Need for speed gets "serious".....confirmed!

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Yeah I thought the mid-engine comment was strange but thinking about it maybe he was saying it is a middle of the range engine in the game??? As in its not one of the 200-300hp tier 1 cars and its not a 600hp hyper or race car? I hope that is what he meant anyway :nervous:
So are there any videos yet that don't make it look like an arcade racer?

All the right things are being said by the devs but I just haven't seen any evidence yet.

Trying to decide between this and SCC.
A video of Tommy Milner in his BMW M3 GTR2, with helmet mounted camera (for most part):


A few screenshot featuring Willow Springs Raceway:
















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myke6699 👍

This is really a brilliant video to post and I think it makes me feel a little better about Shift and helps to convey what Ian Bell and the SMS team were trying to achieve.

Even under ideal conditions (sitting in a Visionracer with a G25 and a large HD Plasma TV and dolby 5.1 surround sound system), you're never going to experience the kind of visceral sensations of driving a real car without the lateral (and vertical) g-forces and greater field of vision. And while I traditionally viewed things such as motion blur, screen-shake, over communicative FFB, etc, as gimmicky devices that only served to make games more arcade like, I'm starting to warm up to them as worthwhile ideas. I think more than anything else SMS was trying to convey the 'feeling' of what driving a racing car, or any car on a track is really like. And there are limited ways to do that without really being there.

Even viewing that video, it probably looks and 'feels' much slower than what the experience would REALLY be like to sit inside the M3GTR and go those speeds when you had the benefit of all your sensory input firing.
I think they took people too seriously when they said they wanted to race in the middle of the desert.
Thats only partly true, really. Mid engined has always meant between the driver and the rear axle. I'm pretty sure nearly all of the engine in a Camaro sits behind the front axle line but no-one would ever call that "Mid Engined".

This "front-mid" stuff is just a marketing-speak bastardisation of a legitimate chassis terminology, what they mean to say is "mounted well back in the chassis, behind the front axle line. I think the EA man just stuffed up.
Nope, the definition is car where the eninge is between the axels. Where it is in replation to the driver is irrelevant. The term never caught on with cars where the engine was at the front though. I read a while ago that primarily it was done to avoid confusion between front mid and rear mid engined cars and as a result the term was reserved for cars where the engine was behind the driver. The technical definition though remaiins that a mid engined car has the engine between the axels and in recent history in particular, manufacturers have started to push the fact that a car with an engien infront of the driver can still be mid engined which isn't just marketing fluff, it is marketing but it is also true. As for the Camaro, if the engine is over the front axel it's over the front axel, therefore it is front engined, it needs to be between the axels, not over either of them.

The first car I read about where I saw it described as min engined even hough the engine was forwards was the Lister Storm.

EDIT: Having seen a few pictures the Z4 M Coupe's engine bay I think the Z4 is definitely front engined. Fropm what I saw the engine simply does not look far back enough to not be over the front axel.
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Interesting for them to say that there will be a demo coming then turnaround and say that they won't be releasing it. This decision will probably have a negative effect on total sales considering people were really relying on the demo to make a final decision.

I'll be getting ONLY because SMS and Blackbox are behind the game, I'm hoping I won't be let down
Oh well, a trip to Blockbusters to rent it then.

Those shots without the awful GRID style bloom look great.

Or your nearest GAME store and a pre-order that will get you an unlockable BMW M3 GT2, an unlockable 5-stage Elite series and more. In other words, it's the Collectors Edition.
There will be a demo- right now SMS is putting the final touch on the PC version to ensure the same release date for all platforms. The demo might come out around or after the release of the game but there will be one.
That's how I read it too and it goes hand in hand with what I picked up from SMS devs interviews during the GamesCom. Still expect a demo around or just after the game is released.

Oh and PC version looks good indeed, here are two XBOX vids from someone ( pointing out that the console version does not reach that same high quality as the PC screenshots ;)


The thing is that my computer isn't fast enough to run recommended specs. So I was hoping to test it on both platforms before a purchase. I only have a 2180 @ 2.67 Ghz and a ATi 4850. I was hoping that the PS3 version would look ok, if and that's a big if, they programmed is for all the cores.
Apparently the X-box version allow you to get the “Grid Babe” in your car!?:crazy:

LOL you caught that too ! ;) I hope it'ill be fixed until the release.

The first vid is veeery nice. But the second one make it feel like an action game (GRID anyone ?) rather than a "professional racing game".
LOL you caught that too ! ;) I hope it'ill be fixed until the release.

The first vid is veeery nice. But the second one make it feel like an action game (GRID anyone ?) rather than a "professional racing game".

Yes indeed. It's the replay from a race, with the music and camera angles, it seems like a bit too much. But it's somehow 'cool' to me. :dopey:
@the first video - Brands Hatch, nice.

The PC version is the one to get if you have a system that can run it. I played a demo of Grid and it played around the 60fps most of the time. I'm fairly sure my PC can cope with this (might get a 4870X2 though I'm happy with my GTX260).
Still I hope the PS3 version runs well. I might rent it for the trophies.