NFS Hot Pursuit 3

Hopefully, Criterion will bring up the idea soon after release.

I'm not really sure who was to blame for the catastrophe the Ferrari DLC was in Shift (I mean, you couldn't do anything to the cars at all) but I'd hope the cars are allowed to be a bit more expressive. At least let me change the color of the thing...
I'm not really sure who was to blame for the catastrophe the Ferrari DLC was in Shift (I mean, you couldn't do anything to the cars at all) but I'd hope the cars are allowed to be a bit more expressive. At least let me change the color of the thing...
I wouldn't be surprised if that was Ferrari's terms. They hate anything that could make their cars look silly. There was one game besides Shift where their cars were the only ones you couldn't really modify beyond small performance parts.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was Ferrari's terms. They hate anything that could make their cars look silly. There was one game besides Shift where their cars were the only ones you couldn't really modify beyond small performance parts.

Except you can add liveries to them in Forza. And in Ferrari Challenge. I think it was more of a "oh crap, it's an arcade racer" type of thing, and they knew people would be simply tossing their cars around the track like idiots and figured that was enough abuse of their cars.
Except you can add liveries to them in Forza. And in Ferrari Challenge. I think it was more of a "oh crap, it's an arcade racer" type of thing, and they knew people would be simply tossing their cars around the track like idiots and figured that was enough abuse of their cars.
It was before Forza & FC when Ferrari was really anal about how their cars were portrayed.
Sorry I didn't mention this when it came out, but Criterion twitted that they're doing "all gold play-throughs." I assume that means their testers are playing through the final version of the game to make sure everything's working correctly. But it also means it should be going gold soon. Maybe even before GT5.
that's good i don't like having to buy a game and then having to update it before i can even play it.
Good News: LPB2 has been delayed until 2011, that means one won't have to buy both HP and LBP2. YAY! but, LBP2 does come out around TDU2, now. Oh well.
Not bad, but my interest in that video strangely, was the intakes that lift up out of the Porsche; that is badass & I hope that goes on the production car.
i personally am having concerns about cops being able to deploy strips...

how close can they deploy it? Because if they could deploy it in front of you then that's a catch for sure, which is slightly unfair imo. I know the racer can easily just slow down when that situation occurs and steer away before they release a thing, but still... it can become a valid tactic.
where you getting this info?

Criterion Games twitter wall.

They tweeted today and said, "In short, memory restrictions due to the way the open world is streamed."

Not sure what this means, but sounds like there might be a required Download before you start playing.
that sounded more like they were saying we won't be having a replay feature. So we can't capture playthroughs with cinematic cameras :( would have been nice,

i wonder if someone will decide to start some kinda hot pursuit tournament.
To decide who starts out with what, an e-coin will be flipped, whoever guesses right gets to pick which side they want to be on.

First to 3 matches win.
1 match = 3 games. Best 2 of 3 determines a winner for that set.

A match is over when a racer is busted or if the racer loses its tail. The cops gain a point and the racer gains a point respectively. Players cannot select a car between games, but can select a new car between matches.

After the first match, both players switch sides; who was playing as cops now play as racers, and vice-versa.

If a winner is not determined by the end of the 2nd match, the winner of the 2nd match calls the next coin flip. If called correctly, he/she get to pick which side they want to be on for the last match.

Repeat this process for the rest of the players, semi finals, finals and grand finals, etc.

In terms of car restrictions...I would say none for now, but having played Fighting games for a while, I understand Tiers would come into play. Perhaps the restrictions could narrowed down by settings a theme for a designated tourney, for instance "Lightweights" "Lambo Rambo" "American Muscle"... That or we can simply ban cars that are significantly better than other cars, but I feel it's a bit too early for that.

seriously this must be something worth trying over the winter break. Except everyone's gotta get a recorder, it'll be so cool to watch.


edit: i just noticed there was a lack of body damage in that video.
If Criterion can manage to stray away from the 100% arcadey handling that is their hallmark, and not put bloody big arrows on the tracks, then I may give this a whirl. It'd be nice to play a decent NFS game. Haven't played one in a while.
In fact, here's a good idea - do an update of the very first one.
The original, for me, will always be the best. Those car videos....the cop chases on long winding A to B American highways at different times of day(it was so Smokey and The Bandit), weaving through traffic trying to overtake and get in lane to avoid oncoming civilian cars.....and the crashes and pile ups were actually very entertaining.

Do an update to that with an improved cockpit view and car damage to go along with the crash physics and it will be brilliant.
Knowing what they did with Burnout Paradise, this might turn out to be the best NFS in years.

I was a huge fan of NFS on the PS1 (mainly II, III and PU, didn't really like IV:HS). But since Underground NFS has never been the same. UG1 & UG2 were good games, but they are not true NFS games. Never played HP2 or MW, both of which people said were the last good NFSs. After Carbon the series went downhill. The whole import tuner scene and storyline gets really boring and the series stopped evolving basically. Shift was good but it's still not a true NFS.

As long as Criterion/EA doesn't put too much gimmicks in this game, HP3 could be the true 'return' to NFS' roots 👍.

If the intro's anything like this...

...and the main menu soundtrack like this...

...I'll be over the moon :dopey:

Just a question though, for the 4 pre-order cars, can you get them all by pre-ordering in one store? And is it available in EU/AU?

Wow does that music take me back... :cool:
yes a Taurus is in and demo on oct 26, does no one want to have a tournament?

I wouldn't mind doing a tourney with the demo at least. Should be out a week before GT5 comes out. But after that I'll probably be playing more GT5 than anything else. Although, when I'm not, I'll probably be playing Hot Pursuit.
Wow does that music take me back... :cool:

That type oof music definitely needs to be back, i remember need for speed high stakes, man that game was cool
They need to bring back an intro like this

mixed with the other intro posted

and music like this
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Notice how the civic in the beginning just stalls? What's that signifying, huh?!

Also, I didn't like that intro. the cars randomly stop at th end, but then the porsche goes the furthest then turns around for whatever reason.
It's finally nice to see NFS return to it's true roots: racing UNMODIFIED super cars and being chased by cops. Although I thought Shift was a step in the right direction. I really enjoy playing it. I have been into NFS since NFS III: HP, and it really irks me seeing people who think Underground was the real NFS complain about the new Hot Pursuit.

But I'm defenitely going to pick this ASAP right after I get GT5. Just hope the 2011 NFS isn't an Underground 3. :yuck:
Naw, I think it's going to be similar the the Shift/Nitro/World release.
So Shift 2 will be released along the lines of NFS XVII.
Once awesome storyline I though of ages ago would have the Player take control of Sgt. Cross :mischievous:

I still think NFSHP2 had the best intro!
*Hot Pursuit 2 Intro*

:lol:👍 I lol'd at the 0:48 bit where the Lambo flashes its lights at the Ferrari.
zOMG I pray that the Wii version won't suck. Can't afford anything else at the mo'
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