Not when we stick a big STFU on their face and fly a couple of bombers over their country

See, when 9/11 happened, the U.S. was all for kicking ass and taking names. We bombed the living hell out of Iraq, and nobody gave a flying crap what others thought of us.
Now think if one of these missiles hits Japan or god forbid California. Bush is scared to do anything about something that could cause massive damage to our imports. Almost everything we get in the US comes from Japan, China, and Taiwan. If Japan gets blown away, good bye almost every electronic import to the U.S.
If California gets hit, it's 1. On American soil, and 2. Imagine what will happen to all the big time industries in California. Good bye Hollywood?
Come on bush. Grow a pair and show North Korea they aren't messing with a bunch of pansies. We have more firepower in one Air Force Base than they do in their whole country.