Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67
It's a shame that NFS 2015 has ended the way it has, it didn't really feel like the 'living game' mantra actually came to be.

I still enjoyed it for what it was, although I knew when I had the chance to get my money back on eBay it was a no brainer. I do wish Ghost the best for the next title but I feel that they just can't capture that old magic NFS is capable of. That being said - my taste is slightly unconventional when it comes to NFS. The Run is my favourite title in the past 5 or so years.
Heck I enjoyed FUEL better.
Jesus Christ it's been so long i didn't heard someone name this game.

Yes it was a deception, like an open-world Motorstorm but with nothing, and no crash-cam.
Bought the game for around $30 when it was on sale during Christmas. I enjoyed my time with it and got my money's worth. Spent 80+ hours playing it but after the Hot Rods update, I felt I was done with it. I was hoping that the latest update would pull me back in but that never happened.
Just don't suggest they're going to be coming in a future update. That's all they needed to do. They've also still been telling people to 'stay tuned' when suggesting new cars until recently. It all smacks of EA suddenly pulling the plug which isn't Ghosts fault, they must be gutted that they can't make the game as good as they wanted. :(
I'm placing my bet on the fact that they've been monitoring/looking at the active playerbase and took those numbers into consideration when making that decision. All speculation of course, but I doubt they're anything to brag about.
I don't think sales figures are as bad as people might think. VGChartz (I know, I know, not the most reliable source around, but it's the closest we can get) lists total sales across all 3 platforms at almost 3 million ( Much better than Rivals. I think this is just EA's decision making and Ghost trying to save surprises for the next game.
To know that another NFS is on the works for 2017 makes me wish they had continued the current game's support for 1 year instead of the usual small window that we saw back when the series had a yearly cycle. NFS is dead till then. There could have been more done.
They've promised about Neon Lights being added in the game. I mean if they knew they could only support the game for 6-7 months, why couldn't they do it earlier? Neon lights shouldn't be that hard to add into the game.
yeah, I bought this after a friend suggested buying it, and I regret that decision as I bought the pc version for full price. What a waste of my money. The game had a decent concept, but bad implementation. The cars look and sound gorgeous but the handling was worse than the original underground go figure. No cockpit view, well you can sort of mod it in. Only at night to dawn, which wasn't even dynamic in itself. The map was not very big, and not as fun as the Rivals map or the HP2010 maps. Manual transmission was added in later, but too little too late. The AI was a joke and the rubberbanding was pathetic.

I refuse to accept that we need a "catch up" in every arcade racing game. It's just a sad excuse for not wanting to enforce better AI driving characteristics or players to get better.

The cops are.. lol. nothing else to say here.

All in all, I feel like I paid to be a part of a test to see where need for speed should go from here, not an actual NFS game. This game had something for every type of nfs fan, but it mastered nothing in terms features, not even as a general racing game. The racing was just bad.

The super long sprint races where cool at the end though, but that's about the only thing I liked about this game.

For me to consider the purchase of another NFS game for full price I'm going to list some impossibly realistic requirements for the sole fact that I'm probably done with the NFS series, Forza Horizon 3 will be coming to PC. Anyway here goes.

1. It needs to have all my favorite cars in the game.
2. There needs to be an interior view, and the interior should be customizable, seats, dash, gauges, etc.
3. Manual transmission to go with an interior view.
4. Handling that's at least comparable to forza horizon, stop with this Drift ****, it's effing annoying.
5. A world map that's at least comparable to the crew, or four times larger than what we have.
6. Dynamic weather that affects the handling of your car on the road.
7. Better car customization, all cars need to have full customization options, even exotic cars should have their own based on existing customization for their real counter parts.

Ahem. None of this is likely to happen so this is probably my last bout with the NFS series. I don't believe EA really knows what it wants to do, some reboot this was, there was no going back to its roots. Because if there was, we'd have more realistic handling, interior views, and a variation of roads to drive on, not just urban not just rural. we'd have urban, rural, mountains, cities, See NFS 1 2 3 and 4. Oh and High stakes style races, lose your car or win the other car.
Full $60? Damn man. Doesn't Origin have a return program? I don't know how many hours you have played the game but maybe you can give it a shot.

nah I bought it back in march, I was hoping we'd see more content added to the game through out the year, the map expanded on, new features etc. I thought they were going to stick with building up this game, instead all of this is getting thrown out. Sadly I'm way passed the point of getting a refund, I'll know better next time. Since I live in canada it was 90 dollars =x.

Oh I also forgot to mention, but, partying up with your friends was a nightmare a straight up catastrophe my god. I'd be forced to join a crew, and couldn't just make my own private crew that only friends could join, so it would lead to us having to exit the game, add each other to our crews, then finally log in and get thrown in with randoms.

I mean seriously, they had it right with need for speed most wanted 2012 as far as playing with friends goes. Do they not re-use some of that code, like ever? How the hell do you even get that wrong? unbelievable.

no this game was a 4 out of 10. It's just so incomplete on so many levels.. ugh.
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I was so hyped for this game . I pre ordered it . And then gameplay videos started to upload by who plays the game before launch . I was shocked when i saw the lack of customization . My jaw dropped when i saw "no parts available" in almost every customization video . I wanted to trust theese guys . They promise for the more free content for future uptades . But i was really pissed and contacted with ms and cancelled my pre order . I predicted the "free content" plan and i was correct . They give us calipers , hot rods , photo mode and some parts for cars . Dude . Come on . Calipers and photo mode should be in the game at launch . And lets be honest who wants the hot rods ? We wanted subaru , audi , evo and more mercedes . And you give us hot rods . Its like a april fools joke to us . And what about theese parts . They give a band for golf gtis headlight . "New parts" . What about give us more bumpers for rx7 supra bmw and other tuner cars . We wanted for more bodykits (veilside rx7) more bumpers (for bmw evo supra honda etc.) And what we get instead of theese ? Bands for headlights . Calipers . That pre order cancelling is the best choice i ever made about games . I was really hyped for this game . But they literally let us down . Sorry for the bad english by the way . I tried my best :)
And lets be honest who wants the hot rods ?

*raises hand* Me. I wanted hot rods. I want more of them in the next game too.

Sorry everyone feels so disappointed. I know that a lot of these complaints are legit. But you know what else is legit? Not expecting perfection from every single thing. Maybe I have a different opinion because I've been gaming since the first Nintendo. I mean, try giving NFS15 to a gamer from 1995 and see what HE thinks! I realize that 1995 isn't the standard they are trying to reach, but for god's sake, I wish people would adjust their expectations and demands a little bit. You know I honestly can't remember the last game I followed the forums on that people were actually pleased with the game? That means one of two things: Either I'm playing all the wrong games, or people need to adjust their expectations for what they get out of a video game.
*raises hand* Me. I wanted hot rods. I want more of them in the next game too.

Sorry everyone feels so disappointed. I know that a lot of these complaints are legit. But you know what else is legit? Not expecting perfection from every single thing. Maybe I have a different opinion because I've been gaming since the first Nintendo. I mean, try giving NFS15 to a gamer from 1995 and see what HE thinks! I realize that 1995 isn't the standard they are trying to reach, but for god's sake, I wish people would adjust their expectations and demands a little bit. You know I honestly can't remember the last game I followed the forums on that people were actually pleased with the game? That means one of two things: Either I'm playing all the wrong games, or people need to adjust their expectations for what they get out of a video game.
I can hold off on perfection if they can just manage to make a fun driving game. There was certainly a game here, but the driving aspect of it was absolutely horrible. There is a lot of things that went wrong here that should have been relatively easy to work around.

Severely limiting your view to try to favor a game because it feel really short of the stick is not a good work around, however. Thankfully, we aren't living in 1995, and they have a lot more and better tools to work with. This game failed way more at implementation, than it did with any content issues. Hell, it even feels like the driving aspect of this game was a complete afterthought. It seems that you're just holding the bar low, more or less. There's nothing wrong with that, but this game was just not good. I was shocked to learn that this had a 2 year dev cycle.
*raises hand* Me. I wanted hot rods. I want more of them in the next game too.
Sorry everyone feels so disappointed. I know that a lot of these complaints are legit. But you know what else is legit? Not expecting perfection from every single thing. Maybe I have a different opinion because I've been gaming since the first Nintendo. I mean, try giving NFS15 to a gamer from 1995 and see what HE thinks! I realize that 1995 isn't the standard they are trying to reach, but for god's sake, I wish people would adjust their expectations and demands a little bit. You know I honestly can't remember the last game I followed the forums on that people were actually pleased with the game? That means one of two things: Either I'm playing all the wrong games, or people need to adjust their expectations for what they get out of a video game.
Honestly I didn't expect NFS15 to be perfect also. When I first played the beta and handling was so bad, I was like "meh I gotten used to Rivals handling after playing it since launch so I better use it here then." So what happen, it was like those bad physics handling just became my best friend and eventually I gotten used to its handling model. It's like facing your own fear but at the end you overcome it and that's what I've experienced here in NFS15.

Fact: This isn't actually the first time we have Hot Rods in a NFS game. It was Motor City Online the first NFS game that had Hot Rods.

Either I'm like CleanCut here or maybe I'm good at adapting things.
Either I'm like CleanCut here or maybe I'm good at adapting things.
Everyone can adapt, but that wasn't the issue here. If a game had some good underlining features and consistency, then sure I'll adapt. This, however, just had no reward at the end of the day. It was not fun, nor was it challenging, and if it cant get the one thing right that it's based on, which is driving a car, then there's little need to adapt.

It could have been a game to give Horizon a run for its money, but it fell short on so many aspects. It was a bit disappointing. I'm shocked that it's even getting another iteration, here's to hoping they can get a decent driving model in next time.

I'm just glad I got this for $19, because it definitely wasn't worth $60.
Everyone can adapt, but that wasn't the issue here. If a game had some good underlining features and consistency, then sure I'll adapt. This, however, just had no reward at the end of the day. It was not fun, nor was it challenging, and if it cant get the one thing right that it's based on, which is driving a car, then there's little need to adapt.

It could have been a game to give Horizon a run for its money, but it fell short on so many aspects. It was a bit disappointing. I'm shocked that it's even getting another iteration, here's to hoping they can get a decent driving model in next time.

I'm just glad I got this for $19, because it definitely wasn't worth $60.
I think it was due to me playing too much Rivals and that's why I felt like "yeah this handling seems like Rivals." No wonder why I kept the handling slider all the way/halfway to drift for all cars.

Yeah. Hopefully Ghost will learn from this and eventually finally make a NFS game with a decent handling model. I decided to give them another chance because I know they can do better than that and this is due to EA being EA.
Yeah. Hopefully Ghost will learn from this and eventually finally make a NFS game with a decent handling model. I decided to give them another chance because I know they can do better than that and this is due to EA being EA.
The handling model they produced is because of EA being EA? I'm having a hard time believing that, because if that was something to go by, there have been plenty of other need for speed games have had a well enough handling model. It's due to the implementation of the developer, not the publisher at this point. They botched it, plain and simple, and I was hoping they would at least touch up on it with the content updates.

Even more so is the fact that EA is even supporting them for another game. So it's likely not the case of them getting the plug pulled on them.
*raises hand* Me. I wanted hot rods. I want more of them in the next game too.

Sorry everyone feels so disappointed. I know that a lot of these complaints are legit. But you know what else is legit? Not expecting perfection from every single thing. Maybe I have a different opinion because I've been gaming since the first Nintendo. I mean, try giving NFS15 to a gamer from 1995 and see what HE thinks! I realize that 1995 isn't the standard they are trying to reach, but for god's sake, I wish people would adjust their expectations and demands a little bit. You know I honestly can't remember the last game I followed the forums on that people were actually pleased with the game? That means one of two things: Either I'm playing all the wrong games, or people need to adjust their expectations for what they get out of a video game.

This feels like a strawman argument, are you suggesting that we expected perfection in a need for speed game? come now lets take a few steps back and rewind time a bit, back when 2015 was announced.

They advertised this game as going back to its roots, and I'm sorry underground is not the "roots" Of NFS. And yet even if they idolized underground as the roots they failed to deliver a game that's at least as fun as undergound. The expectation was that they'd deliver a modern NFS based on its roots, instead... we got terrible physics and an amateur of all trades, not even a JACK of all trades its bloody amateur.

No one of us is expecting perfection, there's no such thing as a perfect game. We'd all be playing it otherwise!.

Infact I am a gamer from 1995. I played Need for speed 1, why does need for speed one feel like a better game than this? Before you answer, think for a moment. The first rule that every game developer needs to master when it comes to making these games are the controls. The controls need to feel good. period. NFS2015 didn't even get the first rule down. RNG driving physics, yeah right. The original team that produced NFS1 got everything right, was NFS1 perfect? No but it was the defining moment of the series. Fast cars, driving in exotic locations, doing things you otherwise would not dare attempt in reality with these cars.

Fast forward to NFS 2015. and NFS lost its identity, The handling is gone, the customization is a shadow of what existed in the underground series, the world map is rather small, not even an hint of an update, no dynamic weather, I mean really nfs rivals had dynamic weather and was fun, nfs 2012 had dynamic weather, nfs 2010 had dynamic weather. The AI is terrible, the police chases are terrible, the ability to group up with your friends is a chore and a half.

Oh yeah, what about that so called post launch support. What was it, 3-4 updates? Who the hell cares! One of the updates was practically mandatory. The speedlist? Just re-used content, doesn't add anything new. They promised they'd add more customization options, neon lights, etc. Where are they?

You see, NFS 2015 had some of my all time favorite cars, Diablo SV, Ferrari F40, Honda NSX. etc. But that does not justify the horrible experience this game actually is.

If you can't find a forum where people actually like the game, maybe you should go to the elite dangerous forums. They seem to love their game over there. The problem is, there's not a lot of developers making good innovative games, or games that at least compare in terms of depth to what we had 20 years ago.

Honestly I didn't expect NFS15 to be perfect also. When I first played the beta and handling was so bad, I was like "meh I gotten used to Rivals handling after playing it since launch so I better use it here then." So what happen, it was like those bad physics handling just became my best friend and eventually I gotten used to its handling model. It's like facing your own fear but at the end you overcome it and that's what I've experienced here in NFS15.

Fact: This isn't actually the first time we have Hot Rods in a NFS game. It was Motor City Online the first NFS game that had Hot Rods.

Either I'm like CleanCut here or maybe I'm good at adapting things.

I adapted to the handling just fine, I beat the entire game got gold on everything, speed list comes out, Didn't care to continue playing. Why? just because I adapt to a certain handling playstyle even if I'm good at it, doesn't mean its fun. You see project cars is way harder to play than this, but there is proper physics I feel like I'm driving a race car. In NFS, I don't know wtf I'm driving. Some kind of hovercraft with skis that sometimes grip the road and force you to slam into a wall for no apparent reason I guess?
This feels like a strawman argument, are you suggesting that we expected perfection in a need for speed game? come now lets take a few steps back and rewind time a bit, back when 2015 was announced.

They advertised this game as going back to its roots, and I'm sorry underground is not the "roots" Of NFS. And yet even if they idolized underground as the roots they failed to deliver a game that's at least as fun as undergound. The expectation was that they'd deliver a modern NFS based on its roots, instead... we got terrible physics and an amateur of all trades, not even a JACK of all trades its bloody amateur.

No one of us is expecting perfection, there's no such thing as a perfect game. We'd all be playing it otherwise!.

Infact I am a gamer from 1995. I played Need for speed 1, why does need for speed one feel like a better game than this? Before you answer, think for a moment. The first rule that every game developer needs to master when it comes to making these games are the controls. The controls need to feel good. period. NFS2015 didn't even get the first rule down. RNG driving physics, yeah right. The original team that produced NFS1 got everything right, was NFS1 perfect? No but it was the defining moment of the series. Fast cars, driving in exotic locations, doing things you otherwise would not dare attempt in reality with these cars.

Fast forward to NFS 2015. and NFS lost its identity, The handling is gone, the customization is a shadow of what existed in the underground series, the world map is rather small, not even an hint of an update, no dynamic weather, I mean really nfs rivals had dynamic weather and was fun, nfs 2012 had dynamic weather, nfs 2010 had dynamic weather. The AI is terrible, the police chases are terrible, the ability to group up with your friends is a chore and a half.

Oh yeah, what about that so called post launch support. What was it, 3-4 updates? Who the hell cares! One of the updates was practically mandatory. The speedlist? Just re-used content, doesn't add anything new. They promised they'd add more customization options, neon lights, etc. Where are they?

You see, NFS 2015 had some of my all time favorite cars, Diablo SV, Ferrari F40, Honda NSX. etc. But that does not justify the horrible experience this game actually is.

If you can't find a forum where people actually like the game, maybe you should go to the elite dangerous forums. They seem to love their game over there. The problem is, there's not a lot of developers making good innovative games, or games that at least compare in terms of depth to what we had 20 years ago.

I adapted to the handling just fine, I beat the entire game got gold on everything, speed list comes out, Didn't care to continue playing. Why? just because I adapt to a certain handling playstyle even if I'm good at it, doesn't mean its fun. You see project cars is way harder to play than this, but there is proper physics I feel like I'm driving a race car. In NFS, I don't know wtf I'm driving. Some kind of hovercraft with skis that sometimes grip the road and force you to slam into a wall for no apparent reason I guess?
I think they just improved the Rivals handling physics and added grip handling. The hovercraft handling you mentioned I had that type of handling before in Most Wanted '12 and Rivals when you're driving hypercars such as Veyron, Agera, Venom, Aventador J, etc.
Even before the release I was saying on here this game won't be good. It's because of the people like Blackpanthaa who kept whining for an Underground game.
But whatever, I finally came to terms with what we'll be getting. Then only to be disappointed by the lack of customization, weak police and very little amount of events.
Two years, they've had two years. This is unacceptable, if I pay 60$ for a game I expect to have my money's worth. In my teen years I played games like Metal Gear Solid 3, GTA San Andreas, Devil May Cry 3, Midnight Club 3, so my gaming standards are set high. That's why it's hard for me to appreciate this game, any modern game or sequel to any of those games (RIP MC), but I'm getting off topic.

I can only hope the next NFS will be more in a classic style (90% it won't), but the handling must be good... I mean really good. I dealt with Pro Street, The Run and now this, and as always I managed to deal with it somehow. But for the 4th time I'll lose it.
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*raises hand* Me. I wanted hot rods. I want more of them in the next game too.

Sorry everyone feels so disappointed. I know that a lot of these complaints are legit. But you know what else is legit? Not expecting perfection from every single thing. Maybe I have a different opinion because I've been gaming since the first Nintendo. I mean, try giving NFS15 to a gamer from 1995 and see what HE thinks! I realize that 1995 isn't the standard they are trying to reach, but for god's sake, I wish people would adjust their expectations and demands a little bit. You know I honestly can't remember the last game I followed the forums on that people were actually pleased with the game? That means one of two things: Either I'm playing all the wrong games, or people need to adjust their expectations for what they get out of a video game.

I wasn't expecting perfection at all. Honestly, if the game had decent physics, I would still be playing it instead of removing it from my Xbox's harddrive, despite the other issues I had such as the weak cops. But seeing as Ghost can't even get the fundamental parts of a racing game right, everything just falls apart.
This feels like a strawman argument, are you suggesting that we expected perfection in a need for speed game? come now lets take a few steps back and rewind time a bit, back when 2015 was announced.

No one of us is expecting perfection, there's no such thing as a perfect game. We'd all be playing it otherwise!.

I adapted to the handling just fine, I beat the entire game got gold on everything, speed list comes out, Didn't care to continue playing. Why? just because I adapt to a certain handling playstyle even if I'm good at it, doesn't mean its fun.

My compliments to you that you completed the game despite your complaints against it. You're a lot further into than I have gotten for sure.

No, I'm not saying people expect perfection. In fact, it seemed like there was a large contingent of people on this forum bashing the game before it was released. I understood the skepticism, because I too have felt the last few NFS games have been rotten.

I think I am just disappointed with how negative the general populace is nowadays. It is virtually impossible to satisfy people. Collectively, I feel like people refuse to adapt, compromise, and accept flaws. Across the internet it seems like people are saying 'I paid 60 bucks! This thing should be able to wipe my butt for me!'

- When I see post after post after post bashing this game and others, it sorta feels like that's how people are coming across.

But like I said, the complaints are legitimate. I'm just more of a 'glass half full' guy. I'd rather focus on the fact that they gave us awesome graphics with buttery-smooth framerates, an awesome wrap editor and customization that hasn't been seen for years in an NFS title, or most other games for that matter. I will be playing the heck out of this game until a better version comes along.
Full $60? Damn man

$75.95 CDN + tax. Walmart. Bought in mid-late April. Great, isn't it...?

People consider FPS games to be the bane of today's society, claiming that it encourages violence in the youth. Clearly, they have never played the prestige events of this horrendous game.

Only in these events will you truly understand the horrid physics that this game posseses.

I have spent the last hour trying to calm myself down. Nothing is as rage inducing as this pile of 🤬 of a game.

Yes, the customization is good and he graphics and sounds are great. But when you need to exploit an aspect of the game only to win a bronze medal, something is not right.

I'm not going to get into this rant because I'll just start quivering in anger again.

I'm done. For a good week, I am definitely done.

Now to spend $50 on a PSN plus card, and $80 on Uncharted 4.
After Rivals, I really was not looking to play the next NFS game, so when this came out, I had my reservations. As I frequent this forum during the first two months of the launch, I got the gist of the reviews of the game, and while they are polarizing opinions, most of them held the graphics and cars on a high point, but the handling model is still not up to par.

And then came the sales. As I saw it half-off, I thought "why not" and bought it for myself since at the time, I had no games that I was actively playing. After I finished, some of my reservations still stands, but most of them are gone. The multiplayer stability was a big plus, as I remember Rivals's frequent bugs and server migration. The cars were good, the races and story was cheesy enough to be in a racing game, like in Underground. With the free DLCs and the introduction of Speedlist, I found some way to come back to the game. The only thing that still frustrates me is that damn handling physics. It took a long time for me to gel with it, and I still have some problems adjusting to it. As an arcade racing game, it didn't feel like one.

So, in conclusion, I do not hate the new NFS. Its a good game, and there's enough evidence that Ghost Games really did put their efforts in it, in most ways. But for this franchise to focus on the future, it really needs to pinpoint on what makes NFS...NFS. It is at its basic, a fun racing game, with beautiful cars, accessible handling, a lot of customization options for ALL cars, and in occasion, some interference with the 5-0. Get these things right, and it can go a long way.

TL,DR - Good game, but the NFS team can do much better. And should. Good luck for the next installment, NFS team!

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