NFS Shift 2 Unleashed - Details

  • Thread starter LittleLefty
Another Video :)

If you look at the original Golf to the left go past the marbles on the track at 1:55 in that vid, you see them shaking a little from vibration at first, and then the wind blows them down the road. Pure awesomeness. Also, if you look at the MB SLS video which was posted, about 0:27 into it the shaking is more pronounced, as it should be given the difference in cars. :D

The 29th isn't coming soon enough !
This game looks promising !!

I like the fact that you're not in 3rd place by the first corner.

Realistic or not, I'm going to pick up a copy, just for something different.

Thanks for posting all those videos guys:tup:
These videos are really awesome. I love the sound, and the damage looks great too (judging from that rollover). The tracks themselves look....alright, albeit a little flat and wide. I'm judging that based off the tracks in these videos, so this may not be the case for every track. The on-track and trackside details look good. The customization looks really good too. *Can you only use the liveries that are in the game, or can you create virtually anything you want like in Forza?* The sense of speed is also great, and it's something PD really needs to add to GT. Oh yeah the AI looks really good as well. Should make for some fun races when not playing online.

I really wish PD had just settled to develop GT5 in 720p. I'd of been fine with it being upscaled to 1080p. That way the game could have used some of the freed up resources for other things like shadows, waterspray/dirt/snow pixelation, AI, more features, etc.

Sorry for this long post and getting off-topic. Anyways, I really want this game.
*Can you only use the liveries that are in the game, or can you create virtually anything you want like in Forza?*

You can create your own liveries. The ones in game are for those who want a racey looking car but aren't interested in spending the time to create their own livery.

At the moment, we don't know how detailed the livery creation system is though. It may be Forza level, it may be better, it may be worse.
Nice! Another awesome video. One question though. I decided to go to youtube to watch it because of the larger view. Anyways, has anyone else seen or read anything about the AI being scripted during the races? It most likely isn't, but I saw this comment by the uploader:

Slow start was intentional, I knew there would be a pile up on the bridge.

Maybe the AI was just driving too fast at the beginning. It did look like a few cars caught some air when turning onto the bridge.
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You can create your own liveries. The ones in game are for those who want a racey looking car but aren't interested in spending the time to create their own livery.

At the moment, we don't know how detailed the livery creation system is though. It may be Forza level, it may be better, it may be worse.

Oh ok, that's great then. Even if it isn't as robust as the one in Forza, I'd still be happy.
well sorryMclaren i don t look at this forum everyday been working alot latley. I just found out yesterday about the GT5 glitch. I just have a life outside gaming more than usual right now sorry. THe WTH- What the Hell is just me expressing that i am happy that this is gonna happen.
The tracks themselves look....alright, albeit a little flat and wide.

Yet again, any reliable sources and links to corroborate your statement or is it just your own personal opinion? Other members have also commented on tracks being "half wider", "a third wider", "a little wider" but none of them have so far been able to provide any official figures as to the alleged real breadth of these presumably ill-rendered circuits. Impressions don't count as facts.
Yet again, any reliable sources and links to corroborate your statement or is it just your own personal opinion? Other members have also commented on tracks being "half wider", "a third wider", "a little wider" but none of them have so far been able to provide any official figures as to the alleged real breadth of these presumably ill-rendered circuits. Impressions don't count as facts.

Indeed. I can agree with the flatness of the Nurburgring, but the Monza track looks the same to me as the Monza in GT5, and Ferrari Challenge, and F1 2010. The field of view might be messing with things a bit, but looking at the comparative width of the cars and the track all the sections are about as I'd expect them to be. Ditto Spa.

I'm with you, until someone can provide something a bit more concrete, the default assumption should be that it's merely a perceptual effect.
WOW are we gonna Nit pick this game to death before it comes out

And after it comes out the gloves will be off.
Still this place should be better than the official forums.
People who are not genuinely interested will move on in preparation to troll the upcoming dirt3 game.
Dirt 3 damn there are alot of good games this year im already broke and its march sheesh
I just think we are seeing the GT forum trolls here because they are so frustrated that they can't have a gripe-free forum over there due to the massive problems GT5 came out with (of which virtually none have been addressed in patches). Given that they can't retreat to a self-imposed island of denial, they come here to spew idiocy, in the vain belief that Shift s players somehow deserve it.

Of course, the idiocy comes from the fact that the game isn't even OUT yet, they have nothing substantive to gripe about. Timing is everything. If they could have waited until the end of the month, they might have been able to disguise themselves as actual PLAYERS of the game. No such possibility, aty the moment, so their vitriol is exposed for the sour grapes it is.

Look guys, I'm REALLY sorry that GT5 sucks as a racing game so bad. I wanted it to be good, too (bought it, didn't I?). But take your anger out where it belongs.... on PD and Kaz. You know, like most of the rest of the ex-GT fans. Whining about a game you haven't even SEEN is just a hair obvious, you know..?
Now wait a minute.

If I see Bathurst and Nordschliefe videos where dimensions of the track are clearly not accurate and than I say "dimensions/configuration of the track are not accurate" and everybody pretty much say "yeah, dimensions/configurations are not accurate" - that makes me a GT troll?

Just because I said something that is obvious?

Are you nuts for God's sake?
... which I'm definitely getting too! I'm only new to GT Planet but why isn't there a Dirt series forum? Not realistic enough?

One great thing about GTPlanet is that it's not just GT related.
Official game forums tend to generate far worse trolling than sub related forums.

GTplanet is primarily GT based though and that's why it's not too nice on the GT5 thread IMHO.

Dirt would be a nice addition to the sub forum area though. TDU2 has it's own area.
As more games get released though it's harder I suppose for Jordan to dedicate space.
Maybe an answer would be to set up sections via developers. Ie Codemasters, EA, etc. It would help with space but would just mean Dirt sharing with F1 etc.

Sorry for off topic and welcome to GTplanet.
Widened tracks or not, it looks fantastic. Or should I say, funtastic?

Seriously, I'd rather have a game that sacrifices accurate track width for general accesibility than a game that sacrifices any challenge the single player mode may offer.

And I'd rather have a game that lacks a bit of realism here and there than a 'driving simulator' that seems like it was created by someone wo wouldn't know a good game if it bites him the arse...

Seeing those 911 GT3 RSRs race each other instead of just hotlapping the same track coincidently was great. It remembered me of why I play games in the first place. And it reminds me of why I didn't have a lot of fun with GT5, after all: Because it was boring as hell and, at the end of the day, was better at simulating stamp collecting than racing.

What good are the most realistic physics if you're not putting them to good use?

Not saying that Shift 2 is going to be better overall, but it sure looks to be more fun.
I see Bathurst and Nordschliefe videos where dimensions of the track are clearly not accurate. [...] I said something that is obvious.

Not obvious to me and others here mean by definition it is not obvious at all. Show me official evidence that you're right and I'll admit to your version. You know, I'm a bit like St Thomas: I'll believe it when I see it. Should you fail to verify your assumption, I'll side with Destinkeys and assimilate your posts with good old trolling. As I said earlier, these circuits are made for racing: if drivers manage to pass one another for the win in real life, give me one valid reason why why the game, however imperfect it may look, would be any different in this respect? What's the more, Shift is clearly challenging GT and Forza in the field of realism: with racing fans probably being among the most demanding gamers and knowing every remote aspect of the end product will be scrutinized, compared and criticized all across the web, would SMS and EA jeopardy their overall credibility in the genre over such an apparent particular as track width? Allow me to seriously doubt it...

welcome to GTplanet.

Merci beaucoup. :)
Not obvious to me and others here mean by definition it is not obvious at all. Show me official evidence that you're right and I'll admit to your version. You know, I'm a bit like St Thomas: I'll believe it when I see it. Should you fail to verify your assumption, I'll side with Destinkeys and assimilate your posts with good old trolling. As I said earlier, these circuits are made for racing: if drivers manage to pass one another for the win in real life, give me one valid reason why why the game, however imperfect it may look, would be any different in this respect? What's the more, Shift is clearly challenging GT and Forza in the field of realism: with racing fans probably being among the most demanding gamers and knowing every remote aspect of the end product will be scrutinized, compared and criticized all across the web, would SMS and EA jeopardy their overall credibility in the genre over such an apparent particular as track width? Allow me to seriously doubt it...

Merci beaucoup. :)

I'd debate it on some of the other tracks, Spa and Monza look fine to me. Bathurst isn't really up for argument though. They have widened it in the tight section. To quote Amar's earlier post:

From here:

Fact this guy can't drive just emphasizes my statement since you can clearly see the width of the rack in uphill section when he drives in low speed.

Whole track is widened, but especially the most dramatic section of Mt. Panorama from Quarry to Forest's Elbow. We can argue about FOV, camera placement, perception issues, etc., but that special part of Bathurst is famous just because it is tight, dangerous and tight. In Shift 2 it is not tight.

Onboard video:

There needs to be some degree of accessibility. Average Joe who buys shift is not a race driver therefore driving through tight barriers with 16 cars would be impossible and infuriating. Online also becomes a little more fun.

That said, people didn't moan this much about forzas runway tracks.
On the subject of track width, from my experience of Silverstone the lap of the Radical looks very accurate in terms of the width of the track. 👍 Nice to see more gameplay videos, I keep checking his YouTube account every hour or so to see if he's uploaded a new one :P
There needs to be some degree of accessibility. Average Joe who buys shift is not a race driver therefore driving through tight barriers with 16 cars would be impossible and infuriating. Online also becomes a little more fun.

That said, people didn't moan this much about forzas runway tracks.

You can expect a lot of moaning and a lot of unjustified "flopza" comments one month prior to Forza's 4 release... ;)

Frankly I think this whole "inaccurate tracks" issue in Shift 2 is being blown way out of proportions, and the game is not even out yet! I am not expecting Shift 2 to have accurate tracks down to centimetre precision and SMS has never suggested to do that. Ultra-precise tracks is iRacing territory and I have to admit Nordschleife in GT5 is amazingly well made (but I can't say the same for Monza and Circuit de la Sarthe).

What SMS tries to do is to give an accurate representation of how the real track feels and in my opinion they succeeded in their goal in Shift 1. For example I find Spa and Road America to look very accurate in Shift 1. Shift 2 looks even better in that aspect (for example it appears there are much less imaginary billboards than Shift) so I am very happy! Also they have nailed the sense of speed and they manage to capture the excitement of the racing environment (on and off track) which I find much more important in a sim-racing-game than millimetre precision in tracks. For example if you can't nail the sense of speed there is no reason to even bother to include Monza in a racing game! :)

Disclaimer: I don't have an Xbox 360 and I have never tried Forza but from what I have seen it looks like a really well made sim-game with great car selection and modelling, interesting track selection although I find it to suffer a little from the "sterile racing syndrome" and I don't like that there are only 8 cars on track! I just think that the huge amount of "flopza" comments prior to GT5's release was both immature and unjustified...
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The Sound of the Gallardo :drool: And Monza looks awesome!!
But Shanghai too... I want it noooow !

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This wide of track issue comes for me from the field of view. Monza and the Nordschleife look very narrow in GT5. Because GT has a very narrow field of view.
Which I personally don't like. In the Barthurst video you can clearly see the narrow field of view of the camera. If you sit in your car and actually driving you have a naturally wide field of view because of your eyes. When I drive on a german Autobahn it feels very wide. But when I see it in videos it looks narrow through the camera. IMO
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