Need for speed gets "serious".....confirmed!

  • Thread starter Hereward
Dude opened his mouth a bit too much in that interview, and I think we know he's gonna have to definitely back that up.

That was my first thought.

It's easy to crap on the physics of Gran Turismo and Forza without any proof of your physics model. Not to mention, I have quite a bit of racing experience, and I really don't completely see where he's coming from with regards to the physics of said games. RBR was a fantastic game with fantastic physics (arguably some of the best in a sim), and before I read some of those statements, I would have thought the team alone would make this game great. However, some of those statements seem pretty egocentric and off base. Not to mention, all the talk of " mass market pick up and play authentic racing game". Is it just me or does that sound like a huge contradiction. Once again, it seems like they are trying to please too many people, which always seems to alienate more than attract.

I'll believe it's a sim when I can get my hands on it. Until then, I can't see this being anything but NFS: Pro Street with slightly better graphics and slightly better physics. Maybe that's harsh, but then again NFS doesn't have much credibility nowadays.

More advanced physics than GT5?:odd: Believe it when I see it.
If it has advanced physics over some of the pc simulators it might be true. Still, I'll only believe it when I see it too. ;) (Not to mention the fact that the full GT5 is not out, so we can't make the comparison)
I can say that Eero (physics guy of RBR) and other guys are doing fantastic job. I'm enjoying every minute when playing it
We want to show that it is possible to make entertaining racing game with realistic physics. Racing game that is not sterile and "empty".

But believe me we are doing our best to prove that this isn't just another silly arcade game ;-)
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But believe me we are doing our best to prove that this isn't just another silly arcade game ;-)
And that's exactly why we'll keep questioning it. ;) :P BTW, Will you guys have an (open or closed) beta program for this game?
Look forward to it Berca.:) Any hints on Australian things in the game? I also wonder, given you're going for a realistic physics engine, will there be a realistic tuning aspect to the game (i.e. setting up your suspension, gearbox, diff etc.)?
I'm enjoying every minute when playing it with joypad or with my Logi G25.

I assume H pattern and clutch support? muppet

But believe me we are doing our best to prove that this isn't just another silly arcade game ;-)

So why does the official trailer show it off as one?
Look forward to it Berca.:) Any hints on Australian things in the game? I also wonder, given you're going for a realistic physics engine, will there be a realistic tuning aspect to the game (i.e. setting up your suspension, gearbox, diff etc.)?

Jesse Abney Shift producer interview 2
The previews mentioned cars being customizable; will this extend to advanced setup options such as gear ratios, aero settings, brake bias and so on like the other PC race simulations?

Performance customization and tuning will be more in depth than ever before and will provide tuning options for areas like alignment, aero, tires and brakes, differential, and gears prior-to a race event.

Original Article

Doesn't specifically mention suspension tuning but it does say alignment...
I'm not worried about this new sim. If former Blimey!games, now Slightly mad Studios are developping this sim, than it's going to be a decent sim.

And don't forget, Eero is also working on this sim. I believe he was responsible for Richard Burns rally's realistic handling of the cars.

You should read the interview with Ian Bell. (see post #214)

Thanks for link again although I posted this back on #112:)
More advanced physics then GT5? if they are reffering to GT5P, then they are in for a massive wake up call when the full game comes out. Thats a very bold to make considering we haven't seen any gameplay videos or demos to test it out for ourselves.
Original Article

Doesn't specifically mention suspension tuning but it does say alignment...

Thanks for pointing that out.:) If the game's any good, we could see a TLD presence in NFS: Shift and TLD themed race cars.:dopey:

More advanced physics then GT5? if they are reffering to GT5P, then they are in for a massive wake up call when the full game comes out. Thats a very bold to make considering we haven't seen any gameplay videos or demos to test it out for ourselves.

I've never seen once that we're assuming more advanced or different at all even physics for GT5 as opposed to GT5:P, where does everyone keep getting this?
I've never seen once that we're assuming more advanced or different at all even physics for GT5 as opposed to GT5:P, where does everyone keep getting this?

Well, thats what I read in someone's post as for some reason I can't see that page on my end. Even so, its abit of a bold claim to make considering the full GT5 isn't out yet.

And just to be funny:
Dude opened his mouth a bit too much in that interview, and I think we know he's gonna have to definitely back that up.

[Insert dirty pun here]
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If need for speed isn't exotic cars on exotic tracks then they shouldn't call it need for speed anymore.

Why tie such a great name to something that is nowhere close to it's roots...

Quoted for truth. Bring back the old NFS style. THAT is the NFS game that I want to play.
I've never seen once that we're assuming more advanced or different at all even physics for GT5 as opposed to GT5:P, where does everyone keep getting this?
As a matter of fact, we don't know it will be the same either, since we haven't seen anything from GT5 yet. So far, I'm not taking any assumptions on this one. :) But I suspect that if there are differences, they will be minor (or we would have gotten them in a GT5P update for testing ;)).

Quoted for truth. Bring back the old NFS style. THAT is the NFS game that I want to play.
Shift is not the only NFS title EA is's part of a threesome. Although I haven't heard any details about the other two yet. I read there will be an arcade title for Wii and DS (NFS:Nitro) and a MMORG (like Test Drive Unlimited) called NFS:World Online. I am particularly interested in that last one too, I really love TDU. If it's as good as that, I'll be getting that one too. :)
Quoted for truth. Bring back the old NFS style. THAT is the NFS game that I want to play.

Yep, like NFS 1, point to point country and costal roads, aswell as highways in fast production cars. Thats the great experience I got from NFS 1 which I have never have had since.
Despite the growing criticism of the recent Need for Speed games, one thing can't be easily dismissed, and that is the popularity of the series since the original was released nearly 15 years ago in 1994. They have released a new game every year since 1997, and even if you don't include the millions of NFS games sold for PC, as well as those sold for other platforms and consoles... they have sold over 50 million NFS games for PlayStation and Xbox consoles... a feat that is truly remarkable!

Need for Speed: Underground and Underground 2 combined sold 16.5 million copies on their own for just the PS2 and Xbox.

However, it has been a noticeable downhill ride since then in terms of criticism and sales.

Need for Speed: Most Wanted console sales (about 6.8 million), despite being available on the new 360 as well as the XB and PS2, were about 20% lower than Underground 2 (about 8.5 million). In fact the sales for the PS2 version were 30% less than the year before.

Things only got worse with the release of Need for Speed: Carbon, and despite being available on the XB, 360, PS2, PS3, and Wii, it's sales continued to drop (about 4 million), this time by more than 50% compared to either Underground or Underground 2.

Need for Speed: ProStreet console sales (about 6.7 million) saw a jump back up to about the same sales numbers as Need for Speed: Most Wanted... but then again, they also had a much larger target market, so by comparison it still must have been disappointing.

However, with the release of the largely negatively criticized Need for Speed: Undercover, EA saw sales drop once again (about 3.8 million)... with only about 1.3 million copies sold for both the PS3 and 360, and less than a million for the PS2, and much less for the Wii.

Now for most game developers and publishers... selling nearly 4 million copies of a game would be a huge victory, but I suspect EA realizes that they have to do something drastic to reverse the downward spiral that their NFS series has been taking in regards to both criticism as well as sales.

The problem I see is that over the last few years they seem to have lost their identity. There are much better sim racing games and much better arcade racing games, and so NFS seems to be stuck in the middle, and unsure where it wants to be.

I certainly find the latest news about Need for Speed: Shift to be very promising, and I like what I have read regarding their new approach tot he series, but as others have said, and like a lot of long running EA game series, it seems every year the "next version" is touted as being the best yet... and so often the actual games don't live up to the hype, far from it.

I'll happily wait to see what really does materialize as far as Shift's gameplay, and I really hope this really is the game that will lead to a re-birth to a series that has deserved better developmental attention from EA.
Long story
I agree completely. I played NFS:Underground and Underground 2 until the discs wore out. They were awesome!

For me, Most Wanted was completely ruined by the extreme rubber-band AI. I found it so frustrating to have an opponent fly past me while I was at full speed using nitro, only to find out that the car he was using was actually slower than mine after winning it from him. It felt like you were playing against a cheater. I don't mind being beaten by a better opponent, but this was plain rediculous and no fun playing at all.

Carbon suffered from the same, even though it was slightly more enjoyable.

I actually enjoyed Pro Street, even though it was rated poorly. I liked the cars, the tracks, the modifications and the damage (!), even though handling was poor.

I haven't even tried Undercover.

What also didn't help is that after NFSU and NFSU2, the online system in the NFS games generally sucked really bad. And not being able to play NFSU1 and 2 online anymore because they scrapped the servers was also not a very good move IMO.
Nice history there DN. Never knew it sold that much but was aware its a popular franchise.

I've never bought a Need For Speed game. Surprising as I've bought many driving games over the years from Pole Posistion, Outrun, Lotus turbo challenge, JaguarXJ220, Ridge Racers, Chase HQ, Hard drivin, Test Drives, v rally, Colin Mcrae, WRC, all Gran turismo, PC sim games and more.

Point to Point racing and driving sounds like a great idea for NFS.

There looks to be too many sim style track games out there. The interest in Race pro and Ferrari/super car Challenge seems very small. Even the much hyped PGR has took a while to sell.

I'm interested in NFS shift but not sure about the quality of the game in motion. The fisheye look of cars next to you like in FC, frame rate looks low and cars seem to pivot the same way all the time but this could be down to the modes.

Taking the physics away from GT5p for a moment and famed PC programmers, the actual quality of the 3D world/engine in GT5p and the way everything scales naturally without any squashed models or view points, cars look connected to the track and moving independently all at 60fps, it really is impressive and perhaps the first game the cars don't look and feel floaty, a true feeling of a 3D environment with cars working freely. It's more than 200,000 poly cars and lighting.
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Shift is not the only NFS title EA is's part of a threesome. Although I haven't heard any details about the other two yet. I read there will be an arcade title for Wii and DS (NFS:Nitro) and a MMORG (like Test Drive Unlimited) called NFS:World Online. I am particularly interested in that last one too, I really love TDU. If it's as good as that, I'll be getting that one too. :)

I really enjoyed NFS: High Stakes on PS1 and NFS: Hot Pursuit III on PS2. Please EA, bring back the original NFS concept.:nervous:
Need For Speed was great when you could bomb it along a coastal highway in an expensive exotic car. Ahh the good old days of point to point multi stage races in NFS1-SE.
The only NFS that I ever played was Porsche unleashed. Fisrt of all, I like Porsches and second, I liked the game a lot.

And to make it even more interesting; it was a gift from a friend!

The fact that I crave for superrealistic race sims (not that Shift is going to be superrealistic), the fact that I like race sims with tracks, the fact that this game is developed by Slightly mad Studios, former Blimey!games and before that a part of Simbin, whom developed GTR, GTR2 and my favourite GT Legends, the fact that Eero (remember RBR's realistic physics) is part of the team that works on the physics engine, the fact that the graphics are on par with GT5p (that's what I read). All these facts tell me that this is going to be one heck of a game.
Well some more info has trickled out from EA,

Quote from Joystiq
the demo we saw upped the ante on your view from the cockpit.

You'll now be battling G-forces and perspective shifts that are meant to mimic the way a driver's head actually moves in a high-speed race, and they've ratcheted the physics up several notches to make those first-person crashes seem a lot more realistic. EA also claims to have tweaked the AI, so the other racers won't be piling willy-nilly into turns ... which is real bummer, since we like to use them as "padding."

Need for Speed: Shift will feature over 60 licensed cars and maintain the minute details of car-tuning that some people can't live without. The game races onto shelves in September
Cool picture.👍 Good to hear the AI is no longer driving slower than my mother too.:)
Does that Nissan Skyline have a straight six?

In GT Legends (from the same development team) the straight six in the Capri 3100RS touring car sounded amazing.
Well, we still have NFS: Nitro to come, and it's just another arcade style game, so really, we actually shoudln't be worrying about Shift as much as we have yet.