Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67
.... Anyway.

Has anyone noticed the areas on the map that looks like they are streets or highways, but aren't accessible? Future map expansion update maybe?

Picture if anyone doesn't understand what I'm saying (from Reddit)


I'm hoping they release a map expansion! It looks detailed enough to seem pretty likely.
How so? It's your tone. Maybe it's just the way you are replying to me and everyone else on here is your best friend, I dunno.
"Then you'd be 100% wrong."
"That's not how it works
That's because you were 100% wrong in assuming that he'd be the only one that wanted that feature. The evidence came immediately after your post. Everyone here is my best friend? I doubt that, I probably pushed more buttons with my post than made friends.

Now as for attacks, you're the one doing so. I'm straight forward and to the point, I don't beat around the bush. If that's douchy, than I guess anyone who posts an opinion against something is.

Minority Report! My favorite Tom Cruise movie. It seems you are comparing people making a product to people making assessments on a person's moral code. I compared a person making a product to people making a product. I agree though that when a painting is finished, it's finished. But who determines that? The painter or the viewer? The only people who have the right to determine when a game is finished are the developers - it's their product. It's finished when they say it's finished. Just like you have the right to determine when you are finished playing it. I think we disagree on when THIS particular product should be considered finished. In this day and age, for better or worse, 'finished' does not necessarily equate to 'release day
It was finished back in November,that is what was released, and that is the shelf product. I made my judgement then, but they changed things, so I reassessed my judgement and formed a new opinion. As they continue, so will I. This is the current opinion I hold, but that in no way means it is invalid because they might change something later, as that is completely irrelevant to the present situation. We can't just sit around forever and hold back just because they say they aren't done yet, for all we know they can go dead and just disappear, so I will live in the present.

A painting and a game is not a comparable product. One is finalized and left as is, one is an ever changing product due to the digital age. That doesn't make negative reviews obsolete though.

Again with a douchey sounding insult. Have you tried to view your comments from someone else's shoes?
It is a blind way to approach things, so if your feelings are hurt because of that than I'm sorry, but that opinion is not changing.

You don't buy a product on the possibility of things it may be able to achieve if someone had more time to work on it, you buy a product for what it's currently doing.

Again, douchy. It seems like you're the one actually hurling insults, not me.

I agree. That isn't fun. I believe you when you say you weren't attacking me. But it sounds like it. So when voicing your opinions it would be appreciated if you wouldn't make your replies sound as though you are insulting my intelligence. There's no fight here, as you said. I am asking that sincerely.
No. I am not going to change my replies because you took offense to something I said. You, however, are the only one hurling insults. Had you done what you are asking me, I likely would have comply, but to go around and throw out douche, and then say to not sound so "mean" is a bit hypocritical.
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As others have suggested, this argument can end here.

@CleanCut - I'm not sure if you're trying to be ironic or not, but alluding to personal attacks when you're the one making them will not help your case. Find another way to discuss a point without resorting to insults.
Lots of people complaining about poor performance with the PC version via Origin Access on Reddit. Sounds like you will need at least the recommended specs to run 1080p 60fps.
As others have suggested, this argument can end here.

@CleanCut - I'm not sure if you're trying to be ironic or not, but alluding to personal attacks when you're the one making them will not help your case. Find another way to discuss a point without resorting to insults.

No sir, not trying to be ironic. Not attempting to backhand insult ImaRobot. Just trying to point out how things were coming across. If someone tells me they don't appreciate the way I'm coming across, it alerts me to the possibility I need to change my approach. I go eat a Snickers, and try again. That's all I was trying to do while still reasonably debating differences of opinion about the game. Was I being too sensitive about things? Yeah probably! I was having a bad day, which we all have.
I did, however, agree and respect many of the opinions that were given, seeking common ground. I guess everyone missed that:

"Maybe it's just the way you are replying to me"
"It's probably not your intent..."
"I understand the game has flaws. I'm not disagreeing...haven't intended..."
"I'll probably be just as angry over the handling as you LOL!"
" you choose to feel about the game is certainly your prerogative and I respect that."
"You're right.... that's my fault."
"I agree...I believe you when you say you weren't attacking me. But it sounds like it."
" would be appreciated... I'm asking that sincerely."

If my intent isn't coming through crystal clear in what I've already said, then there's nothing I can say further that will convince anyone of my sincerity. It's too hard to perceive meaning through text. :banghead:
I've gone to eat my Snickers, and I'm done with this whole fiasco. I really think it was a bigger deal to others than to ImaRobot and I, but I can't speak for him. :cool:
BP's NFS2015 Gameplay using a wheel.

Judging from his gameplay, the autosteering or "ghost steering" doesn't appear for wheel users.
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How come when I'm turning sometimes (especially when I'm drifting), the steering input just dies, and the car attaches like a magnet to the wall? It's really annoying.

Anyone got a handling set up that works for well for drifting and racing on all cars? I have one already but sometimes it's difficult to control. Having one car on grip only is absolutely terrible in my opinion from what I've played so far. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!!!
How come when I'm turning sometimes (especially when I'm drifting), the steering input just dies, and the car attaches like a magnet to the wall? It's really annoying.

Anyone got a handling set up that works for well for drifting and racing on all cars? I have one already but sometimes it's difficult to control. Having one car on grip only is absolutely terrible in my opinion from what I've played so far. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!!!
Try looking through this guy's setup:
How come when I'm turning sometimes (especially when I'm drifting), the steering input just dies, and the car attaches like a magnet to the wall? It's really annoying.

Anyone got a handling set up that works for well for drifting and racing on all cars? I have one already but sometimes it's difficult to control. Having one car on grip only is absolutely terrible in my opinion from what I've played so far. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!!!

It's a known issue I'm afraid.
How come when I'm turning sometimes (especially when I'm drifting), the steering input just dies, and the car attaches like a magnet to the wall? It's really annoying.

Anyone got a handling set up that works for well for drifting and racing on all cars? I have one already but sometimes it's difficult to control. Having one car on grip only is absolutely terrible in my opinion from what I've played so far. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!!!

Welcome to the "Input variables for this game are naff!" club. :P

As for tuning, from the short time I've spent with the game it seems there isn't any one setup that'll make cars easier to live with. Some handle like boats regardless of what you've done to it; the Z06 understeers like a pig regardless of anything I've ever done to it, for example.

If that's changed then it's really all for the better.
Thanks for the link. Will take a look tonight.

It's a known issue I'm afraid.
Yea, I remember reading about it from a few posts over the last couple of months. Sucks :(

Welcome to the "Input variables for this game are naff!" club. :P

As for tuning, from the short time I've spent with the game it seems there isn't any one setup that'll make cars easier to live with. Some handle like boats regardless of what you've done to it; the Z06 understeers like a pig regardless of anything I've ever done to it, for example.

If that's changed then it's really all for the better.

Man that sucks. So far I just have a fully tuned civic and M2. They're okay to drive when they're in between full drift and neutral, but I feel like it could be better.

I've played a lot of racing games over the last 15 years or so, and I don't remember any racing game having this pull in effect (simulator, simcade, or arcade). Sucks that it exists, especially cuz I'm enjoying the game, just cuz of the cars, customization and drifting.

It'll take me a while to get over this after the precise handling in Driveclub (imo).

I was just drifting around yesterday and getting away from the cops. I finish a drift and i wanted to connect it with another drift going the opposite way, and the car just pulled towards the wall. I was still turning the car with the analog, but it just went STRAIGHT into the wall lol.

Anyways, I had to kind of vent. Thanks for the tips/comments!
I've played a lot of racing games over the last 15 years or so, and I don't remember any racing game having this pull in effect (simulator, simcade, or arcade). Sucks that it exists, especially cuz I'm enjoying the game, just cuz of the cars, customization and drifting.
It's one of my main gripes with the handling model, and I have no idea if its an error in the game or if they chose to do it like that.

Another problem I have is that the cars switch between oversteer, to understeer, back to oversteer, and then into no steering at all, all within a few seconds. It's ridiculous.
@Rizzy13 that's the other problem, DC existing at the same time with it's very superior driving model. Makes playing NFS seem like a chore.
Man now that you said that, I feel the same way. Maybe it's not a chore, but it definitely feels like you have to work at it. And not because there's a learning curve, but just because it screws you over lol. Not sure if that makes sense.

I still like the game, but the handling is atrocious.

I even played The Crew for a bit (I'm gunna continue it in a month or two), and the handling was much better than this. My 9 year old nephew was dodging obstacles and turning fine in The Crew.

Anyways. I'll just suck it up and focus on the parts of the game that I like.
Welcome to the "Input variables for this game are naff!" club. :P

As for tuning, from the short time I've spent with the game it seems there isn't any one setup that'll make cars easier to live with. Some handle like boats regardless of what you've done to it; the Z06 understeers like a pig regardless of anything I've ever done to it, for example.

If that's changed then it's really all for the better.

Hey T-12, I had a Z06 that handled like a dream before. I'm gonna see if I can recreate it and give you my setup to see if you like it.
Anyone else tried this game on PC with a ps4 controller? I have the issue when i accelerate with R2 that i have to press my right stick up all the time, if i dont then the car is slightly on the brakes and it goes much slower, how can i fix this? Cause its really annoying me, also had the map not loading glitch 2 times, GJ EA / Ghost 💡
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Man now that you said that, I feel the same way. Maybe it's not a chore, but it definitely feels like you have to work at it. And not because there's a learning curve, but just because it screws you over lol. Not sure if that makes sense.

I still like the game, but the handling is atrocious.

I even played The Crew for a bit (I'm gunna continue it in a month or two), and the handling was much better than this. My 9 year old nephew was dodging obstacles and turning fine in The Crew.

Anyways. I'll just suck it up and focus on the parts of the game that I like.

The game does a lot of things right, it's just letdown by a handling model that is one of the worst of all time for a AAA racing game.
How come when I'm turning sometimes (especially when I'm drifting), the steering input just dies, and the car attaches like a magnet to the wall? It's really annoying.

Anyone got a handling set up that works for well for drifting and racing on all cars? I have one already but sometimes it's difficult to control. Having one car on grip only is absolutely terrible in my opinion from what I've played so far. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!!!

I've found that I only have the 'magnet' issue when I mess up a drift and end up rubbing the wall. Once this happens it's very difficult to get it to detach from the wall to carry on driving.
Has anyone tried the PC Trial with DS4 controller? I can't get it to work. Using Ds4tool/ds4windows is not working as well. My car does constant burnout and to go forward I have to keep right stick up (+ pressing R2 as accelerator ofc)... 👎