- 15,742
- Seattle
- CR80_Shifty
Some have said Russia has supplied NK with support in technology and weaponry, albeit in lesser amounts than China and perhaps Pakistan. This would be because NK acts like a catspaw to scratch, irritate and flummox the Great Satan USA. But likely neither China nor Russia wants a forest of nuclear explosions on its border, with its catspaw laying dead and broken in the aftermath, and they holding the radioactive fallout. So both China and Russia will try to a degree to aid the situation.. But at the end of the day it is up to Kim and Trump to act like responsible adults. If the odds of that are each fifty:fifty, then the overall odds of responsible adult behavior is 50% x 50% = 25%.I've always been curious as to how Putin views the Korean leader (given his country wraps around China and I believe, borders N. Korea at one tiny point), and the thought of a war so close to the mother land. Would he step in to aid, or would China as the buffer dictate his decisions?
"When Barristan the Bold tells you to run, a wise man laces up his boots."
- George RR Martin, A Dance With Dragons, book #5 of A Song of Ice and Fire.
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