North Korean Missiles Lands In Sea Of Japan

  • Thread starter a6m5
...The American military is stretched far to thin to do anything right now, so this will again have to be a UN operation in Korea.

We don't need troops to handle NK. All we need are some bombers, which we've got plenty of.
They made a point on FOX that the more games North Korea play, the more chances they get to see how far their "experiments" really go, no matter how much they toy with us. If we let them play around, they'll eventually suceed in a successful Taepodong II ICBM launch.
As McLaren said, if one of those dummy-missles would have hit somewhere, although there were no warheads, they would have done quite a bit of damage. If they would have hit inland Japan, NK could have just dropped the soap in the political world.

s0nny80y: Another good point. If we keep letting missles launch from NK randomly, then one of those missles could end up in United States territory. CNN says at least 7 missles have been launched as "test missles". Thats 7 too many in my book. One of those could have strayed off and hit California. One of them could have even intentionally hit US territory.

North Korea just got themselves into a deep pile of horse ****.
We don't need troops to handle NK. All we need are some bombers, which we've got plenty of.
Oh no, we can't do that. Remember, the rest of the world will call us heartless and cruel. :rolleyes:
Oh no, we can't do that. Remember, the rest of the world will call us heartless and cruel. :rolleyes:

Not when we stick a big STFU on their face and fly a couple of bombers over their country :D.


See, when 9/11 happened, the U.S. was all for kicking ass and taking names. We bombed the living hell out of Iraq, and nobody gave a flying crap what others thought of us.

Now think if one of these missiles hits Japan or god forbid California. Bush is scared to do anything about something that could cause massive damage to our imports. Almost everything we get in the US comes from Japan, China, and Taiwan. If Japan gets blown away, good bye almost every electronic import to the U.S.

If California gets hit, it's 1. On American soil, and 2. Imagine what will happen to all the big time industries in California. Good bye Hollywood?

Come on bush. Grow a pair and show North Korea they aren't messing with a bunch of pansies. We have more firepower in one Air Force Base than they do in their whole country.
The the Chinese and south koreans and Japan etc. needs to Unite against them first with crushing sanctions then with force if needed.
The US shoud not...actually can not ...take action alone ..because the price will be paid by japan and South Korea .

Its time for CHINA to earn their Wallmart money and curb their dog .

If not lets see how Americans feel about boycotting Wallmart until they do .
ledhed, I think the Chinese are just using the North Koreans. Chinese tell North Korea to stop development and testing of WMD, while they back North Koreans with everything they need. They are saying all the right things, but will not lift a finger. They probably figure that with North Korea grabbing all the attention in the region, it takes pressure off them on their issues with Tibet, human rights, Taiwan, etc.

P.S. I've heard on the news that Russia and China are against placing sanction on North Korea. North Korea is shooting up missiles left and right, and they won't even support a sanction? They might as well just come out and say that they think it's OK. :rolleyes:
Why bomb North Korea when we could just set up a National North Korean tour for The New Seekers? Also, why is North Korea so dangerous and crap, yet they are NEVER in the news?
Admittedly, I focus more on Asian news, but they are featured in the regular news quite a bit.

I'm all for surgical strike of North Korea. This is coming from someone who was 100% against the invasion of Iraq. Bill Clinton's brilliant plan to put off the attack(play was right there, he backed-off) and negotiate obviously has not worked. So, why get back to the Six Party Talks? North Korea is begging for a U.S. strike IMO.
Not when we stick a big STFU on their face and fly a couple of bombers over their country :D.


See, when 9/11 happened, the U.S. was all for kicking ass and taking names. We bombed the living hell out of Iraq, and nobody gave a flying crap what others thought of us.

Now think if one of these missiles hits Japan or god forbid California. Bush is scared to do anything about something that could cause massive damage to our imports. Almost everything we get in the US comes from Japan, China, and Taiwan. If Japan gets blown away, good bye almost every electronic import to the U.S.

If California gets hit, it's 1. On American soil, and 2. Imagine what will happen to all the big time industries in California. Good bye Hollywood?

Come on bush. Grow a pair and show North Korea they aren't messing with a bunch of pansies. We have more firepower in one Air Force Base than they do in their whole country.

Yes, but if we attack the DPRK that would de-stabilize the entire region as well. That would put our Allies in South Korea and Japan at great risk not only for artillery and missle attacks, but atleast in South Korea they would have to deal with nearly a million North Korean invasion. The 30,000 US troops and whatever millitary that South Korea has would be powerless to stop that kind of ground force invasion.

At the moment, millitary action is too risky unless we launch a full-scale assult on the DPRK similar to the Inchon landing during Korean War I. We would need more than 800,000 boots on the ground, minimum, between US and our Allies. Given our superior training, numbers don't necessiarily need to be even, but they need to be close. Added to that, the DPRK has nuclear warheads that work, but we have no idea if they can be attached to missles yet. They could theoretically activate one, send it down the road in a truck and remote detonate it, but this isn't a James Bond movie either.

...We need to have Russia and China ready to go if we are going to attack the DPRK. An American/Austrailan advance through Inchon to Peyongyang matched with a Russo/Chinese invasion through the north may be the best situation we have. Depending on our other Allies, they would also have to push through from the south, destroying artillery stations that could destroy Seoul and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

It can be done, but it all has to be done quickly. The combination of American and other Allied airforces (particularly that of our European Allies) would be required to soften up the DPRK quickly, but boots on the ground are always required, and that is something that America doesn't have a lot to give up at the moment.
Weren't they nuclear missles? So, won't that mean an amazing amount of damage to the environment all over the Pacific because of radiation?

EDIT: Oh i see there were no warheads, but why is that?
but atleast in South Korea they would have to deal with nearly a million North Korean invasion. The 30,000 US troops and whatever millitary that South Korea has would be powerless to stop that kind of ground force invasion.
Actually, North Korean Army's "1 Million Men Army" is kind of deceiving. South Korea actually have their (little over)half a million men Army. Plus, since S. Korea has much larger reserve personnel, numbers come to be about even. Also, North is equipped so poorly, we'll see something similar to the Gulf War match up between Iraq and the U.S. I'm guessing many of the Northern troops will surrender or run, just like the Iraqi Republican Guard during the U.S. invasion. North Korean people do not believe in Kim Jong-il's leadership. Once the war start, N. Korean military should consider half of their own population to be enemies. Their civilians would be as supportive of the North as the French people were of Nazis during their occupation of France in World War II.

...We need to have Russia and China ready to go if we are going to attack the DPRK. An American/Austrailan advance through Inchon to Peyongyang matched with a Russo/Chinese invasion through the north may be the best situation we have.
I don't know if you read my earlier post, but they are opposing any sanctions against North Korea at this time. It might take a decade or two, before they warm up to the idea of actually invading N. Korea.

EDIT: Oh i see there were no warheads, but why is that?
They are calling them "test firing", but it's actually blackmail to get international aids. No, they are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Actually, North Korean Army's "1 Million Men Army" is kind of deceiving. South Korea actually have their (little over)half a million men Army. Plus, since S. Korea has much larger reserve personnel, numbers come to be about even. Also, North is equipped so poorly, we'll see something similar to the Gulf War match up between Iraq and the U.S. I'm guessing many of the Northern troops will surrender or run, just like the Iraqi Republican Guard during the U.S. invasion. North Korean people do not believe in Kim Jong-il's leadership. Once the war start, N. Korean military should consider half of their own population to be enemies. Their civilians would be as supportive of the North as the French people were of Nazis during their occupation of France in World War II.

I don't know if you read my earlier post, but they are opposing any sanctions against North Korea at this time. It might take a decade or two, before they warm up to the idea of actually invading N. Korea.

They are calling them "test firing", but it's actually blackmail to get international aids. No, they are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Actually the NK Army is much more formidible than the iraqi army ever could be . They have three generations of brain washing going for them .They will fight until you kill them because they believe the rest of the world ...especially the US is the most evil thing that ever existed and must be exterminated for placing the hardships on NK for all these years . And the usual master race crap drilled into them from birth . closed society and all that crap...

But then again when their crazed cold war style Army actually gets its first taste of shock and awe...and a few hundred thousand of them simply disapear in clouds of high explosive vapor..well ...its wake up to the new world of complete and utter anhilalation...the most advanced and utterly destructive war machine meets a 1960's style mass attack...

It will be a horror show to beat all horrors.
Actually, North Korean Army's "1 Million Men Army" is kind of deceiving.
I'm going by the CIA assesment of the North Korean millitary from a few years back. For one of my finals papers in High School (about two years ago now) I wrote a 10-page paper on the threat of North Korea against the United States. It was full of assesments of not only their troop strengths, but their missle programs as well. Although the data has proven to be a bit out of date as of now, I would say that it is still relevant.

Their civilians would be as supportive of the North as the French people were of Nazis during their occupation of France in World War II.
It depends on what part of France you are talking about. Northern France was very supportive of the Allies, but southern France actually sided with the Nazis and Italians during WWII, and helped to tip the scales twards the Axis powers during the early years of the war.

I don't know if you read my earlier post, but they are opposing any sanctions against North Korea at this time. It might take a decade or two, before they warm up to the idea of actually invading N. Korea.
I'm quite aware of the Russo/Chinese stance on the issue right now. I was refering, for the most part, to a best-case scenario. I would be willing to bet that if a missle does come closer to Japan or the US, the Russo/Chinese forces could join our side of the table in full.
Actually the NK Army is much more formidible than the iraqi army ever could be . They have three generations of brain washing going for them .They will fight until you kill them because they believe the rest of the world ...especially the US is the most evil thing that ever existed and must be exterminated for placing the hardships on NK for all these years . And the usual master race crap drilled into them from birth . closed society and all that crap...
While they have the West(not the government though, mostly just media) believing that, some of the citizens are actually escaping thru China. They run to Japanese and South Korean embassy, schools, once they make it across the border. North Korean citizens will say all the right things to western media, because once they are caught saying anything less than "I love our dictator!", they and their family of next 3 generations(hardcore!) could be locked away, or sent to labor camp.

I stand by my earlier post. North Korean military will crumble, once the troops realize that their beloved Kim Jong-il will fall.

I'm going by the CIA assesment of the North Korean millitary from a few years back. For one of my finals papers in High School (about two years ago now) I wrote a 10-page paper on the threat of North Korea against the United States. It was full of assesments of not only their troop strengths, but their missle programs as well. Although the data has proven to be a bit out of date as of now, I would say that it is still relevant.
Is it just me, or you should never believe anything CIA tells the public? :D Also, these "assessments"; their purpose most of the time is to boost the enemy's capabilities, so you can push for more funding. If the North and South Korea engaged in a war today without interference from other nations, South Korea would control North in no time. North's weapons are ancient and poorly maintained, except for few exceptions(MiG-29! 👍 ). Their military's a paper tiger, unless they can utilize their WMDs.

It depends on what part of France you are talking about. Northern France was very supportive of the Allies, but southern France actually sided with the Nazis and Italians during WWII, and helped to tip the scales twards the Axis powers during the early years of the war.
Oh, did I say French? I meant Northen French. :P

I'm quite aware of the Russo/Chinese stance on the issue right now. I was refering, for the most part, to a best-case scenario. I would be willing to bet that if a missle does come closer to Japan or the US, the Russo/Chinese forces could join our side of the table in full.
Sounds like a will-never-happen scenario to me. :D

P.S. I did overhear something concerning about North Korea on the radio couple of days ago. They were talking about how Top Secret EMP(Electromagnetic Pulse) technology has been leaked to N. Korea from Russia. My, how much Russia has fallen from their U.S.S.R. days.
EMP technology is one of the scariest things out there today. If anything, we should be more scared of an EMP attack on cities such as New York or Seattle than a nuclear attack from a country that can't get rockets off the ground.

...In yet another relation to my high-school days, I also wrote another paper for a world-crissis class that documented the Chinese millitary and their future-weapons programs. The EMP bomb was on the list (US Air Force allready has them, used them in Iraq), but the most interesting was their magnetic rail gun. The technology is being expirimented with going between handguns and tanks, as it theoretically is more powerful than other chemically-based propellants in our bullets. The scariest? The Chinese were reportedly developing a way to knock out our GPS satelites from the sky, rendering our Millitary without computer-guided technology.

But, atleast we don't have to worry about China and their nuclear weapons programs. In the last ICBM Threat Assessment issued by the Feds I belive in 2001 or 2003, China reportedly didn't have the missle capacity to reach the United States or our Allies in Europe. On the top of their list was North Korea, Iran and Iraq as top-threats in WMDs and other ICBM-type weapons delivery systems.
Chinese have railguns!? :scared: TBH, I had no idea that they were obtaining future weapons technology. We do rely on satellites so much, it's scary to think what would happen if the Chinese were actually able to take them out.
The US has an anti sat unit . A missile defense system...and a bunch of other things most people are not aware of..all thanks to that nut Ronald Reagan ...god bless him .

btw the Japanese are reporting that the missile that " fell apart in the air " was headed for Hawaii .
The Chinese were reportedly developing a way to knock out our GPS satelites from the sky, rendering our Millitary without computer-guided technology.
Wow. Considering that hitting a satellite is hard as hell (the shuttle has to constantly make corrections) I am impressed. If they have the ability to do that then they are moving along quite well. I mean, to be of any effect they would have to knock out at least three satellites in the same region.

The easiest way to do this that I can see is an orbital nuclear explosion, but then that threatens knocking out all their own communications and any other satellites that are up there.

The only way to get this kind of accuracy without wasting tons of money on missed shots and threatening your own communications abilities would be a laser of some sort.

Still I think that removing GPS capabilities would be far from crippling for our military. They get trained to survive and navigate without all that fancy stuff, just in case.
For the humans, yes it would be very easy to navigate. But given that much of our modern weaponry depends on GPS signals for direction to their targets or from location to location, it would make some things more difficult, or all together impossible.

I can't recall the specifics of their weapons system that was created to knock out our satelites. I want to say it was either missles or part of their magnetic-based rail-gun system, but it was more than two years ago when I wrote the paper.

...But I don't think we have much to worry about when it comes to China. The US is far to important to their country economically, as they are to the US as well. We may as well welcome them as "friends," as we have a long time to get even closer.
For the humans, yes it would be very easy to navigate. But given that much of our modern weaponry depends on GPS signals for direction to their targets or from location to location, it would make some things more difficult, or all together impossible.
Then I guess we will go with old-school laser guidance then. It seems that this would be a bad idea on their part, unless they don't mind collateral damage.

"Oops, we missed the military target. Wouldn't have happened if we could have used the GPS systems."

...But I don't think we have much to worry about when it comes to China. The US is far to important to their country economically, as they are to the US as well. We may as well welcome them as "friends," as we have a long time to get even closer.
We could easily set them back decades if we were to hold economic sanctions against them, but it would hurt us as well. I doubt anything would be done with China unless the whole world was with us.

In all honesty I think this is why China will fall in line with whatever the UN decides to do with North Korea because China is doing so well because of all the cheap labor they provide. India is now a good source of that as well and we could probably slowly cut China out over time if they acted out of line.

Hopefully China will realize that Kim Jong Il is nuts and that supporting Communism at the cost of aiding the insane is not worth it.

Now, Russia on the other hand is still struggling and angering the wrong people could be hurt them a lot. The US is already unhappy with them for recent actions and they need to fall in line with China, especially since Iran refused their offer to help settle the whole nuclear issue.
It will be interesting to see how the upcomming G8 meeting in St. Petersburg turns out with the whole NK thing going on. Hopefully G.W. and friends will be able to talk some sense into Putin. We need the Russians and Chinese before anything can happen, and I think slowly the Chinese may turn to the side of the US and friends.

...I was watching Fox News earlier today and I seem to recall someone saying that the tracked patch of the Taepodong-II missle (although short in flight) could have been putting it twards the American Hawaiian islands. I can't imagine what would have happened if the missle would have hit something, anything in Hawaii. Big mess, thats for sure.

They keep saying that there have been missles added to the launch pads as well, including another Taepodong-II. I wouldn't be surprised to see another one launch during the G8 summit, but that is only a guess at this point.