No law, burn down the city

If you're willing to believe the shock tactics of fringe economic theory - particularly when it's broadcast on a channel known to accomodate tyrants who vainly believe themselves to be martyrs as they hand down free advice from the balcony in spite of their self-imposed exile - then more fool you.
No, there's no danger of you revolting because you probably don't know the difference between Keynesian and Ricardian economic theory.

After all, it's a bit hard to stage an uprising when you have no idea what you are revolting against.
I believe that accusations of criminal activity are too serious for me to go throwing them around like confetti. And I don't believe that the self-styled populist theories of a fringe economist that appeal to the hipster generation can be held up as evidence of wrongdoing. Anybody who believes whatever they're told by Max Keiser probably wears a Che Guevara t-shirt with no idea of who Che Guevara was.