6:23.972 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR '08 Racing Soft full tuned
6:26.102 Cerbera Speed 12 '00 Racing Soft full tuned
6:40.679 Audi RS6 Avant '08 Racing Soft full tuned
Please add these to the leaderboard thanks. I can provide proof if needed just let me know.
I will add them no problem
Just make sure you fill the entry like it is shown on page one of this thread or the spreadsheet, id suggest you to use the spreadsheet to see the updated list as Bonobo dont update the list frequently.
your entry should look like this:
06:26.102 TVR Cerbera Speed 12 '00 (Deutsch Rennen) NEW
and then let me know what category it is.
8:17.702 VW Golf V GTI '05 (Stock)
7:53.295 VW Scirrocco R '10 (Stock)
I dont have those car yet so i cant verified them, i will need a video for them,
make sure you show the data at least a few sec in the replay vid where we can see the tires used.
7:53 is very fast for a Front wheel drive car, HJlamont has posted a 06:21.xxx for this car, also make sure you use the spreadsheet that will help you find if its already been used.
thx for your submission!
Hi bonobo and Mike. I can contribute with my 50+ under 420PP stock production car times, but must tell me how many you can allow here. For each one I kept track of tyres and stuff but:
- all laptimes are with comfort medium
- for some high mileage standards, I slightly adjusted power (via a CPU or Air filter + power limiter) to match IRL values
- in some cars I limited the power because actual GT5 value exceeds IRL
- in some cars (like Volvo 240) I enlightened the car to approach IRL value.
Hey Duck!
theres 4 categories,
production: that use stock cars(oil change allowed)you have to use stock tires, comfort soft is allowed unless the car use less grip tires already..., no setting allowed.
Racing/Non-production: Racing cars or prototype/concept car, you cannot upgrade the engine power, oil change allowed, you can run any tires you want, and change any setting you want.
Racing/non-production ALL STOCK: Racing car or protyp/concept car again, but this time you cannot change anything, you have to use stock tires and stock settings, its driver only, oil change is allowed.
Tuned category: Here you go all out, everything is allowed, no power limit, no tire limit, no setting limit.
If the car you used isnt in the list and fit the category you can post it i will add it into the spreadsheet, if theres one already, your time need to be faster otherwise it will not go in the list.
Unfortunatly if you added a ECU or any part it will a automaticaly fall into the tuned category. If you downgraded the power theres no problem it can stay in the production as long as you didnt use better tires than the factory one. If theres a weight reduction even if you lowered teh power it will fall into the tuned category. You can run comfort soft if the car used sport hard from factory for example...
Skid recovery is not allowed for anyone wondering.