Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Is it a good idea to pick this game up?I was thinking about doing so because it's on sale for $11 on the PSN store. I haven't played a NFS game since most wanted 2012 and that was on the PS Vita.
If you have $11 to spare, eh, why not? Just don't look forward too much replayabilty though.

See that's the thing right there that makes me nervous. The longevity not being there. I'll probably just pass. I'll see. Thanks for giving me your thoughts though.
It depends on what draws you back to the game. The only things that will make you want to play again after finishing Story Mode & Eddie's Challenge are:
  • Daily challenges - They earn you cash, rep and decals but most of these can be achieved in less than 30 minutes.
  • Achievements/Trophies - Although most of these can be attained while playing story mode and expansions.
  • Snapshot Pro - Only applies if you are really into taking pictures in games.
  • Prestige mode - If you like completing the same races with harder targets.
  • Cars and customisation - The lack of garage space does make it tedious swapping cars to try out all the possible combinations, and even then some cars barely have any aftermarket parts.
  • Autolog recommendations - A means of showing how well you performed compared to your friends, thus setting a target for you to beat.
However, multiplayer seems to be an after-thought, despite the Speedlist update. Unless you have friends to play with, don't expect to get much longevity from racing online.
If it's $11 I think it's reasonably worth it. Anything more than $25 is not.

We tend to think of games as expensive, but in terms of dollar/hour of fun you'd be hard pressed to think of any other form of entertainment that's cheaper. My main consideration for price nowadays is the support I'm giving the developers. If it's a genuinely good game, I don't mind splurging a premium. If it's a bad game then I'll wait until it's dirt cheap.

Hmm... I really wonder how this game did in terms of sales. Anyone have any idea?

Almost 3 million across all 3 platforms according to VGChartz. Not the most accurate source, but usually gives a good estimate. Not bad, but a far cry from the Underground days still.
Can you even NOT autosave? Considering it's always online.

I wonder how long they will keep the servers up for this. Last year I fired up Undercover and it's still up. That game was 7 (!) years old at that point.
Can you even NOT autosave? Considering it's always online.

I wonder how long they will keep the servers up for this. Last year I fired up Undercover and it's still up. That game was 7 (!) years old at that point.
Burnout Paradise is 8 years old and the servers are still online too.

I'm hoping we get the get on Xbox One BC before they close the servers....
Just lost ALL my money ( £ 9,050 ) in a police chase .

It's so annoying . I tried my best losing them ( the chase was like for 10 minutes ) but couldn't lose them and just got cornered . Any tips for losing them ? I'm in an average-ly fast car ( Stanced Civic :lol: )
Just lost ALL my money ( £ 9,050 ) in a police chase .

It's so annoying . I tried my best losing them ( the chase was like for 10 minutes ) but couldn't lose them and just got cornered . Any tips for losing them ? I'm in an average-ly fast car ( Stanced Civic :lol: )
How? I thought I'd never hear anyone say that. All you have to do is mash the accelerator and nitrous and you'll leave them in a matter of seconds. I have to turn around, slow down and/or ram the cops in order to keep the chase alive.
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Just lost ALL my money ( £ 9,050 ) in a police chase .

It's so annoying . I tried my best losing them ( the chase was like for 10 minutes ) but couldn't lose them and just got cornered . Any tips for losing them ? I'm in an average-ly fast car ( Stanced Civic :lol: )

The general consensus is that Cops are too easy to lose, so you having issues trying to outrun cops does raise a few eyebrows. :P

First of all, have you got to grips with the driving model yet? If not, I would advise moving the tuning slider about 1/3 towards drift, as this makes the car understeer less and you can carry a lot more speed through corners. Once you can effectively drift around bends, you will discover cops are a lot easier to lose. Once you get better at the game and/or upgrade your car more, weaving through traffic helps. ;)
How? I thought I'd never hear anyone say that. All you have to do is mash the accelerator and nitrous and you'll leave them in a matter of seconds. I have to turn around, slow down and/or ram the cops in order to keep the chase alive.

I know right?! I was so mad the other night. I was trying to follow the Outlaw path and my mission was to run two road blocks. JUST TWO ROADBLOCKS! I never even saw ONE roadblock, let alone two. I finally got a chase started, and after FIVE minutes there was still only ONE patrol car after me, and apparently it was Barney Fife. He was doing the Austin Powers turnaround in the middle of the interstate while I sat there with my engine idling. Even though he was STILL trying to pull off a successful U-turn, I ended up getting busted because apparently I let him get too close to me. I had to pay $3000 in fines even though the cop wasn't even close to having me cornered. It was then I decided that I'm not even going to try for the Outlaw path. It's too much of a hassle.
Ok can someone please answer me this question?

So this Wednesday I'm going to be upgrading my PS4's hard drive to a 2TB and was wondering, does the game use cloud storage and is the save data tied in to your account? Because I really don't want to lose my progress I've made on NFS 2015.
Ok can someone please answer me this question?

So this Wednesday I'm going to be upgrading my PS4's hard drive to a 2TB and was wondering, does the game use cloud storage and is the save data tied in to your account? Because I really don't want to lose my progress I've made on NFS 2015.
If it's save data, it should.
I probably would've forgiven every other flaw if the game had a decent handling model. Such a waste of money.
Yeah, the novelty has worn off. I no longer care about the game anymore and the multiplayer is rubbish.
We seriously want new Burnout more than NFS, real honest.

As long as the developers don't try to combine them into one game, that is.

*cough* Most Wanted 2012 *cough*

As long as the developers don't try to combine them into one game, that is.

*cough* Most Wanted 2012 *cough*
I dont felt as much feel as Burnout for reasons:

1. While the damage is good enough, its really restricted due to manufacturer deal.
2. Crash mode!
3. The Stunt, sense of speed, and map layout isnt as exciting as Burnout did.
My problem with Burnout style gameplay is that there was always some game-breaking car that was ridiculously quick while also being a juggernaut.
