Need for speed gets "serious".....confirmed!

  • Thread starter Hereward
I am still somewhat skeptical about the game, given recent history of NFS titles. Though, I am willing to give Shift a chance. Although I am somewhat disappointed with the car list. For a game that is all about serious racing, the lack of many significant race cars is rather disappointing. I would love to see some more hard core race cars, in specific a couple LMP's and more GT1/GT2/GT3 cars. Also there is a distinct lack of older classics, cars like the Mercedes-Benz 190E Evolution II, Ford RS200, Lamborghini Diablo (any model), or Jaguar XJ220. Basically, the more "unique" and not so mainstream cars have been left out of this title IMO.
Maybe we're going to be able to download (DLC) some of these categories/cars.
Some new screens released at

full size go here: gamespot e3 - shift






Has anyone noticed none of the high end exotics have race car-like aero kits on them, which makes me think visual and exterior performance mods might be limited on them. Or perhaps it's so you can use a highly done up low level car against the faster ones in even competition? Eg. Camaro w/aero kit against GT w/out aero kit.
Might consider buying shift after all it looks promising and the car modeling looks alright for a need for speed game (just going to play it for fun anyway just like anyother nfs)
Man, loving this game more and more by the day. Also, E3 coverage is today folks so look out.
Just saw the demo for NFS. Not sure what to say, what about you guys?
I lost a lot of hope for it, actually.

Just in the videos it reminded me of an old arcade game where you pass a never ending supply of cars as if they're standing still.

Damage doesn't look all that great either, in the live demo the guy drove head-on into a wall, flipped, got hit in the side and rolled back over. The Front of the car wasn't bent, the hood came off one of it's bearings but didn't show any signs of damage otherwise and the car went phantom and the stream of cars kept knocking the hood up in the same exact motion each time.

All in All I'll have to see a demo, but I'm really not holding up high expectations.

i thought the pro sim mode was steering wheel only, or that it would be too difficult to play with a gamepad...
So possibly, we have yet to see pro sim mode and if thats that case, then really it'l come to us seeing that in use in order to really make a good assessment. I really hope it is just people doing a horribly job at playing the game and not the physics.
I just saw this deal earlier this hour. And really, I don't know what to think. I mean... it's a win if the Need for Speed series matures from the illegal street racing thing. However, going to a more sim-oriented racing model for a game clearly entrenched in arcade lore is something I'm not seriously excited about for a franchise like this. I'm really on the fence for "Need for Speed: Shift." I'm excited for it, but something tells me that the NFS series, while lost in the game before "NFS: Underground," are really trying to venture in a newer department. To me, this game is basically picking up where "Need for Speed: Pro Street" somewhat left off at.
I don´t like the video... the handlings looks too chaotic...

but the car sounds are very nice! I like them very much...
Looks good, although I think the sense of speed is a tad high.
Much of what has been seen appears to be on an easy difficulty level so the speed differential's are high.

I've yet to see a video with two cars racing closely together for a period of time.
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Well, those crazhes are there for two reasons. The first reason is to be assured you can damage and smash up cars (this, so that immature brats can lovingly wreck a 6-figure supercar like it's not a damn thing). The other reason would be that if it didn't have a severe level of damage, gamers would go back to playing Burnout games. Because le'ts face it- racing is dead, and crashes rule the roost. Of course, expect nothing less from EA Hollywood-ing up an otherwise decent racing game.

It may all sound like a complete 180 from my previous post, but you're almost assured a title where you race extremely hard, to the point of trying to take out other drivers.
You are not forced to crash. It's your choice when you want clean or dirty race. AI is competitive. They are not robots. And the first corner in London is really tight :-)

btw imagine yourself playing this in front of big audience... :-P
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If you look here at Forza 3 press coference video, even the guys at Turn 10 didn't refrain themselves from showing the game's crash physics/modeling. And whether you like or not, Forza 2 and now 3 (in all probability) are simcade, very much like GT and most probably, SHIFT although my bet is on SHIFT to be the one closest to the like of rFactor and iRacing. And looking at the Forza 3 trailer, the the cars move very much in the same way the ones in SHIFT do which in my book don't mean S**T (excuse the pun).
I don't think it will be too long before we get the demo and I hope that at least we get something on the same level as GT when it comes to physics and handling but hopefully more intense and unbridled similar to what GRID has to offer especially when it comes to the racing aspect of the game.
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I lost a lot of hope for it, actually.

Just in the videos it reminded me of an old arcade game where you pass a never ending supply of cars as if they're standing still.
Did you not watch the last video of the damage? Seems to me a lot of the cars started to leave the guy behind after a couple seconds.
Thought the video looked fantastic. Certainly got the imersion aspects down a tee and he only passed cars on the first complex followed by on car which spun out, I think he was passed himself once or twice as well, damage at the end was also good, can't do much more than having your car on it's door handle LOL
Hey guys, I've been following this thread for a couple of weeks now and I really find your comments relevant so I've decided to sign-up

About the E3 presentation, well I can't say the gameplay they showed is "impressive" but it's still very positive. Plus all driving assists were toggled on, as you can see under the speedometer so I do not get worry
After Microsoft's presentation of Forza Motorsport 3 I thought I would forget Shift and throw it in the trashcan but the EA conference relieved me :)

Can't wait to try professionnal mode w/ my wheel :)
Thought the video looked fantastic. Certainly got the imersion aspects down a tee and he only passed cars on the first complex followed by on car which spun out, I think he was passed himself once or twice as well, damage at the end was also good, can't do much more than having your car on it's door handle LOL

Firts, There is a HD version available now here: -NFS Shift - E3 presentation

I thought the same, looked better then previous clips shown.

- Sense of speed was good.
- The physics things (acceleration time/brake before slow right, way corners were taken/missed ;)) ) I could judge were more then ok, far away from GRID's physics as possible wich is a very good thing ;)
- sounded very good
- And as we already knew, it does look very good

So think Andy did great job showing the game off in front of that audience 👍

Looking forward to the demo and more stuff from the E3

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