North Korea Weaponising Bird Flu

i know this is old now...but what has happened to avert the danger?

The British Foreign Intelligence agency, MI6, has learned that the pariah state of North Korea is weaponising the bird flu virus that would make it a weapon of choice for al Qaeda.

In aerosol form it would be undetectable at all border crossings and virologists at Porton Down – Britain’s research centre responsible for developing antidotes against biological attacks – fear that a genetically-engineered version of the virus would be far more lethal than a current threat from a pandemic.
World ranking experts have said that it is “the greatest threat al Qaeda could unleash”.
In an exclusive interview, Dr Ken Allibek, the former director of the Soviet Union’s biowarfare programme, Biopreperat, who is now a senior adviser to the Bush Administration on biodefence, said:
“The threat of a weaponised bird flu virus cannot be over emphasised. It would be the most terrible weapon in the hands of a terrorist. The advantage for al Qaeda is that an aerosolised weapon would be impossible to detect from one spread naturally by birds. But a lab-produced virus would be far more lethal”.

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I'll just pause to remind people that even if this genetically engineered virus was a THOUSAND times more deadly than H5N1 is, it'd kill only 9,000 people a year.

For comparison's sakes, 4,500 people a year in the UK require hospital treatment for injuries sustained from newspapers.

For comparison's sakes, 4,500 people a year in the UK require hospital treatment for injuries sustained from newspapers.

It would'nt be wrist injuries from page 3 of the Sun would it?
I'll just pause to remind people that even if this genetically engineered virus was a THOUSAND times more deadly than H5N1 is, it'd kill only 9,000 people a year.

For comparison's sakes, 4,500 people a year in the UK require hospital treatment for injuries sustained from newspapers.

perhaps Iran should consider strapping the daily telegraph to thier latest missiles...

seriously though, N Korea has already been selling delivery systems to Iran (missiles) I wonder if any of these warheads were included.
Wouldn't Ebola be a better weapons agent? Good for specific targetting, because it won't spread very far, but would kill a lot more people... wouldn't it? Or Anthrax?
Wouldn't Ebola be a better weapons agent? Good for specific targetting, because it won't spread very far, but would kill a lot more people... wouldn't it? Or Anthrax?

there is no vaccine or antidote for bird flu. We know virtually nothing of its capabilities of its ability to mutate.
The British Foreign Intelligence agency, MI6, has learned that the pariah state of North Korea is weaponising the bird flu virus that would make it a weapon of choice for al Qaeda.

:lol: Yet another victim of the news hype.
I can just see Al-Qaeda standing in Times Square firing birds out of a potato cannon :lol:

"Alright Mohammed, I'll shove the bird down the barrel, you get the hairspray!"
For comparison's sakes, 4,500 people a year in the UK require hospital treatment for injuries sustained from newspapers.


So what your saying is, they should forget about the bird flu and up newspaper attacks?! 💡
how apt for a Bushco apologist

I attack Bush on a regular basis. I'm very unhappy with him on domestic issues. You of all people should know that my thoughts run counter to the bias in just about every news organization from Fox to CNN to the BBC to Aljezeera.

(by the way, attacking the speaker is a logical fallacy)

(since you didn't get that... it means that you didn't respond to my criticism of your point)
I attack Bush on a regular basis. I'm very unhappy with him on domestic issues. You of all people should know that my thoughts run counter to the bias in just about every news organization from Fox to CNN to the BBC to Aljezeera.

yep, i am not a fan of Bush domestic issues either but since i am not qualified to comment on them (not being a US citizen) i cant say much on that front. His foreign policy directly affects my every day life. I will have my say on that. I now where you stand on these issues as you are a regular poster.

(since you didn't get that... it means that you didn't respond to my criticism of your point)
And what was your critisism exactly? "Yup, it's better to use your brain than let the media do your thinking for you."..

thats not me, i come to my colclusions independantly. Usually listening to the people of Iran gives a good indicator of local feelings.