NHL Season 2012-2013

  • Thread starter Tzun
The U.Ks reason is because rugby is better! :sly:

For me, the constant stops in play in Handegg make it unwatchable, which funnily enough is why I love ice hockey. Fast, frantic and lots of big hits.

The only other thing that comes close is full-contact jousting (if only they still used solid lances).

Ah yes, Europeans always know better than Americans 👍
I dunno, I'm a really big fan of handegg too. There's a ton going on and it's just such a technically demanding sport. Really interesting to watch different strategies built around star players go head to head.

As for the NHL, I'm really disappointed about the coming lockout. I hoped they'd be able to work it out, but it looks like there'll be a lockout. I'm not sure if we'll lose a whole season, but I'm not thrilled. I can't believe they're literally both (players and owners) playing chicken over 3.3 Billion dollars in revenue. I also find it hard to believe the owners when they talk about player costs being out of control when this summer they handed out 100-million dollar contracts like they were going out of style.
Exactly. A "Brass Neck" indeed, this year, ridiculous contracts were either being given or speculated. Just look at the Doan saga.
I also find it hard to believe the owners when they talk about player costs being out of control when this summer they handed out 100-million dollar contracts like they were going out of style.

This sums up my dis-pleasure with the both the Owners and the Players very eloquently.
This comes as a bit of an outsider question - why do the big 4 sports in NA go to lockout (or get close) every time the CBA expires?
Is there such a seismic shift in the way the business side of the sport is run in the 5-7 year term of the deal that makes the previous one completely irrelevant?
These players and owners are making millions/yr, then squabbling over it, robbing the fans who effectively pay them from seeing them perform. On the surface, it seems to be greed on all parts.
Can someone who knows the system explain in 500 words or less how right/wrong my observations are?
Bit of an overpayment IMO.
They know a new deal will come and that 6 will drop to a 4.5/5mill.
This comes as a bit of an outsider question - why do the big 4 sports in NA go to lockout (or get close) every time the CBA expires?
Is there such a seismic shift in the way the business side of the sport is run in the 5-7 year term of the deal that makes the previous one completely irrelevant?
These players and owners are making millions/yr, then squabbling over it, robbing the fans who effectively pay them from seeing them perform. On the surface, it seems to be greed on all parts.
Can someone who knows the system explain in 500 words or less how right/wrong my observations are?
I agree 100%.
They know a new deal will come and that 6 will drop to a 4.5/5mill.

Well, the Bruins make a lot of money, so the dollar figure isn't as much of a concern as the cap hit. But exactly this is what bothers me. The owners have been signing players to contracts they clearly have no intention of honouring.
Some of the preseason matches have been canceled for up to about September 30 or so (or whatever the schedule is like). I only hope the NHL doesn't go through a situation similar to the NBA's 2011-2012 season...
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Some of the preseason matches have been canceled for up to about September 30 or so (or whatever the schedule is like). I only hope the NHL doesn't go through a situation similar to the NBA's 2011-2012 season...

...or their own 04-05 season
I feel like this lockout will either be over very quick, or take all season again. The owners are saying 47-48ish, the players want 52-53, we all know it'll end up at 50/50 or 51/49 for the players. However, if both sides dig in, they won't get it done until the season's gone. I think from the player's point of view, it'd be hard to justify an extended lockout. 5/6 percent on a 6 or 7 figure salary isn't worth burning a whole year of a very short NHL career (avg. career is roughly 5 years.)
I hope the lockout is over in time for the Winter Classic - I was looking forward to seeing Toronto and Detroit go at it. Too much greed - I just wish that fans in cities like Toronto would start making it hurt where it counts - in the wallet. Nothing will change as long as games continue to sell out all the time, especially with the ridiculous prices they charge to see Toronto. And merchandise as well - that would get the attention of the NHL and the NHLPA if the licences become worthless...
I feel bad for many people like Selänne, so close to many milestones or like Brodeur or all these older players.
Danny Cleary quoted as saying the lockout "could go over a year."

Oh, bother.

Could just be a scare-tactic.
NHL Preseason canceled as a result of this lockout. So you NHL fans can only hope that more games don't get cut from the upcoming season...
The season up to about October 24 has been canceled. Care to envision how many more games may be lost for this season... or if the 2012-2013 season will ever happen?
The season up to about October 24 has been canceled. Care to envision how many more games may be lost for this season... or if the 2012-2013 season will ever happen?

It does not look good, full season lockout again I reckon.:(
I feel like this lockout will either be over very quick, or take all season again. The owners are saying 47-48ish, the players want 52-53, we all know it'll end up at 50/50 or 51/49 for the players. However, if both sides dig in, they won't get it done until the season's gone. I think from the player's point of view, it'd be hard to justify an extended lockout. 5/6 percent on a 6 or 7 figure salary isn't worth burning a whole year of a very short NHL career (avg. career is roughly 5 years.)


Offer today with 50-50 split of HRR. Apparently there's some witchcraft involved so that players won't lose any salary this year even with the drop in HRR percentage. I don't think this is a lockout ender yet, but it's very promising. Calls for an 82 game season starting on Nov 2 (if that means the All-Star game gets cancelled, this whole thing was worth it :lol).
Games up to November 1st now canceled with this lockout. There may not be the Winter Classic, either. Are we going to get some NHL action this season or not? This season is looking even more unlikely to happen.

If the season doesn't happen, you'll have to make-believe teams taking faceoffs, ramming players into the walls, and of course- good old hockey fights. May have to fire up your favorite hockey game to deal with the loss of this season. That's assuming your favorite hockey game isn't anything real modern ("Blades of Steel" for the win!).

Are we getting a season or not? Come on, boys!
Apparently this week could be critical for the entire season...

Words of Pierre Le Brun.
Apparently this week could be critical for the entire season...

Words of Pierre Le Brun.

I don't really get that sentiment to be honest. It's critical for an 82 game season, but not for an entire season. We've gone from a 43-57 difference to both sides saying 50-50 is where they want to be. I just don't see them throwing out the entire season. This week is the be all and end all for 82 games, but not necessarily an abbreviated season.
The NBA had their abbreviated (and brutal) season last year. Even an abbreviated season in the NHL is still better than none at all. I don't usually watch hockey. Still, I'm at least hopeful the NHL can come to grips on something to get in the 2012-2013 season.