Need for speed gets "serious".....confirmed!

  • Thread starter Hereward
Just saw the link at and more or less what I expected/hoped for (sim/physics part) 👍
Really looking forward to try the demo out :bowdown:

Just shame about pit stops/tire wear (although the two are logically combined) and no PC dedicated server 👎

And good to see Ian hass not lost his PR bull sorry I meant touch ;)

"Speaking of physics engines, will this game's physics be more in line with GRID, Forza/GT, or GTR2?
IB: You can't really compare SHIFT's physics to any of those games. The physics are tuned for realistic behavior on top of the most advanced simulation engine in this generation. We'd rather have you play SHIFT and tell us how it feels. We're confident that we'll be seen as the most accomplished racer of the current generation when the demo is released.
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I'm convinced. This is going to be a hardcore sim in professional mode where you HAVE TO use a wheel to control the car properly
That's not exactly true. You can use joypad even with pro settings. But when you really want to have good lap times and compete with more skilled players you need steering wheel. Oh and it is sim, but not HC sim, like iRacing or whatever ;-)
Oooooo, :embarrassed:

I was referring to what Ian Bell said in AutoSimSport.

I misinterpret Ian's words. He said that SHIFT has a pro mode for the hardcore boys. I thought he meant that pro mode is a HC mode. Oops, me was wrong! :ouch:

amar's post:

I meant to say that you need a wheel to control the car properly.

I couldn't find the right word when I was typing that previous post, so I typed the sentence without that important key word which changed the entire context of the sentence. :indiff: And now I found it and edited my previous post like I wanted it to be in the first place. :D

But still, SHIFT is a sim (pro mode) and that's what I like! I getting more and more interested in SHIFT, and now even more after you said that we can turn off the HUD and racing line. 👍
It seems that I was right afterall!

Read this:

Will the difficulty setting be as accurate as other sim games?

IB: SHIFT is built on the most advanced physics engine we've made, and is by far the most advanced and realistic physics engine of any of the mainstream racing games. We're talking about an engine that can run unlimited threads, detailed physics parameters running at around 400 Hz on consoles. Things like tire deformation based on g-forces, tire pressures, rubber thickness, which only the most diehard sim fans will notice, but we know it's there.
We have a full realism hardcore mode called Pro that you can choose to race in from the start that will feel natural and comfortable as well as raising the bar for handling compared to anything out there (or due out soon) for all of our hardcore race sim fans. This can be combined with one of three AI difficulty levels, and on the Hard setting, the AI will fight extremely hard and give no quarter - even the most talented racers out there will find a great challenge here. The AI will block your pass attempts, take places back, make mistakes and end up overcooking corners, and will hold a grudge against you if you are too aggressive towards them.
You'll really get to know these drivers and rivals over the course of the game, and they'll get to know you and your unique Driver Profile.
IB = Ian Bell. CEO of Slightly mad Studios
No tire wear. No pit stops. No adjustable FOV, No day/night cycles, No weather.

That interview through cold water on the fire for me. It really seems like a gussied up NFS with slightly better physics, rather than the best most realistic driving sim evaaarrr.

Oh well, there's still Forza 3 around the corner.

No tire wear. No pit stops. No adjustable FOV, No day/night cycles, No weather.

That interview through cold water on the fire for me. It really seems like a gussied up NFS with slightly better physics, rather than the best most realistic driving sim evaaarrr.

Oh well, there's still Forza 3 around the corner.


funny arguments... :-)
No tire wear. No pit stops. No adjustable FOV, No day/night cycles, No weather.

That interview through cold water on the fire for me. It really seems like a gussied up NFS with slightly better physics, rather than the best most realistic driving sim evaaarrr.

Oh well, there's still Forza 3 around the corner.


What do you want this is NFS and EA. Ha you were expecting the best sim evar!!! lol. I don't think so. For what it is Shift (IMO) looks pretty good. It does not do a whole lot of things but what it does do, to do very well.
funny arguments... :-)

Care to elaborate?

From the get go, they have been touting this game as the best sim ever. Now, it looks like some staples from sim games (fuel wear/pit stops especially) are not present. How exactly is this supposed to simulate a real race environment if your tires don't wear, no loss of fuel, no reason to pit (strategy out the window)? Not very realistic in my opinion. The physics may be brilliant (we'll see), but physics alone do not a great sim make.

Every other simulation game has these things (Forza, Gt series, Enthusia, GTR/GTR2, Rfactor, etc...)

That interview clearly made the game out to seem like an arcade game with simulation like physics. Nothing that simulates a race other than you being in a car pitted against other cars.

This is not exactly what they (Slightly Mad) have been saying all along.

Because of the people working on the game, I really had my hopes up for this one, despite it being an EA game which is known for so so titles. That interview just brought me back down to earth a bit. It's still an EA game, and it still has the tarnished NFS name attached. It looks like it will be a fun "driving" game, just not the "sim" I was expecting.

Care to elaborate?

From the get go, they have been touting this game as the best sim ever. Now, it looks like some staples from sim games (fuel wear/pit stops especially) are not present. How exactly is this supposed to simulate a real race environment if your tires don't wear, no loss of fuel, no reason to pit (strategy out the window)? Not very realistic in my opinion. The physics may be brilliant (we'll see), but physics alone do not a great sim make.

Every other simulation game has these things (Forza, Gt series, Enthusia, GTR/GTR2, Rfactor, etc...)

That interview clearly made the game out to seem like an arcade game with simulation like physics. Nothing that simulates a race other than you being in a car pitted against other cars.

This is not exactly what they (Slightly Mad) have been saying all along.

Because of the people working on the game, I really had my hopes up for this one, despite it being an EA game which is known for so so titles. That interview just brought me back down to earth a bit. It's still an EA game, and it still has the tarnished NFS name attached. It looks like it will be a fun "driving" game, just not the "sim" I was expecting.


Guess what? Forza - 8 cars on grid... wooow :-)

I disagree with you on this. Good sim is not about pit stops. It's about physics, about "real" atmosphere, cars, tracks, graphics, sounds etc.
Pit stops, weather changes etc are just nice bonuses. It would be nice to have them now but we had to focus on core of the game
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Long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away... there was GPL. And there were no pit stops, no tire wear, no weather changes, about 19 player online (don't remember correctly) and even today it still IS great sim. Even iRacing was launched without pitstops and with grids limited to 12! And guess what? Forza - 8 cars on grid... wooow :-)

I disagree with you on this. Good sim is not about pit stops. It's about physics, about "real" atmosphere, cars, tracks, graphics, sounds etc.
Pit stops, weather changes etc are just nice bonuses. It would be nice to have them now but we had to focus on core of the game

And nowhere have SMS been touting this as the best sim ever (you have to go down MS road to see who claims that). Even though Ian said you can't compare those other games, he also said he wants us to tell them how it feels. They're confident they've done a great job, but they're not boasting that they have done a above comparison job.
btw this is nicely growing flamewar :-)

Long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away... there was GPL. And there were no pit stops, no tire wear, no weather changes, about 19 player online (don't remember correctly) and even today it still IS great sim. Even iRacing was launched without pitstops and with grids limited to 12! And guess what? Forza - 8 cars on grid... wooow :-)

I disagree with you on this. Good sim is not about pit stops. It's about physics, about "real" atmosphere, cars, tracks, graphics, sounds etc.
Pit stops, weather changes etc are just nice bonuses. It would be nice to have them now but we had to focus on core of the game

Seriously? GPL? You had to go back that far to find a comparison?

You are actually trying to compare SHIFT with GPL?.....

Yes, it was a good driving sim........ years ago. Things have changed since then. As I have said, all other (current) sim games have the features I mentioned. ALL other sim games. It adds a level of strategy present in all forms of real life GT racing. Taking it out is akin to adding training wheels. Most games at least have the features, but let you turn them off if you prefer the easier approach. Not having it at all really kills the replay value, and of course the immersion factor. You just can't have a modern "racing simulation" ("racing" being the keyword) without the elements present in a race. Without said elements, it's not really a "racing simulation", it's a "driving simulation". Pure and simple. It may not even be that. Until we get our hands on this thing to see how she handles, it's really hard to say. All I can comment on is the features already released to the public via reports, previews, and so on. From what we've seen so far, it doesn't look as much like a sim, as was previously thought. It looks more along the lines of a "simcade". Decent physics with simplistic gameplay. Still, potentially, a very fun experience. Just not a sim experience.

To be honest I agree with Berca on this, thoes things are nice but I don't think they are needed for a game to be a great sim. I think it depends on the focus of the experience, and I see Shift as a game that I will play in bursts and not a game I will pop in for a 2 hour endurance race which is where thoes factors really come into play. They wold be nice just to be there but I think they would get very little use in this game if they were.
I’m with Dave and Berca on this one. For me the most important thing in a racing game is the quality of the physics engine that is running the game and not the futures.

As mentioned earlier, only downside for me (so far) is the fact they use a constant value for the tire wear, but seeing there are no pits stops in game and long races possible, a unfortunate but logical gameplay choice. If it is done in a similar way it is done in the old ISI engine (Time Attack SB games, or tire wear setting off (dedicated server) in rFactor/GTR/L) , I can live with it. (For this game that is, hope EA don't drop this future (pits stop) for a future NFS shift version, if there ever will be one :) )
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Tyre wear and pitstops are way down the list of priorities. Most forms of racing don't even have scheduled pitstop's, and I'm certainly not interested in racing for much more than an hour.

Physic's, damage, A.I., graphic's and sound's are my priorities.
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The difficulty setting will be as accurate as other sim games?
IB: ... We're talking about an engine that threads can run ... things like tire deformation based on g-forces, tire pressures, rubber thickness, which only the most diehard sim fans will notice, but we know it's there.


IB: Tire wear is not included in Need for Speed SHIFT.
Why calculate rubber thickness and NOT go the extra inch to have tire wear?
No tire wear. No pit stops. No adjustable FOV, No day/night cycles, No weather.

That interview through cold water on the fire for me. It really seems like a gussied up NFS with slightly better physics, rather than the best most realistic driving sim evaaarrr.

Oh well, there's still Forza 3 around the corner.


I believe Forza 3 will lack most of the features as well- no dynamic weather (Dan G doesn't like wet races), no night driving (I believe he doesn't like that either) and only 8 cars per race (both SP and MP while SHIFT will double that) and while there is pit stop, it's off camera like FM2 and as to the adjustable FOV (nope, not on FM3). To top it all of, while SHIFT is about racing, FM3 according to Mr. Greenwalt, "it's not so much about racing as it is about driving."
I still see SHIFT as the better version of GRID- it will all the intensity of racing, lacking the last bit of realism but with a much better physics which I'm quite certain will even be better than Prologue and FM2.
Seriously? GPL? You had to go back that far to find a comparison?

You are actually trying to compare SHIFT with GPL?.....

Yes, it was a good driving sim........ years ago. Things have changed since then. As I have said, all other (current) sim games have the features I mentioned. ALL other sim games. It adds a level of strategy present in all forms of real life GT racing. Taking it out is akin to adding training wheels. Most games at least have the features, but let you turn them off if you prefer the easier approach. Not having it at all really kills the replay value, and of course the immersion factor. You just can't have a modern "racing simulation" ("racing" being the keyword) without the elements present in a race. Without said elements, it's not really a "racing simulation", it's a "driving simulation". Pure and simple. It may not even be that. Until we get our hands on this thing to see how she handles, it's really hard to say. All I can comment on is the features already released to the public via reports, previews, and so on. From what we've seen so far, it doesn't look as much like a sim, as was previously thought. It looks more along the lines of a "simcade". Decent physics with simplistic gameplay. Still, potentially, a very fun experience. Just not a sim experience.


I agree totally (Just been driving on Lemans 1977 with the 1970 SCGT mod for 144 minutes, simulating a 24H endurance race with several pitstops) with DR. This just became the same game as GRID. The game I returned to the store after 4 hours of play in disgust. (My own fault, didn't realized that it missed tire changes, pitstops, fuel)

Will try the demo and see if it's turns out better than GRID. But sim?, no way ever. Even my old GT4 has pitstops. Fun car game?, perhaps.
Why calculate rubber thickness and NOT go the extra inch to have tire wear?
Because pit stops were originally in the game. Our insider at is curious as to when they were removed.

BTW, I find the "no pitstop=no sim" logic, hilarious. LOL, forget if the physics are the realest in a game to date, if you can't pit, it's not a sim! :lol:
I believe Forza 3 will lack most of the features as well- no dynamic weather (Dan G doesn't like wet races), no night driving (I believe he doesn't like that either) and only 8 cars per race (both SP and MP while SHIFT will double that) and while there is pit stop, it's off camera like FM2 and as to the adjustable FOV (nope, not on FM3). To top it all of, while SHIFT is about racing, FM3 according to Mr. Greenwalt, "it's not so much about racing as it is about driving."
I still see SHIFT as the better version of GRID- it will all the intensity of racing, lacking the last bit of realism but with a much better physics which I'm quite certain will even be better than Prologue and FM2.

got an even better one. It will be available on PC and it will work with all wheels with an USB plug! :P
It's not really important to have tire wear, pit stops etc. in the novice mode. In the, as Ian Bell said in the interview, hardcore pro mode, I'd have expected to have tire wear, fuel consumption, pit stops etc. to make it more realistic. It would have been nice to have pit stops etc. but it's not really necessary to have "fun" while playing SHIFT, and that's all that matters.
I guess that after playing SHIFTfor a while, you get use to not be able to pit, not to take tire wear, fuel consumption into account. At least, we can blow a tire in SHIFT! :P

  • Will there be a "free driving/racing mode" => Hot lapping, as long as you want, without AI, testing numerous setups?
  • Berca, is SHIFT in fact project Falcon?
  • Are the "off track physics" in the HC pro mode as realistic as on track? => sand pits, grass etc... .
  • I hope that there will be a multi monitor setup possibility?
I still have high hopes for Ferrari project, or is it project Ferrari?
The new graphic engine looks stunning: do you think we will see details like flat tires in a future title?
IB: Thank you, we're very proud of the look, the team has done a tremendous job with the visuals in SHIFT. To answer your question, you will see flat tires with performance in SHIFT damage on. You will see the tire's sidewalls flex and bend under load. It's something we've wanted for a long time and we're excited to bring it to you now.
So let me get this straight ... you can get a flat tire ... but you can't pit to fix it?
I agree totally (Just been driving on Lemans 1977 with the 1970 SCGT mod for 144 minutes, simulating a 24H endurance race with several pitstops) with DR. This just became the same game as GRID. The game I returned to the store after 4 hours of play in disgust. (My own fault, didn't realized that it missed tire changes, pitstops, fuel)

Will try the demo and see if it's turns out better than GRID. But sim?, no way ever. Even my old GT4 has pitstops. Fun car game?, perhaps.
So your definition of a sim is being able to pit?

Driving perfection should define a sim, the virtual equivalent of a Sunday drive in your dream car, not ticking off features and ignoring the underlying faults with physics, damage model's, A.I., graphic's, sound's etc., that define so many mod's.
Because pit stops were originally in the game. Our insider at is curious as to when they were removed.

BTW, I find the "no pitstop=no sim" logic, hilarious. LOL, forget if the physics are the realest in a game to date, if you can't pit, it's not a sim! :lol:

Which would relegate GT5 prologue into an arcade racer. Then there's Ferrari Challenge which also lack any kind of pitstop but according to many (including mho) is one the best driving/racing sim on the PS3.
Which would relegate GT5 prologue into an arcade racer. Then there's Ferrari Challenge which also lack any kind of pitstop but according to many (including mho) is one the best driving/racing sim on the PS3.

I thought Project Ferrari had been dropped and the team had moved onto this.

According to an AutoSimSport interview with Ian Bell, Ferrari Project still has possibility of being developed and released.
So your definition of a sim is being able to pit?

Driving perfection should define a sim, the virtual equivalent of a Sunday drive in your dream car, not ticking off features and ignoring the underlying faults with physics, damage model's, A.I., graphic's, sound's etc., that define so many mod's.

Since I'm one of those crazy endurance drivers that has raced in 24 hour races online (not for 24 hours but in a team) and ofter race shorter races where the pitstops are mandatory im still hoping for a "real" racing game/sim with all included. Things like fuel, tires and pitstop are in integral part of my vision together with everything else. And it's not a driving sim I want, is a racing sim.
There are plenty of driving games/sims out there. SHIFT would most likely be fun
for 2-4 hours. Buts thats my preference. Ian Bell says they want to make the best race driver experience, but by omitting a few of the most nerve wrecking features from the game I'm very skeptic. 20 laps on the Ring is not anything that I want to do if my tires and fuel last forever, and what about damage? (To bring up a touchy subject) No option to fix it. Less immersion in my book. I guess that SHIFT is going to be a good NFS game, nothing more, nothing less.
Since I'm one of those crazy endurance drivers that has raced in 24 hour races online (not for 24 hours but in a team) and ofter race shorter races where the pitstops are mandatory im still hoping for a "real" racing game/sim with all included. Things like fuel, tires and pitstop are in integral part of my vision together with everything else. And it's not a driving sim I want, is a racing sim.
There are plenty of driving games/sims out there. SHIFT would most likely be fun
for 2-4 hours. Buts thats my preference. Ian Bell says they want to make the best race driver experience, but by omitting a few of the most nerve wrecking features from the game I'm very skeptic. 20 laps on the Ring is not anything that I want to do if my tires and fuel last forever, and what about damage? (To bring up a touchy subject) No option to fix it. Less immersion in my book. I guess that SHIFT is going to be a good NFS game, nothing more, nothing less.

I'm sorry to say but you're in the minority. Not many people have the attention span to even muster through a 15 minute of non-stop racing. There's plenty of sim out there that would fit your need (rfactor, most SImbin titles) that it's somewhat unfair to expect an arcade racer like SHIFT to emulate and while SHIFT is different from the past NFS game- and like everything else, you need to put things in perspective- I don't think it was ever the intention of either EA or SMS to develop a full out sim. Both Patrick Soderlund and Ian Bell admit that SHIFT is neither Forza nor is it Gran Turismo and the main aspect of the game is the authentic driver's experience (another way of saying that it has nice cockpit and great effect to simulate the experience of driving a race car).