NFS Shift 2 Unleashed - Details

  • Thread starter LittleLefty
I need to see how Monaco looks in Shift so I can compare the graphics with F1 2010 and GT5. So far, Codies do it better, much better. Time will tell. And I totally agree with you, DonZonda.
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So... After seeing the Xbox360 version (which looks brilliant, in my opinion), what do you guys think, will the PS3 version match it?
This wide of track issue comes for me from the field of view. Monza and the Nordschleife look very narrow in GT5. Because GT has a very narrow field of view.
Which I personally don't like. In the Barthurst video you can clearly see the narrow field of view of the camera. If you sit in your car and actually driving you have a naturally wide field of view because of your eyes. When I drive on a german Autobahn it feels very wide. But when I see it in videos it looks narrow though the camera. IMO

That's why you compare the width of the cars with the width of the road. Monza for example, is about 3 wide for the most part, although some parts of the track the three cars would be rubbing fenders to stay on the road. The Shift video looks to me to be about that width. Same with Silverstone, same with Spa, they look to me to be about the right width.

The uphill Bathurst section is different. In real life, it's just barely two cars wide. It's a narrow two lane road. The only way someone can even think about passing is if the other guy is in the wall. There's way more room than that in the Shift video.

From a gameplay perspective, I think it's probably better the way that they have it. Gamers are not known for their patience, and would probably rear end people off the road rather than wait until the road widens. But it's not strictly accurate to how the Mt Panorama track is in real life.
Yes you're probably right. They have wided it a little for smoother gameplay without ending up in massive crashes. It's fine for me though. I'm not that perfectionist that I would mind that strong :)
So... After seeing the Xbox360 version (which looks brilliant, in my opinion), what do you guys think, will the PS3 version match it?

From what I have read somewhere, PS3 version should look even better than X360?

EDITED: Still searching for the link.
The PS3 version of Shift 1 looked better than Xbox lighting wise. And usually EA Gams look better on PS3. So I strongly believe that will be the same case with Shift 2.
The PS3 version of Shift 1 looked better than Xbox lighting wise. And usually EA Gams look better on PS3. So I strongly believe that will be the same case with Shift 2.

Overall though the PS3 version was extremely blurry compared to the 360 one and had less detail (possibly due to the blurryness) especially in the cockpits.

I think it will depend on which is lead platform, if it's PC then Xbox version will look better same if Xbox is lead, if PS3 is lead then i'd imagine it will not only look better but will have better framerate etc etc
The PS3 version of Shift 1 looked better than Xbox lighting wise. And usually EA Gams look better on PS3. So I strongly believe that will be the same case with Shift 2.

From what I have read somewhere, PS3 version should look even better than X360?

EDITED: Still searching for the link.

Sounds good to me 👍

I think it will depend on which is lead platform, if it's PC then Xbox version will look better same if Xbox is lead, if PS3 is lead then i'd imagine it will not only look better but will have better framerate etc etc
Now that you mention it... I kinda remember reading that the PS3 version is (or was) supposed to take the lead this time.
Field of views varies MASSIVELY depending on camera height, focal length of lens and position in the car. If you compare the above Bathurst videos, you can plainly see that the FOV of the live footage is half of the game footage (live gets in under half of the windshield, game gets over half the windshield and most of the side window) so effective focal length is MUCH wider for the game. This is going to exaggerate the width of the track. Until anyone can show me game footage of one car going past another and there is room for two more (or even one more) and similar footage at the same spot live showing them rubbing, I'm going to give SMS the benefit of the doubt.

Bottom line, though, as in all racing games is, why will it MATTER if the width is messed up, if you can go off track, ride along the wall, and your car isn't destroyed? There's a sliding scale of what matters in a sim, and track width comes a LONG way down that scale. I bet you think that leaving track debris on track the entire race is less important than a few feet off the width of one of the tracks... Or no qualifying. Or AI that drive like morons.

Please! :crazy:
Anyone else not being able to watch the gameplay videos? They appear to have been 'set to private'.

EDIT: Went on Twitter to find out.

"Need for Speed: Shift 2 videos have been put on hold everyone, I spoke with EA and they said to remove them until later in the month. Sorry!" Ve3tro

Good thing I downloaded them all in HD then! How come Ve3tro already have the game anyway? And if EA fear they're bad publicity for the game, they're very wrong.
Anyone else not being able to watch the gameplay videos? They appear to have been 'set to private'.

EDIT: Went on Twitter to find out.

"Need for Speed: Shift 2 videos have been put on hold everyone, I spoke with EA and they said to remove them until later in the month. Sorry!" Ve3tro


Disappointing, but not a total surprise. I'd have expected those sorts of videos a week or so before release. At that rate we were going to have video of the entire game within the next week or two.

Still, we saw a lot of great things. Hooray for Ve3tro!
it look amazing or better the track list and the customization of the cars make me feel the game as amazing even if i already know that the physic won't be good. However miles better than gt5, at least this is a racing game.
it look amazing or better the track list and the customization of the cars make me feel the game as amazing even if i already know that the physic won't be good. However miles better than gt5, at least this is a racing game.
Don't judge the physics yet. In a couple of recent interviews, they've made it clear that this time around they're pulling all stops on the physics, something they admit to not having done in Shift 1 for market reasons. And with "they" being of GTR fame, the inclination and ability is there. In fact, the whole approach to racing games/sims that they have been letting on in those interviews is one that I can subscribe to.


Don't judge the physics yet. In a couple of recent interviews, they've made it clear that this time around they're pulling all stops on the physics, something they admit to not having done in Shift 1 for market reasons. And with "they" being of GTR fame, the inclination and ability is there. In fact, the whole approach to racing games/sims that they have been letting on in those interviews is one that I can subscribe to.


i hope so, i got platinum in the fisrt one but was terrible, it needs huge improvements
The wheels that the game has been confirmed to have support for are:


Nascar Racing Wheel
Logitech Driving Force
Logitech Driving Force EX
Logitech Driving Force Pro
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel – full support for all buttons
Logitech Driving Force GT
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S (and similar models)
Thurstmaster F430 FFB
Thurstmaster RGT FFB Clutch


Microsoft Force Feedback Wheel and compatible wheels (eg, Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S and similar, Logitech DriveFX, etc).


Logitech G27 Racing Wheel – full support for all buttons
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Logitech Driving Force GT
Logitech Formula Force EX
Logitech Driving Force
Logitech Driving Force EX
Logitech Driving Force RX
Logitech Driving Force Pro
Logitech MOMO Force
Logitech MOMO Racing
Thrustmaster RGT FFB Pro Clutch
Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience
Thrustmaster Ferrari 430
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S (and similar models)

I found this information from the latest post on Speedhunters, which is in general a really interesting article.

Source Link

P.S. I was mentioned in it :P
From the most recent Speedhunters article on Shift II:
Rook said:

"A couple questions though: how realistic is tire wear? Do different pressures and compounds impact tire life.

A good question Rook. I went to SMS' physics guru Doug Arnao to get the answer here. He said:

Tire wear (along with heat) is modeled and is pretty realistic. Safe to say you'll know you've abused your tyres. For pressures, they affect the tyre spring rate, and the across the tread heating, so ultimately will affect life of the tire.

BTW the SMS crew were quite impressed when we created the above screen shot as it captures the real time 3D tire deformation modeling in game. Pretty cool!...
Tyre wear? Did I miss something? :odd:

GT4 had nitrous...


Just beautifull and to think I can add notrous to that.... OMG
I was about to edit that very picture into my post :D

Lovely car!
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Here are few aerial views of Bathurst:


"The Cutting" corner (this link includes a very good Bathurst track guide)


The "McPhillamy Park" uphill to the "Skyline" corner, downhill to the "Esses"


Another view of the "Skyline" corner


The "Esses" and "The Dipper" corners

Looks like the track is not that narrow, after all. :)

There are at least 3 - 4 car widths at the narrowest sections of the track, IMO.

I think, that the "wide tracks problem" is just a different field of view between the game and IRL. Looks like "SMS" are using 30-50 degrees FOV for Bathurst (and Nordschleife) in game onboards, and the camera FOV of IRL onboards, is more like 70-90 degrees.

"SMS" are known with their very accurate tracks from GTR2 and GT Legends, so I hope their Bathurst will be as accurate, too. :)
It seemed strange to me that a race track could only have two cars side by side like someone said before - It just seemed very stupid - now looking at those pics it seems that SMS didnt make the track too wide after all...

Any ability to convert to 2wd for drift? Just curious....

We have engine swaps in S2U but no drivetrain conversions. The request is duly noted though.

Thank God for that...
I don't mind what people can do with engine swaps and drivetrain swaps, as long as there is a Lobby filter for them, so if you want to race cars without radical shenanigans, you aren't forced (like FM3 has done) to convert most of your cars to AWD because they get the handicap advantage.

TBH, the thing I have heard the LEAST about in this game is exactly how picky the Lobby system is going to let you be. If I want to race ONLY players with full (race ending, if possible!) damage and penalties on, and stock engines and drivetrains (but with upgrades to those), with no racing line and manual transmission ONLY, am I going to be able to do that?

Or will I, as Shift forced on me, have to share the track with total idiots running nitrous with damage set to off, intent only on mayhem and destruction?

I REALLY hope not...

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