but i will say this, a wheel is a must , draft, and very steady on the high line. fuel consumtion is the real key here, not so much tire wear. look me up, im always online at daytona. i run with MUDD quite a bit as well as the USS team drivers.
i am one of those people that have the 50 lap setup. i can go between 48 and 52 laps but everything has to fall in place for that to happen, no wrecks and dont be pushed. i wont give out my setup but i will say this, a wheel is a must , draft, and very steady on the high line. fuel consumtion is the real key here, not so much tire wear. look me up, im always online at daytona. i run with MUDD quite a bit as well as the USS team drivers.

I think I finally have a setup that can go 50 laps and you are correct everything has to fall in place. The guys I race with are wise to me and the others that try and what they do is bump draft 39 second laps the entire race. Try 50 laps at 39 second lap times, won't happen no matter what you do drafting, running high lines or using a wheel. I am able to get 40 laps under those conditions so I'm happy with that.

The last couple of weeks i've been doing Indy so now I've got a brand new challenge. I hosted a full room last night running 33 lap races and one driver finished one race with no pit. I was impressed even though he finished last.
yea, i just startd tinkering with an indy setup myself. daytona has gotten kinda boring so looking for a new challenge. i feel like a complete noob at indy tho, lol.
yea, i just startd tinkering with an indy setup myself. daytona has gotten kinda boring so looking for a new challenge. i feel like a complete noob at indy tho, lol.

Online drivers at Indy are looking for good Daytona drivers to compete with. If you go into a larger room I'm sure someone (Crunch/Rubberneck among others) will offer up a good base setup if you ask. I've heard at least 10 different setups for Indy the last couple of weeks -- I write 'em all down. Some of their setups look crazy but they all seem to work.
thats cool but i'd rather come up with my own setup. i have never asked, or will i ener, for anyones setup just as i would never give out any of mine. all of my setups are mine which i put many hours into. to me, thats half the fun is setting these things up. i'm not bragging, but half the setups i hear of are just way off. some people just have no clue as to what they are doing. example, 6.0 on the front camber, lol. how the hell do yo drive that thing, lol
Some people just have no clue as to what they are doing. example, 6.0 on the front camber, lol. how the hell do yo drive that thing, lol

Oh I think they know what they are doing. It's not a big deal to drive that with a wheel. It's more your own problem.
lol, not my problem. i win more than my fair share of races with my setups. you see, what you and most other people fail to realize is what you do to one wheel, you are essentually doing the complete opposite to the other wheel since you cant adjust each wheel idividgually. think about it for a minute. i am an IRACING regular so do know how to set up a nascar. this game has certain limitations that you have to look out for. i can go to daytona with a default setup and still pull off a win. you sir should think before you speek.
ha, that was almost funny there. i know enough, dont you worry about that. i'm an adult, not some punk a$$ kid talking out of my a$$. come to IRACE, then we'll see who knows what.
ha, that was almost funny there. i know enough, dont you worry about that. i'm an adult, not some punk a$$ kid talking out of my a$$. come to IRACE, then we'll see who knows what.

You can word it anyway you like. You've already contradicted yourself.
You're a good driver, congrats, I'm not questioning or doubting that.
The point is, like you've already stated, the tune isn't nearly as important as the driver. So regardless of how crappy you think other tunes are, or how amazing you seem to think yours is, we both know it doesn't really matter for anything other than tire wear. Outside of tire wear, a good driver can win on a default set up, like you've already proven. Nascar, in GT5, is about the draft and being in the right place at the right time to put yourself in position to win.
no, i did not contadict myself, just didn't make myself clear i guess. with a defaut setup, i can get lucky and pull off a win every now and then. with my setup that fits my driving style, i can win consistany. get me now. i'm not saying i'm the best, i simply stated that some setups i've seen were totally outrageous. like i said before, whatever you do to one side of the car, your doing the opposite to the other side. example, 3.0 on the toe angle is actually the opposite on the other side being you cant adjust each tire separatly. same with the camber. the higher you put these values, the more screwd the other side becomes. smaller values on these is the key to speed in and off the corners and down the straights. trust me on this, i have put hundreds of hours into testing and tuning nascar. i am a laidoff welder and fabricator with too much time on my hands, lol.
ha, that was almost funny there. i know enough, dont you worry about that. i'm an adult, not some punk a$$ kid talking out of my a$$. come to IRACE, then we'll see who knows what.

iRacing and GT5 are two completely different games.Calling someone a punk a$$ kid is pretty much like being an opinionated a hole. You know the saying about opinions and a holes everyone has one.If you have iRacing why would you waste your time with Nascar on here?
learn to read my friend. i wasn't calling him that, i was just stating that i wasnt some kid talking out of my a$$ like most of them do. and just fyi, i'm just taking a break from IRACING for awhile. been doing it like forever. just thought this would be a nice change of pace. and yea, i know these are two different things duh.
learn to read my friend.
Okay... I usually don't care, nor will I comment on this type of stuff, but when you try to use it to make a point against someone else; game over. Stones, glass houses, that whole bit.

I'm not sure what's worse. A punk xxx kid talking out of his xxx, or a grown xxx man who cant spell, punctuate, or use proper grammar.
Not to mention, using the term 'duh' while trying to convince us how adult you are...
whatever dude, you get my point. anyways, my grammer isn't the issue, its my typing that has issues so try flaming me for the correct thing there my friend.
whatever dude, you get my point. anyways, my grammer isn't the issue, its my typing that has issues so try flaming me for the correct thing there my friend.

Dude? That's really mature of you as well. You've definitely convinced me you're not a punk kid now.
Maybe you don't know what the definition of grammar is.
Ask Noobster if you can borrow his dictionary, do yourself a favor and look it up.
lol, its funny that when i first started contributing to this thread, it was just me contributing my knowledge of the game and my opinion of it and then the kids came into the room and look what its turned into. happens everytime. i guess you guys just can't help yourselves can ya.