I don't think you understand what you're saying any more.
Your initial point was that if PD didn't want the game to be hacked, they shouldn't have made it so restrictive. Now you're promoting restrictions for people who hack the game...
People getting around gameplay restrictions to have more fun =/= restrictions in place to protect those playing "legit".
Not liking a certain type of restriction is not hating all restrictions. Some can be harmful and some beneficial.
As above, your original point lauded people hacking to get round the restrictive game. If PD put in the restrictions you want, you should surely then laud people who hack to get round those restrictions too.
I guess it hasn't been made too clear from my part so let me say it:
Going around game restrictions should be fine up to the point where other people start being affected. Which is I suppose what is happening now more or less but I don't agree with the "punishment". Better prevention measures would be much preferred.
Do the rules require you not to be offensive to yourself?
I would imagine they prohibit you from sending offensive messages without specifying anything about you sending to your self. Hell, I don't even know if you can send a PM back to you. I might take a look later.
And if you do that offline and don't affect anyone else's game, there's no problem.
Indeed, but you still miss out on certain features that wouldn't affect other players. I'm also not familiar with when or how they check your save file so I'm still not feeling too good even if I only use them offline.
You're not getting it.
You can live with it. You can use hacked cars responsibly. You think the restrictions in place are silly and deserve being hacked round.
While at the same time you say that where there are limits, there are inevitable breaches of those limits. You can live with the limitation of not playing online, but you're not all the hackers. You can use hacked cars responsibly, but you're not all the hackers. There are people who would see your proposed new limits as silly and do their best to get round them and use their hacked cars irresponsibly online.
Obviously, I'm talking for myself. Still, I'd like to think that "my freedom ends where another man's freedom begins" is a general concept and systems can exist to preserve it like other games show.
The separation is a limit. Your inevitable hackers will try to get round that limit.
Like I said before, PD is already using prevention systems that get people banned. I just want them to be less punishable.
I know. You're demanding that a company "works with" you to give you what you want. That's not "working with" you - that's working for you. It's not a compromise, it's a demand.
You can think of it as you like. If they don't keep in touch with the people (something PD is notorious of) and what they want but rather give them what
they think they do, the chances of what we are discussing happening is far more likely.
No. The product is the product. If people want it, they want it.
And if they want to modify it they also modify it
Basic respect, rather than blaming them and their restrictions for people stealing from them.
Sorry, they haven't earned my respect with their decisions so far.
And yet every time they try to include a feature people complain about development time. Then you get a feature like DLC and people steal it any way. Or you get online and people destroy it by using hacked cars.
I think people tend to complain more because the features we finally get are half-assed. Well, no matter what they do, nobody will ever be happy but if you take all the time in the world and you don't deliver, many people will be pissed.
Actually, it's more like saying "performance enhancing drugs = cheating".
It's the same. If I take them and run solo for fun it's not cheating. The drug alone is not a cheat, it's how you use it.
The existence of hacked cars destroys all trust in online gaming in GT. It doesn't matter whether you use them or not - the possibility of them being used and the existence of your inevitable cheats means that they are and we cannot trust anyone we race against.
Hacking is always a possibility in any online activity you ever do. Even if there hasn't been a case yet, you are still not safe. Whether we are aware of people using hacked cars or not it doesn't change anything since it can happen at any given time.