About the third lobby thing,
sure it's complicated for the league points scheme(we can end with 4 diferent winners per track
ah but that could still work we could just take the winners and make them race it out then take the positions from there this way the points system will stay intact and fairness resumed all round
I've given it some thought based on what you guys have said, and I think we should
hold off on starting the third lobby for now.
If Terronium-12 decides to join us there will be 15 of us. Eight and seven, but inevitably a few can't make it each weekend so that should make things manageable with two lobbies.
If one lobby has two more players than the other lobby, someone should switch over to even things out.
One thing that was mentioned to me was to take a short break between each race. I'm not sure how this helps connection or slowdown issues, but I think it's a good idea, just to stretch and get some feeling back in my *** ... Say 10 mins between races?
Anyway we'll see what happens this weekend. If I have the slowdown problems again I'll just pick a scenic spot to pull over and watch.