Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67
>tfw want to post pictures of the F094/S wraps I made for the F132 but afraid of getting criticized to hell and back

It could just be an oversight. There's a ton of little details and things that are screwed up. Did you know that the RX-7's tire profiles don't match?
Edit: photo
Yeah, it was discussed before.

Anywho, I dunno if I'm the only one who wants to have the ability to have very small text, as the font decals are severely limited as to how small they can get.

Adding onto this, it seems that the new text decal system is largely inconsistent in terms of sizes, where a regular text decal can be tiny, while a flipped version of the text is limited to being massive.
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Yeah, it was discussed before.

Anywho, I dunno if I'm the only one who wants to have the ability to have very small text, as the font decals are severely limited as to how small they can get.

No, you're not the only one. That would be nice.

I may be late in the discussion about that F132 or whatever it is, but it's no slouch in any shape or form. But I can't get myself to buy it. I'm happily content in my RSR. I'll run people into the ground with that car.

Nah, I'm not gonna get the F132 either. I think it's really cool, but it's just not for me. I'll definitely find a spot for the '32 Ford though!
I feel that this part right here accurately describes most of the features that are in this game. Good ideas, and sound great, but executed poorly. Is it the fact that everything is free that is causing problems with quality, or is it solely just the execution and forethought? I feel it may be a little of both.
Its just ghost. they learned from the polyphony digital school of bad decisions.
Nah, I'm not gonna get the F132 either. I think it's really cool, but it's just not for me. I'll definitely find a spot for the '32 Ford though!

Yeah, it's nice. Now that we have 10 spots, I'm gonna just start buying cars. Now, I just need to earn some cash.

I have beaten plenty of those F132's in drag races and normal races in my RSR. :) I love that car.
Yeah, it's nice. Now that we have 10 spots, I'm gonna just start buying cars. Now, I just need to earn some cash.

I have beaten plenty of those F132's in drag races and normal races in my RSR. :) I love that car.

I'm not a Porsche guy at all. I AM a Lamborghini man however. I will likely own all four Lambos, the Subaru BRZ and the WRX hatchback, the '32 Ford, and the Challenger. I don't like Challengers, but I'm anxious to do a police wrap on one, just cuz it seems like the right car for it. As for the last two spots.... I really have no idea! Maybe they will release some more cars...
So is the game worth full price when it drops on PC or should I wait until they start dropping it?
Meh. The game has some good stuff in it and the Hot Rod update did give it some good things (Drag racing, more garage space, manual transmission). But some aren't well optimized (drag racing with a turn, no customizing the manual transmission to your liking) and the physics are weird at best. But if you can stand it, then give it a shot.

Is it worth $60? Maybe. I waited for a sale at Best Buy and got it for $40. At that price I thought it was ok.
I'm loving the drag racing, it's a nice easy way to grind money without feeling like its a grinding process.

Down to 25 seconds on the speed tunnel. :dopey:
A silly amount of gears doesn't annoy me that much because it's probably what you would do in real life (especially now). Yet having an accurate amount of gears would add some authenticity to each vehicle. However it does mean re-doing the whole system, which would be a major hassle for Ghost Games. Especially since they made such a huge effort to include manual AT ALL.
A silly amount of gears doesn't annoy me that much because it's probably what you would do in real life (especially now). Yet having an accurate amount of gears would add some authenticity to each vehicle. However it does mean re-doing the whole system, which would be a major hassle for Ghost Games. Especially since they made such a huge effort to include manual AT ALL.
It's not so much a problem but it wreaks of lack of effort, not the other way around.

Why would they have to redo the whole system? They can just remove a gear and than lead into another update that allows us to change the final drive ratio. The footwork is already there, there is absolutely no need to start from scratch.
A silly amount of gears doesn't annoy me that much because it's probably what you would do in real life (especially now). Yet having an accurate amount of gears would add some authenticity to each vehicle. However it does mean re-doing the whole system, which would be a major hassle for Ghost Games. Especially since they made such a huge effort to include manual AT ALL.

In real life you can't just take your car that has 5/6 gears and throw in a couple of extra gears :lol: It doesn't work like that. The only cars that have 7+ gears are the very modern cars which usually have DCT transmissions etc.

The fact that we have 90's sports cars with 7/8 gears in this game just shows how lazy Ghost are and how un-authentic this game actually is.
It's not so much a problem but it wreaks of lack of effort, not the other way around.

Why would they have to redo the whole system? They can just remove a gear and than lead into another update that allows us to change the final drive ratio. The footwork is already there, there is absolutely no need to start from scratch.

They could, but if they are spending the time creating content that I would like better, then I don't see the problem. Are they? Who knows? I just feel like this is a game that cannot be properly judged until they stop working on it.

The fact that we have 90's sports cars with 7/8 gears in this game just shows how lazy Ghost are and how un-authentic this game actually is.

There are tons of racing games that we have to choose from, so making comparisons is inevitable. Some people will not be happy unless it works exactly like Gran Turismo. Yes, the game is un-authentic. Everyone knows this. What was the last NFS game you played that was authentic? I can't think of a single one. I'm glad for that. I don't play GT or Forza or Project Cars, because they are too tedious. I'm not looking for intense realism. While those type of games have their place, it is also nice to have a game which isn't nor claims to be those things.

You can feel what you want to feel - I'm not coming down on you, but I'm just saying that if we would appreciate the game for what it IS rather than what it ISN'T then it would probably be more enjoyable.
ey could, but if they are spending the time creating content that I would like better, then I don't see the problem. Are they? Who knows? I just feel like this is a game that cannot be properly judged until they stop working on it.
That is not how it works. You don't hold off on how you feel about a game because the future MIGHT hold something different. You judge it at face value, for what it's doing NOW. If something changes for the better, then good, but if it doesn't, do you just hold of judgement forever in hopes that it does change? No, because we have no idea what is going to happen for good or for worse.

here are tons of racing games that we have to choose from, so making comparisons is inevitable. Some people will not be happy unless it works exactly like Gran Turismo. Yes, the game is un-authentic. Everyone knows this. What was the last NFS game you played that was authentic? I can't think of a single one. I'm glad for that. I don't play GT or Forza or Project Cars, because they are too tedious. I'm not looking for intense realism. While those type of games have their place, it is also nice to have a game which isn't nor claims to be those things
That's your fault for associating something more authentic with pure 100% realism. That is not anything that is being asked here, more so that the lack of effort was apparent, and would be nice if some forethought was put into it. The game is based enough on so much realism as it is that it would be nice to have a consistent pace throughout using the same ideals they've shown.

You can feel what you want to feel - I'm not coming down on you, but I'm just saying that if we would appreciate the game for what it IS rather than what it ISN'T then it would probably be more enjoyable
Except your not telling us to judge it for what it is, but more rather what it could/might be with future updates. We are judging it exactly on what it is, and that's what you're arguing against. No one brought it up as a comparison to another game, we brought it up as faults within itself.
That is not how it works. You don't hold off on how you feel about a game because the future MIGHT hold something different. You judge it at face value, for what it's doing NOW. If something changes for the better, then good, but if it doesn't, do you just hold of judgement forever in hopes that it does change? No, because we have no idea what is going to happen for good or for worse.

That's your fault for associating something more authentic with pure 100% realism. That is not anything that is being asked here, more so that the lack of effort was apparent, and would be nice if some forethought was put into it. The game is based enough on so much realism as it is that it would be nice to have a consistent pace throughout using the same ideals they've shown.

Except your not telling us to judge it for what it is, but more rather what it could/might be with future updates. We are judging it exactly on what it is, and that's what you're arguing against. No one brought it up as a comparison to another game, we brought it up as faults within itself.

I may be a new member here, but I've followed this thread long enough to know that you are a contrarian.

"Judge; judging; judged" - all of which except the latter convey an active tense - meaning the judgment is ongoing. I used the word "judged" which indicates a finality to the action. So again I say that the game cannot be fairly judged (in finality) until updates are ceased and we are left with a complete picture. To illustrate: An artist may be working on a painting, during which time observers are free to draw their own conclusions about what the painting should be, and to form opinions on whether or not they like it. That is certainly their prerogative, just as it is our prerogative to form opinions on the game in its current state. Whether or not it should have been released more or less complete is a different discussion altogether, but the point for this discussion is this: The game is different today than it was at release, and it may be different next month than it is today. We may dislike something about the game right now, but maybe that particular aspect wasn't dwelled upon by the developers because they chose to spend their budgeted allotment of time with another aspect. It is, after all, THEIR painting. I was merely suggesting that we maintain optimism that at the end of it all, at which point we can step back and admire or criticize the overall picture. You obviously aren't interested in that. Doesn't make my opinion broken, Mr. "That's not how it works." :rolleyes:

As for my "fault" in associating authenticity with realism? You do realize that those words can be used interchangeably depending on context, right? I'm pretty sure the context in this discussion is apparent. To take TiZzla's comment for example:
"The fact that we have 90's sports cars with 7/8 gears in this game just shows how lazy Ghost are and how un-authentic this game actually is."

He/she is welcome to clarify that statement further, should you deem it necessary for your own understanding, but the context is established by the very statement itself: 90's sport cars do not typically have 7/8 gears IN REAL LIFE, therefore the game is inauthentic by virtue of the fact that they have put 7/8 gears in the cars. I agree with him on that!

I was simply presenting a positive way to look at the game that might make it more enjoyable. When I spend hard-earned money on something, I make an effort to try and enjoy it. You seem to make efforts to put peoples' opinions down. :odd:
I may be a new member here, but I've followed this thread long enough to know that you are a contrarian.
How so? The things that I've asked for are actually popular subjects, and things that a lot of people are actually asking for as well. So is that not actually in league with popular opinion, rather than against?

The thing with me is that I just don't feel that this game deserves a free pass like most others are doing. Good thing I only got this for $20. I would imagine my opinions and discussions are actually helping those out more than those that are just saying "omg this game is so guud." When looking into a game, you want to know what's bad, just as much as you want to know what's good. Most people skip out on what they feel is bad, I don't.

"Judge; judging; judged" - all of which except the latter convey an active tense - meaning the judgment is ongoing. I used the word "judged" which indicates a finality to the action. So again I say that the game cannot be fairly judged (in finality) until updates are ceased and we are left with a complete picture.
Except that it can be accurately judged based on what we have now. That is how all judging should be. You don't judge a person on the fact that they have the possibility to do good or bad, you judge them on what they are doing, not what might happen in some hypothetical world you decide to make up for yourself. This isn't Minority Report. We should have to wait for a complete picture, we should have a complete picture when the game (or any game for that matter) releases, not wait for a possibility that may not ever come. The lack of completion is the problem here.

To illustrate: An artist may be working on a painting, during which time observers are free to draw their own conclusions about what the painting should be, and to form opinions on whether or not they like it. That is certainly their prerogative, just as it is our prerogative to form opinions on the game in its current state.
Except that they have nothing in common. When a painting is finished, it is done, there is no post editing, there is no going back and erasing and fixing things, it is done and that is when you can judge it because its the final product. We got a video game that should have been a final product on launch day, but skimped out on so many basic features that its playing catch up with itself. Even going so far to using a photomode for release images while not even giving the public that feature. This is exactly the things that need to be judged, and can accurately be judged on. Like I said, if something changes for the better, then I'm glad, but some forethought would go a long way with not only their community, but their reputation.

Whether or not it should have been released more or less complete is a different discussion altogether, but the point for this discussion is this: The game is different today than it was at release, and it may be different next month than it is today. We may dislike something about the game right now, but maybe that particular aspect wasn't dwelled upon by the developers because they chose to spend their budgeted allotment of time with another aspect. It is, after all, THEIR painting. I was merely suggesting that we maintain optimism that at the end of it all, at which point we can step back and admire or criticize the overall picture.
And that is a completely blind way to approach things. I choose not to hold back on the negatives on the fact that things might change in the future, because that street goes two ways; it also might not change in the future, so until it does, my viewpoint on a certain aspect, or feature of the game is going to stay the same. I'm not going to try to fool myself that things might get better. We have the overall picture, the overall picture was released last year, and now they're playing catch up.

As for my "fault" in associating authenticity with realism? You do realize that those words can be used interchangeably depending on context, right? I'm pretty sure the context in this discussion is apparent. To take TiZzla's comment for example:
"The fact that we have 90's sports cars with 7/8 gears in this game just shows how lazy Ghost are and how un-authentic this game actually is."

He/she is welcome to clarify that statement further, should you deem it necessary for your own understanding, but the context is established by the very statement itself: 90's sport cars do not typically have 7/8 gears IN REAL LIFE,therefore the game is inauthentic by virtue of the fact that they have put 7/8 gears in the cars. I agree with him on that!
Yes, but you compared the like as if we were asking for the most real simulator on the face of the earth, when it was not even remotely close to that. In context to what he was saying, he was simply bringing to light the lack of forethought in this whole update. You grasped for something that was not said, and made it out as if he is some sort of elitist and putting down the game because its not the most realistic simulator or that its not like so and so game. That person said nothing of the sort.

I was simply presenting a positive way to look at the game that might make it more enjoyable. When I spend hard-earned money on something, I make an effort to try and enjoy it. You seem to make efforts to put peoples' opinions down.
And I was simply voicing my distaste for a certain aspect of a game, and throwing out ideas on how it can get better with some minor changes. When I spend my hard earned money, it shouldn't be to buy something and wait for it to get better, that's not fun.

However, I have not said I am not having fun with all the game, so lets try not to pretend that has ever been the case. I have voiced what I like as well, plenty of times, many many many times over. That is called giving a thorough opinion, as well as offering something constructive to the discussion.

No, I make an effort to discuss, rather than blindly follow something. This whole forum is about peoples own opinions, and discussion happens. I will always voice mine, regardless if its agreeing or disagreeing. You don't like it? That's fine, just don't reply, and I wont discuss with you. However, you replied in opposition, as if you wanted to discuss, but now you are coming off as if I was attacking you which is far from the case.
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.... Anyway.

Has anyone noticed the areas on the map that looks like they are streets or highways, but aren't accessible? Future map expansion update maybe?

Picture if anyone doesn't understand what I'm saying (from Reddit)

.... Anyway.

Has anyone noticed the areas on the map that looks like they are streets or highways, but aren't accessible? Future map expansion update maybe?

Picture if anyone doesn't understand what I'm saying (from Reddit)

It is interesting. Although, it can just be map run-off to make the playable map look less like an Island, and to mimic an actual continued city.

Although with the game based around Los Angeles, it would be interesting to see if they'd implement that idea and add a coastline to the mix, as just west to the actual city is the beach.
That is not how it works.

That's your fault for associating something more authentic with pure 100% realism.

Except your not telling us to judge it for what it is, but more rather what it could/might be with future updates. We are judging it exactly on what it is, and that's what you're arguing against.

you are coming off as if I was attacking you which is far from the case.

These are far from "opinions", don't try to justify it.

This isn't up for 'discussion' or 'opinion' that you loosely throw around here to cover your true underlying meanings.
This isn't up for 'discussion' or 'opinion' that you loosely throw around here to cover your true underlying meanings.
Whatever you want to take from it, it's no skin off my back. I have no true underlying meanings, as all I'm saying is exactly on the table. I have not attacked him.

Lets break it down. The first quote is him saying that he feels the game cannot be judged yet. Why? You don't judge a game based on the future, you judge it on the present.

Part two; It is his fault. @TiZzla insinuated that there could be a bit more authenticity, not that he was asking for the most realistic game ever. He was wrong in assuming that.

Part three; I'm not sure why that was selected, I was stating I am judging the game for what it is, not what it could be.

So if you'd like to continue to bring up irrelevant things to the comment and discussion at hand, be my guest. I'd hate to break it to you, but they are opinions. I am of the opinion that what he is saying is wrong and that we can very much so judge the game at what it is at this point, rather than what it could be.
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How so? The things that I've asked for are actually popular subjects, and things that a lot of people are actually asking for as well. So is that not actually in league with popular opinion, rather than against?

How so? It's your tone. Maybe it's just the way you are replying to me and everyone else on here is your best friend, I dunno.
"Then you'd be 100% wrong."
"That's not how it works."

It's probably not your intent, but your replies sound kinda douchey.

The thing with me is that I just don't feel that this game deserves a free pass like most others are doing. Good thing I only got this for $20. I would imagine my opinions and discussions are actually helping those out more than those that are just saying "omg this game is so guud." When looking into a game, you want to know what's bad, just as much as you want to know what's good. Most people skip out on what they feel is bad, I don't.

I understand the game has flaws. I'm not disagreeing with that. I haven't intended for my comments to come across as fanboyism. I haven't even played the game yet! I'm waiting for the PC release.... I'll probably be just as angry over the handling as you are LOL! I just like the direction Ghost has taken the series. I love the visuals, customization, it just seems like this is the NFS game I've been waiting on for a long time. I also appreciate that they are listening to feedback and implementing changes. Again, I realize that some may feel that all of this stuff should have been inserted into the game from the beginning, but we didn't develop the game. We can't fault someone for not having the exact same ideas that we have. I could make my own game and make it how I think it should be, but you may say "OMG! I can't believe you didn't include XYZ!" Well, maybe I didn't include it because I didn't see the need for it. Now that you've pointed that out, let me see what I can do. - That's what Ghost is doing.

Except that it can be accurately judged based on what we have now. That is how all judging should be. You don't judge a person on the fact that they have the possibility to do good or bad, you judge them on what they are doing, not what might happen in some hypothetical world you decide to make up for yourself. This isn't Minority Report. We should have to wait for a complete picture, we should have a complete picture when the game (or any game for that matter) releases, not wait for a possibility that may not ever come. The lack of completion is the problem here.

Except that they have nothing in common. When a painting is finished, it is done, there is no post editing, there is no going back and erasing and fixing things, it is done and that is when you can judge it because its the final product. We got a video game that should have been a final product on launch day, but skimped out on so many basic features that its playing catch up with itself. Even going so far to using a photomode for release images while not even giving the public that feature. This is exactly the things that need to be judged, and can accurately be judged on. Like I said, if something changes for the better, then I'm glad, but some forethought would go a long way with not only their community, but their reputation.

Minority Report! My favorite Tom Cruise movie. It seems you are comparing people making a product to people making assessments on a person's moral code. I compared a person making a product to people making a product. I agree though that when a painting is finished, it's finished. But who determines that? The painter or the viewer? The only people who have the right to determine when a game is finished are the developers - it's their product. It's finished when they say it's finished. Just like you have the right to determine when you are finished playing it. I think we disagree on when THIS particular product should be considered finished. In this day and age, for better or worse, 'finished' does not necessarily equate to 'release day.'

And that is a completely blind way to approach things.
Again with a douchey sounding insult. Have you tried to view your comments from someone else's shoes?

I choose not to hold back on the negatives on the fact that things might change in the future, because that street goes two ways; it also might not change in the future, so until it does, my viewpoint on a certain aspect, or feature of the game is going to stay the same. I'm not going to try to fool myself that things might get better. We have the overall picture, the overall picture was released last year, and now they're playing catch up.

Again, we disagree on what constitutes an "overall picture," but how you choose to feel about the game is certainly your prerogative and I respect that.

Yes, but you compared the like as if we were asking for the most real simulator on the face of the earth, when it was not even remotely close to that. In context to what he was saying, he was simply bringing to light the lack of forethought in this whole update. You grasped for something that was not said, and made it out as if he is some sort of elitist and putting down the game because its not the most realistic simulator or that its not like so and so game. That person said nothing of the sort.

You're right, he didn't say anything of the sort. But to be fair, I didn't say he did either. I said "some people" 'expect the game to be a direct competitor to Gran Turismo', but I DID say it after quoting him, so I can see how that could be misconstrued. That's my fault.

And I was simply voicing my distaste for a certain aspect of a game, and throwing out ideas on how it can get better with some minor changes. When I spend my hard earned money, it shouldn't be to buy something and wait for it to get better, that's not fun.

However, you replied in opposition, as if you wanted to discuss, but now you are coming off as if I was attacking you which is far from the case.

I agree. That isn't fun. I believe you when you say you weren't attacking me. But it sounds like it. So when voicing your opinions it would be appreciated if you wouldn't make your replies sound as though you are insulting my intelligence. There's no fight here, as you said. I am asking that sincerely.
These are far from "opinions", don't try to justify it.

This isn't up for 'discussion' or 'opinion' that you loosely throw around here to cover your true underlying meanings.
How so? It's your tone. Maybe it's just the way you are replying to me and everyone else on here is your best friend, I dunno.
"Then you'd be 100% wrong."
"That's not how it works."

It's probably not your intent, but your replies sound kinda douchey.

I understand the game has flaws. I'm not disagreeing with that. I haven't intended for my comments to come across as fanboyism. I haven't even played the game yet! I'm waiting for the PC release.... I'll probably be just as angry over the handling as you are LOL! I just like the direction Ghost has taken the series. I love the visuals, customization, it just seems like this is the NFS game I've been waiting on for a long time. I also appreciate that they are listening to feedback and implementing changes. Again, I realize that some may feel that all of this stuff should have been inserted into the game from the beginning, but we didn't develop the game. We can't fault someone for not having the exact same ideas that we have. I could make my own game and make it how I think it should be, but you may say "OMG! I can't believe you didn't include XYZ!" Well, maybe I didn't include it because I didn't see the need for it. Now that you've pointed that out, let me see what I can do. - That's what Ghost is doing.

Minority Report! My favorite Tom Cruise movie. It seems you are comparing people making a product to people making assessments on a person's moral code. I compared a person making a product to people making a product. I agree though that when a painting is finished, it's finished. But who determines that? The painter or the viewer? The only people who have the right to determine when a game is finished are the developers - it's their product. It's finished when they say it's finished. Just like you have the right to determine when you are finished playing it. I think we disagree on when THIS particular product should be considered finished. In this day and age, for better or worse, 'finished' does not necessarily equate to 'release day.'

Again with a douchey sounding insult. Have you tried to view your comments from someone else's shoes?

Again, we disagree on what constitutes an "overall picture," but how you choose to feel about the game is certainly your prerogative and I respect that.

You're right, he didn't say anything of the sort. But to be fair, I didn't say he did either. I said "some people" 'expect the game to be a direct competitor to Gran Turismo', but I DID say it after quoting him, so I can see how that could be misconstrued. That's my fault.

I agree. That isn't fun. I believe you when you say you weren't attacking me. But it sounds like it. So when voicing your opinions it would be appreciated if you wouldn't make your replies sound as though you are insulting my intelligence. There's no fight here, as you said. I am asking that sincerely.
Can we not extend this any further in the thread and save it for PM's or something? Though it may not happen that sudden, I still don't want this thread to be on lockdown.
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