No Man's SkyPS4 

  • Thread starter iainn
Woah massive update..cant wait to try it. Exactly what the game needed,more stuff to do and a purpose hehe.

When i played free roam mode,i went a few hours without finding a station i could inhabit and build - is it an icon on the map?
Woah massive update..cant wait to try it. Exactly what the game needed,more stuff to do and a purpose hehe.

When i played free roam mode,i went a few hours without finding a station i could inhabit and build - is it an icon on the map?

Just do scans from space, it'll pop up with the little red building icon like you get for abandoned buildings and outposts and things like that, except it'll say something like "habitable base".

Edit: Not sure if there's one on every planet. I started building one, but the planet was extreme radioactive, and I ended up leaving it for a better star system with more planets. I set up a permanent base in a cool star system, with a bunch of different types of planets. My base is on one a moon, which has no environmental problems. Only downside is it's got extreme sentinels lol.

My base is on Sudschleife, moon of the planet Nordschleife :D
I have already given up on playing this after a few annoying hours. It seems all the new ships will be pointless apart from the fighter due to pirate attacks. My ship is a bit rubbish since its shield need upgrades and weapon cool down could be better, problem is I can't look for better stuff since pirate attacks are so frequent. I thought I would be safe in pulse drive but nope they can pull you out of that as well. So if you set a ship up for exploration you gonna have a bad time.
I haven't played NMS in quite some time. I didn't even download the basebuikding update either!

Looks like I've got some catching up to do after Breath Of The Wild is completed.
So had to go dig this up.
New update.
Adds another 30 hours.

Patch notes
  • Increased variety in weather, planet and structure names
  • More base building parts have unique names
  • Prevented trees spawning on sheer cliffs
  • Improved object placement on slopes
  • Improved grass placement and density
  • Changed the default starting ship model
  • Regenerated galaxy to remove differences between survival, normal and creative game modes
  • Improved building distribution
  • Increased distribution of heridium deposits
  • Improved generation of beaches along shorelines
  • Repositioned player bases to accommodate generation changes
  • Improved balance of hazards between planets
  • Improved settings for hazard damage and strength
  • Reduce cave hazard recharge times
  • Added Shielding Shard to the starting player inventory
  • Limited the depth at which buildings can spawn underwater
  • More tech available in tech shops
  • Balanced tech shop standing requirements
  • Standing lights have a proper name when you interact with them
  • Increased robustness of systems for locating buildings
  • Increased number and types of objects which can be scanned
  • Increased information available about scanned foliage and creatures
  • Improved planet resource lists
  • Craftable products now sorted by most recent use
  • Improved differentiation of weapons
  • Fixed pinning product recipes and technology guides
  • Continued story unlocked through abandoned buildings
  • Added interactions and dialogue options for many structures and characters
  • Overhauled secondary character interactions
  • Joint exploration has been introduced allowing 16 players to see visual representations of each other in game. Joint exploration does not require PS Plus, and is not currently available on GOG Galaxy.
Trade and Farming
  • Alloys, farm products and new gas products now form separate branches of a larger craft tree
  • Added new valuable higher tier craft products
  • Added new harvester to harvest atmospheric gases
  • Added new trade specific products
  • Added new farmable “Star Bramble” plant
  • Added larger 4 plant hydroponic tray
  • Increased contrast between picked and unpicked resource plants to more easily tell them apart
  • Balanced priced of alloys, farm products and gases
  • Improved distributions of resources on planets
  • Improved scan ranges for resources on planets
  • Added scan markers on more smaller plutonium crystals to aid resource gathering
  • Balanced freighter prices
  • Fixed collision on freighter bridge
  • Added freighter classes
  • Added ability to warp in your freighter
  • Fixed floating turrets on capital freighters
  • Improved space heavy air
  • Added requirement to scan planets in order to reveal their names
  • Improved planet name display as you enter orbit
  • Fix for massive carve radius when mining asteroids
Galactic Map
  • Updated galactic map UI
  • Improved galactic map controls
  • Improved star names gathered in galaxy map flythrough
  • Improved distribution of different coloured stars
  • Added interstellar scan events
  • Added ability to summon your ship from the quick menu
  • Refined ship reticules
  • Added new holographic cockpit HUD elements: mini map, pulse drive warning and target ship
  • Added new ship technology
  • Balanced space combat
  • Balanced ship weapons and technology
  • Updated ship weapon projectile effects
  • Updated ship hit direction markers
  • Improved flare graphics on ships
  • Improved loot containers dropped by AI ships
  • Improved effects on damaged AI ships
  • Balanced crashed ships broken slots and repair costs
  • Added a more convenient swap inventory button for moving items between new/crashed ships and storage units
  • Updated design of Atlas pass icons
  • Added ability to look around the cockpit when landed
  • Allowed player to remain in ship cockpit after landing
  • Improved spawning and distribution of AI ships
  • Improved ship altimeter
  • Added in-ship communicator
  • Added button prompt for ship zoom
  • Fixed a bug where your ship could become invisible by visiting the galactic map
  • Improved Pirate systems including the ability to negotiate or call in support
  • Added low flight mode
  • Improved landing code
  • Divided options menu into several pages
  • Revised Journey page
  • New Gek, Korvax and Vy’keen medals
  • New medals for the merchant, mercenary and explorer guilds
  • Revised log page
  • Fixed animation on markers as they are removed
  • Improved binocular UI
  • Updated journey milestone icons
  • Overhauled discovery log
  • Added cardinal directions to compass
  • Added distance markers to compass
  • Fix for “redeem content” showing twice on Steam menu
  • New trade and product icons
  • Revised combat ship markers
  • Improved ship tracking arrows when flying away from targets
  • Overhauled conversation interface
  • Improved HBAO filtering around edges
  • Improved TAA handling of grass blade edges
  • Introduced depth of field effect during interactions
  • Added LOD meshes and imposters to various props
  • Fixed texturing on the buildable door
  • Reduced HBAO shimmer
  • Reduced shadow acne
  • Fixed artifacts with imposter shadows
  • Improved double-sided normals for foliage
  • Improved terrain texturing and texture blending
  • Improved grass colour blending and integration with terrain
  • Improved grass and leaf materials
  • Improved colour palettes across several biomes
  • Improved planet night skies
  • Fixed z-fighting on small glowing plants
  • Various graphics optimisations and fixes
  • Visual improvements to Atlas stations
  • Replaced all terrain textures with higher detail and quality variants
  • Added new higher detail foliage variants to several biomes
  • Upgraded textures on several cave props
  • Four new sets of soundscapes by 65 Days of Static
  • Reworked space combat audio
  • Reworked space explosions
  • Added new ship weapon sounds
  • Added weird biome soundscape
  • Added new music and sound effects for story mode
  • Lots of new UI sounds
  • Minor mix changes and optimisations
  • Various minor language fixes and improvements
Yes it is a nice improvement. The trouble is the flight physics are something I can't go back to after Elite Dangerous now. That's a shame as you can actually hit things flying around at low level on planet now. You can't crash into the ground though.
really impressed they keep supporting this game with free updates, even a year later. It really seems like this game was rushed to release. have to imagine sony had a lot to do with that.

it's a shame because if this game was originally released with all this content, i think most people would have a completely different attitude about this game and hello games
That doesn't look bad, is it still fun to play? I was figuring about getting it on Steam.

Better than before, survival mode is seriously challenging, if you want it. And there is also a hardcore mode, 1 life.
Plus a photomode

If on PC, definitely get the fast actions mod, to get rid of the delay from button presses, and the mod the removes the scanlines at the top of the screen etc

Then go to \Binaries\SETTINGS\TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML and change FOV to 120 or more. The max setting of 100 in the game menus is not enough, well it's lower than a real fov of 100

new ship types



Night time also looks like night time now


Large objects cast shadows on planets now

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I'm having some fun with this now. It's a shame that what it was like when it first released is something a lot of people can't get past.

Not very happy about that 48 slot ship I spent ages getting is now not so good after all. :banghead:

I wish you could upgrade ship slots like you can with the suit.

So it's now the full on multiplayer experience that we were all sold originally ?
I'm reluctant to believe anything from Shaun Murray tbh

I don't think so. You can see other players as balls of light. I wouldn't call it multiplayer, but you are in the same place at the same time.
Well I bought the game again but this time on PC (jumped on the 60% sale). I have already found a mod to get rid of the pirates since this was my only real complaint (makes no sense to have anything other than a fighter since they happen so often).

Does anyone else who plays on PC have a problem with the pointer? it doesn't matter if I use mouse or DS4 the pointer just drifts up slowly like it has no deadzone. I turned the smoothing down to 0 and that helped a little but it still happens just it moves slower.
Maybe some issue with your DS4
it was doing the same with mouse also. on everything else both DS4 and mouse work fine..

EDIT: you were correct my DS4 seems slightly broken in terms of the analogue stick. I just tried my less used DS4 and that works perfectly. It seems that the effect of the DS4 overlapped when i was using mouse as it was still plugged in. It can't be to much out since i use the DS4 in forza horizon 3 and i never noticed it there.
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I'm on a toxic planet called Orongtunxukamr in the Shgarr system getting one of the two remaining Journey Milestones left for me to do before I get Platinum. It has corrosive storms and looks great at night when they happen. Only 111.5 Tox. Nothing to worry about. :crazy:
:cheers: Yippee. Scanned three planets for all animal life-forms today to finish up unfinished Milestones and I've just receive my first ever Platinum. Not bad for a game that was as bad as it was when it first came out! :cheers:
If this comes on PSN sale, do you think it would be worth picking up for someone with only a passing interest in space games? I tried Elite Dangerous and spent most of my trial getting the dang thing to take off! Basically, I want something accessible but deep enough too. Is there a photomode of any kind on PS4 also?
If this comes on PSN sale, do you think it would be worth picking up for someone with only a passing interest in space games? I tried Elite Dangerous and spent most of my trial getting the dang thing to take off! Basically, I want something accessible but deep enough too. Is there a photomode of any kind on PS4 also?

It's significantly better than it was at by a country mile. Flying is super easy in the game, although there's not a ton of combat stuff. If you like exploring, finding new worlds, and just kind of flying around it's a really good game. With the base building now too, once you find a planet you like you can setup a little colony too.
If this comes on PSN sale, do you think it would be worth picking up for someone with only a passing interest in space games? I tried Elite Dangerous and spent most of my trial getting the dang thing to take off! Basically, I want something accessible but deep enough too. Is there a photomode of any kind on PS4 also?

I agree with Joey above, but I'll add that yes it does have a photo mode, which produces some nice pics. I too picked up Elite while it was on sale on PSN, but haven't yet had time to get into it. NMS is a pretty good game now, after all the updates, but it still falls short of what it was marketed to be. Basically, I'd recommend it if it's on sale, but it's not really worth more than about $20 IMO.
Cheers guys, it had kinda fallen of the radar with me being on Xbox. I'll wait until a sale, then.
Haven't touched this in so long that after the update I might get back into it.