Been looking at Miatas on craigslist. My brother decided he wanted one now too. He got one yesteday.
Not too bad, around 32k miles for a 2000. I rode along with him and he got it sideways a few times. I wasn't too impressed when he floored it, though.
I'm still looking for a deal I can jump on. I want to get an NA.
In the mean time, I got my crystal clear tailights. I have a few center garnishes to choose from.
Looks alright with my Eleanor garnish
But I went with a new one I made today. Tried to find a close spray paint to match my color. Closest I found was a Honda blue metalic touch up spray. Not quite right but it looks decent.
You also see right, I'm losing the stripes.
I got most of it off, but the bumper and roof. It's a pain to peel off. Some spots I didn't spray heavy enough. I had to rub spots off, and now I got blisters on me fingers.