NFS-Shift GTP Racing League Season II

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About the third lobby thing,

sure it's complicated for the league points scheme(we can end with 4 diferent winners per track :crazy:

but then again who gives the:censored: about points...
if thats what it takes to everyone having quality time racing...👍

But i think in the end it's Mannys call,and Hog made a good point about D/C and frame rate issues driving people away from the game/league...look at Aldo's example for instace D/C 2 out of 3 races thats pretty annoying...:ill:
this is only a thought but would it be worth having a time trial race of the 3 races to deciide who goes in what lobby if the amount of lobbys is increased or is this a stupid thought ?

No, it's not stupid. Maybe just a bit hard to coordinate it terms of time spent online.

Speaking for myself, I know if I spend any more time per week playing Shift, I will likely end up divorced and using my racing seat as my bed... :lol: and I'd guess I'm not the only guy here whose wife has threatened to blow-up his Playstation. :nervous:
No, it's not stupid. Maybe just a bit hard to coordinate it terms of time spent online.

Speaking for myself, I know if I spend any more time per week playing Shift, I will likely end up divorced and using my racing seat as my bed... :lol: and I'd guess I'm not the only guy here whose wife has threatened to blow-up his Playstation. :nervous:

I know that feeling :(
No, it's not stupid. Maybe just a bit hard to coordinate it terms of time spent online.

Speaking for myself, I know if I spend any more time per week playing Shift, I will likely end up divorced and using my racing seat as my bed... :lol: and I'd guess I'm not the only guy here whose wife has threatened to blow-up his Playstation. :nervous:

yes i see your point
perhaps using lap times of the week befores races could be another option
this option would be more mrs friendly
About the third lobby thing,

sure it's complicated for the league points scheme(we can end with 4 diferent winners per track :crazy:

ah but that could still work we could just take the winners and make them race it out then take the positions from there this way the points system will stay intact and fairness resumed all round
DAM that woman must deliver some good sex if he has put up with that. as i know i would through the bitch out the door if that was my woman and then proceed to burn every shoe dress and make up box i could find :lol:

Remind me never to be your bitch again :lol:

i hope they set the g25 up for more feel in this one and add more drama to the handling of the car as the 1st game was devoid of much feel.
i think this game would benefit from a GTR evo style to it and it would be good if a lot more ps3 racing games allowed you to do more stuff like double clutching and heel toe shifting as up to now the only game i have were those techniques are effective is GTR evo, which is a shame as SHIFT would be so much better if heel toe and double clutching were effective.
I had a good time in both of the practice sessions, although the first pitted me into an MC12 GT1 because I can't use the Carrera GT which is why I let everyone pass me because I had an unfair advantage. NC disappeared at the end of the race though - what happened? I kept looking for you but you just...disappeared. :lol:

The 4.00 rating race was better but the controls are still getting the best of me, to the point where it cramped up my hand. :P I'm real close to just selling the thing if I'm to be perfectly honest.

I was doing dougnuts out of the every corner so I just stop in did a few more. I was off my game last night and just couldn't get into it. Hopefully tonight will be better.
DAM that woman must deliver some good sex if he has put up with that. as i know i would through the bitch out the door if that was my woman and then proceed to burn every shoe dress and make up box i could find :lol:

No kidding! I mean she was cute and all, but taking out the guy's Playstation? That's harsh... My wife would never do that!... I'm hiding all my hammers though... :)

Remind me never to be your bitch again :lol:

:lol::lol: How is it you missed out on your showbusiness career?
I think the problem maybe the servers.
Go online and race a rank race (quick game).
I did this sunday night and race 3 races with no slow down and one of the races was nurburgring 12 cars and one left about 1/2 thru the race.
I'm fine with going whatever lobbies to get good racing.

Thank you
then the inevitable happened one of us buckled and made a silly move and i am sad to say it was me sorry femki mate.

No problem, it was obvious you were toying with me and could have taken third at any time you wanted. Loved every minute of the video! I will however, take exception to resetting your car on the last hairpin. No biggie, and I'm not going to cause a fuss, but I thought we were only to reset if we were tapped out by an opponent?

It's an honour to race against all of you.
Ring as first race is going to be smooth, slow cars and two laps. No drama here, i have been racing Ring more times than any other track.

Good thing your not in my group this week, I just rocked the Ring with a 9:45 in the Scirocco, think you can top that :D
About the third lobby thing,

sure it's complicated for the league points scheme(we can end with 4 diferent winners per track :crazy:

ah but that could still work we could just take the winners and make them race it out then take the positions from there this way the points system will stay intact and fairness resumed all round

I've given it some thought based on what you guys have said, and I think we should hold off on starting the third lobby for now.

If Terronium-12 decides to join us there will be 15 of us. Eight and seven, but inevitably a few can't make it each weekend so that should make things manageable with two lobbies.

If one lobby has two more players than the other lobby, someone should switch over to even things out.

One thing that was mentioned to me was to take a short break between each race. I'm not sure how this helps connection or slowdown issues, but I think it's a good idea, just to stretch and get some feeling back in my *** ... Say 10 mins between races?

Anyway we'll see what happens this weekend. If I have the slowdown problems again I'll just pick a scenic spot to pull over and watch. :)
No problem, it was obvious you were toying with me and could have taken third at any time you wanted. Loved every minute of the video! I will however, take exception to resetting your car on the last hairpin. No biggie, and I'm not going to cause a fuss, but I thought we were only to reset if we were tapped out by an opponent?

It's an honour to race against all of you.

thanks mate, and i reset the car more for yours and addictions sake as i had span on the chicane and knew you guys would plow into me so instead of taking yous out i decided to reset then pull to the side of the track.👍
One thing that was mentioned to me was to take a short break between each race. I'm not sure how this helps connection or slowdown issues, but I think it's a good idea, just to stretch and get some feeling back in my *** ... Say 10 mins between races?

I think this is a good idea that i've be longing for,just to have a smoke and pump adrenaline down:sly:
Breaks are good because we are going to have tough races.

Ring is going to be very difficult race. If you aiming for top podium Finnish (well i am obviously) then make one small mistake and that's it. Your finished. Breaks are useless in this VW Scirocco, lucky however there are only four places to really brake Hard.

SPA in Carrera GT, this is going to be slaughterhouse. I've been driving Lotus 111 yesterday on Experienced mode and forgot to switch to PRO before went to practice on SPA. So I'm racing 10 lap race without opponents there is good lap times going, like 2:17:xxx and 2:16:xxx when I'm pushing, but suddenly realized that i had 2:24:xxx while i was racing with Manny. I couldn't be that good in porsch so quickly. Quit the race / went to options / ......... Experienced was set up :scared: So i changed to PRO, went back to 10 lap race and OH MY GOD! This car can kill quicker than any other car in my garage (i used Manufacture car, without any set up available). First i delayed my breaking points, that ends in disaster. Brakes in this car are put not to make fun of them but to use them. And the lap times?? Oh forget about 2:17:xxx There is 6 second difference between them.

I thing that someone during this race may end like Stefan Bellof :scared: if he underestimate this car. Seriously i have no idea how on earth i didn't race in Carrera GT earlier on any track, i did went one time to N Ring but lap time was slower than CCX so useless to me. And then sold out and never bought again (except this Monday).

I'm seriously worried for this race, SPA and Carrera GT is hard core combination. (well for now, i just need more practice)
After a lot of testing at Brands level 4.00 i have come to the conclusion that RWD is kraup :scared: i cant get a single RWD car to handle properly :(

After a try in various FWD cars i have settled for the Focus, i just need to get the balance between power and grip right, i think i had it last night? but that means that it is only reaching 3.81? more testing i think.
After a lot of testing at Brands level 4.00 i have come to the conclusion that RWD is kraup :scared: i cant get a single RWD car to handle properly :(

After a try in various FWD cars i have settled for the Focus, i just need to get the balance between power and grip right, i think i had it last night? but that means that it is only reaching 3.81? more testing i think.

You sure had it,you sure had it...:grumpy:

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