NHL 2010-2011 Thread

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Habs were up 4-0 so I wa watching the Leafs game. They really played hard against Philadelphia, Boyce's goal was a good hardnosed effort to shove the puck in. The Leafs are on a roll, and their timing couldn't be better.
Why not? They're hot at the right time, and just took down the flyers tonight.

They're just as likely to nab the 8th seed as Carolina and Buffalo.

We'll see how delusional I am in a few weeks, anyway. I'd rather be delusional than so down on my team that i give up on them in the heart of a playoff race...

I didn't give up on them in the heart of a playoff race..I've never given up on them at all. I'm just being realistic and saying that the numbers are against the Leafs making the playoffs and I don't believe they will. However, I am enjoying their play as of late because it moves us out of a lottery position, and lower's the value of the 1st round pick we traded to the Bruins in the Kessel deal. Yeah, we are catching up on 8th, but as most longtime Leafs fans will tell you, don't get too high on them 'cause most of the time you'll just end up disappointed.
Yeah, we are catching up on 8th, but as most longtime Leafs fans will tell you, don't get too high on them 'cause most of the time you'll just end up disappointed.

I've been following the leafs for 20 years now, of course I'm used to disappointment by now.

Having a reason to be excited about hockey in March, that hasn't happened for a while, I'm going to enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Big rematch between the Habs and Bruins tonight at 7:30. I don't expect there to be much in the way of fisticuffs, but Brad Marchand is being a knob. What I want to know, why does PK get roasted in the media for cracking a smile but Marchand gets a free pass after making a comment about trying to get retaliation for this:

The Bruins are the biggest case of the pot calling the kettle black ever. They bitched, moaned and whined about how dirty the Canadiens are, and then Chara absolutely greased Pacioretty into the glass between the benches. Disgusting.
That was just a plain dirty hit. That made me sick, that was just disgusting. The Canadiens facebook page is reporting that Pacioretty is concious and able to move his arms and legs. Didn't get to watch the game in my region, saw the highlights. I watched the New York Islanders vs. Toronto. Grabner scored his 27th of the season, Blake Comeau scored the game winner in OT after redirecting a Radek Martinek shot. Al Montoya turned in another impressive performance with the 4-3 OT win. Islanders are my 2nd fav. team.
That was just a plain dirty hit. That made me sick, that was just disgusting. The Canadiens facebook page is reporting that Pacioretty is concious and able to move his arms and legs. Didn't get to watch the game in my region, saw the highlights. I watched the New York Islanders vs. Toronto. Grabner scored his 27th of the season, Blake Comeau scored the game winner in OT after redirecting a Radek Martinek shot. Al Montoya turned in another impressive performance with the 4-3 OT win. Islanders are my 2nd fav. team.

If you have satellite TV, adding RDS (Québec TSN) is only like $2.50 a month. They broadcast every Canadiens game as well as some Senators games and other random games (all in french obviously) nationally. It's great, I can see every single game no matter what, I have a decent grasp of french which helps, but the player's names are all the same in french anyway :P

On the hit, just a greasy and disgusting hit, I hope there's some supplementary discipline (I doubt it since Colin Campbell's son is on the Bruins).
I'll look into it. Thanks bro, I also have a decent grasp of French. And on the hit, if there is supplementary discipline, it won't be much. Not just because Campbell's son is on the Bruins, but because historically the Canadiens have been 🤬 by the league when it comes to suspensions. Whether its discrimination or jealousy is beyond me.
Watch the overhead camera starting at 0:55. Sickening.

(Viewer discretion advised, no blood but if you're squeamish don't watch)

Uhhh... the more you watch it, the worse it looks. Not intentional my 🤬, if he didn't mean to he would've let up.
No suspension from the league. They're not going to be happy until someone dies.

"Don't fight with your fists like a barbarian! Use your rock solid plastic shoulder pad like a real gentleman!"
When I heard there was no suspension, I wasn't suprised. Two reasons: Colin Campbell's son on the Bruins=No suspension. And historically, if something is done to a Habs player, nothing at all is done about it. But if someone from the Habs does something (Rocket Richard punching dumb ref comes to mind) he is suspended an insanely large amount of games.

No way that wasn't intentional. I can't believe he got nothing for that.

I can say however, that I don't think the non-suspension is a pro-Boston or anti-Montreal consipracy...the NHLs punishments on these dangerous hits are always way too soft all around.

Here's a really good article about it, written before the ruling was made today, but it helps illustrate some of the bad blood between the two players and Chara was definitely out for blood from him.
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No suspension from the league. They're not going to be happy until someone dies.

"Don't fight with your fists like a barbarian! Use your rock solid plastic shoulder pad like a real gentleman!"

Yeah a bunch of straight crap. I don't know what the hell the NHL is thinking by not suspensing Chara. That hit was just plain fricken nasty as hell. He blasted him right into that post and now he has concusion and a fractured vertabrae. Yikes. :grumpy::ouch: Randy
The NHL is a bush league, it's ridiculous. The NHL head offices wonder why Americans don't like hockey? This is why. Families don't want to pay to see somebody get torpedoed into the boards and break their neck.

Also, Hockey Canada is scratching their heads and asking why kid's hockey enrolment is down. I wonder why?
That's why my parents wouldn't let me enter hockey. That and the fact I couldn't skate :rolleyes:. Players in the NHL are supposed to be role models to kids. No better thing for kids to see than a 6'9'' guy absolutely place a cheap shot on a player faster and smaller than him. 👎
I don't really see anything wrong with the Chara hit. They fought for position of the puck and then Chara finished his check. Anywhere else on the boards, and that would have just been a normal hit. It was unfortunate that stanchion was there and the guy's head smashed into it.

At around 1:08 there are 2 clips of hits basically the same as Chara's or worse, and all Grapes says is 'boom' and 'bawango'
Just because Don Cherry is a knob doesn't mean the hit is OK. I doubt that Chara really tried to break Pacioretty's neck, but the fact is, it happened. Chara's an NHL veteran, he knew where he was on the ice, and care should have been taken.
Just because Don Cherry is a knob doesn't mean the hit is OK. I doubt that Chara really tried to break Pacioretty's neck, but the fact is, it happened. Chara's an NHL veteran, he knew where he was on the ice, and care should have been taken.

Yeah, I know that video doesn't really apply to this situation, but it was interesting to see the general reaction to the same kind of hit 25 yrs ago.

In response to the bolded part, you can't judge that it was a dirty hit because of the result. Anywhere else along the boards, and nothing would happen, maybe a minor interference call if the ref's were being picky. If the guy hits his chest or shoulder instead of his head on the same spot, he gets winded, but nothing else happens. Chara had no intent to injure the the guy, and the league was right to hand out no suspension.
It was interference, he had every intent to interfere with Pacioretty, and thus should be responsible for the outcome.
He finished his check by rubbing Pacioretty into the boards, which warrants a 2 min minor at most. Suspensions should never be handed out just because the outcome of an innocent play was bad. If a guy got tripped, and he cracked his face on the ice and suffered a concussion, the guy who tripped him should get a tripping minor, not a multi-game suspension.
He finished his check by rubbing Pacioretty into the boards, which warrants a 2 min minor at most. Suspensions should never be handed out just because the outcome of an innocent play was bad. If a guy got tripped, and he cracked his face on the ice and suffered a concussion, the guy who tripped him should get a tripping minor, not a multi-game suspension.

Except it wasn't an innocent play. The puck was gone, it was a dirty play to begin with, and then he shoves Pacioretty into the stanchion with his glove. Max Powers posted the picture on the last page, you can clearly see Chara slamming Pacioretty's head into the glass.

I also agree with Max Powers in that I don't believe it's a conspiracy, it's just the NHL is way too soft on these kind of things. To think that Sean Avery got suspended and sent to anger management for his "sloppy seconds" comment, and this got nothing is laughable.

The NHL isn't going to be happy until someone dies on the ice. There could have very well been a Max Pacioretty trophy after that hit last night. It's just disgusting. It was enough to make me completely lose interest in that game after the hit, Carey Price seemed to think the same thing.

I think the biggest irony in this whole thing is that the Bruins were moaning and whining in the media about how the Canadiens were a dirty team and that they do stuff behind the play and make dirty hits, and then Chara does this.

EDIT: This hit got 3 games. How Chara's didn't is beyond me.
I saw that hit live. I felt sick when I saw Pacioretty down with no signs of life. They checked his pulse at least twice after the hit.

The Broons are just Flyers wannabe goons. Except they're trying their hardest to be worst.

But yeah, big name, big advertisement, no suspension. Totally not surprised to be honest. If it was Gillies that would've done the exact same hit, we would be talking of which season he'd come back.
Another example, James Wisniewski's suspensions:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI1Q2AY1-Eo (Viewer discretion advised, obscene (non-violent) content)


How is that hit against Seabrook any less severe? It's another example of a "hockey play" with injury. Why did Wisniewski get 8 games for that hit (and 2 for playing charades), but Chara nearly kills a guy and walks. There's a very good chance that Pacioretty may never play hockey again, and there's no suspension. Yet, when James Wisniewski makes an "obscene gesture", he gets suspended.

The NHL is a bush league when it comes to suspensions, the lack of consistency is ridiculous.
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How is Chara pushing a guys skull into a glass stantion, not an intent to injure or a hit to the head? The NHL disciplinary commitee needs to resign.
Obviously that McLaren hit was a suspension, he left his forearm/elbow out purposely to hit Zednik's head.

As for the Chara hit, you cannot judge intent by watching slow motion or a still picture. You have to watch it at full speed. Also, after rewatching it, the hit is only borderline late, any player is in possession of the puck one second after they touch the puck and fair game to get hit. Chara makes contact with Pacioretty very close to 1 sec after Pacioretty touches the puck. If you watch the replay closely, Chara shoves his shoulder and not the head.

Edit: in response to the Wizniewski hit, Seabrook didn't touch the puck, and Wizniewski hit him high and went after the head. Also, once again, you cannot judge supplementary discipline by the result. There can be very dirty plays that don't lead to injury but warrant suspensions, and also clean hits that cause concussions but are not suspendable in any way.
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Ummm... Dude, he sees the stantion, and he hits him anyway. You have to suspend for that. No intent my backside, Pacioretty wasn't going to get the puck anyway if Chara went back to play it.