U.S. Caves In!!!

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by milefile
I'm sure the average N. Korean hates America... hell, the average German hates America. But For different reasons.

N. Koreans have no real clue what is going on in the world outside N. Korea. Note I said real clue. Their media is state run and the same men who threaten the world with nuclear bombs produce their "news."

We do that to.. you know how much **** goes on that they know about and dont tell us? Alot lol thats all I know
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I never felt the urge to 'one-up' the poor kid,... just wanted to try and figure out why he has to be so contradicting without good reason. But yes, your right,.. the ignore option is handy dandy, and now in use 👍

So please stop your childish references to M5Power in other threads.
You wouldn't want to have a country controlled by a despot to have nukes . its simple really I have no clue why it should even be a question. A damm dictator is only answerable to himself. He gets pissed or feels threatened whats he care if he takes out a couple million people ? why bother creating history books if no one is going to bother reading them..Dictatorships are not a good thing ..Crazy despotic rulers do dumb stuff like putting people in ovens and causing world wars..a sane person does not risk his own destruction..so how could these so called leaders be considered in any way sane..On one hand you have saddam ..he just invades his neighbors when he runs out of money,, gasses and tortures his own people the Iranians and the Kurds,, Shoots missles at his neighbors when he can ,, and at American planes when he can't..yeah this guy should have all the nukes he want's...shoved up his butt maybe..a sure cure for his roids..The other nutty napoleon of Korea starves his population so he can spend 80 % of his countrys GNP on his military, trys very hard to blackmail his neighbors into giving him more money so he can produce more weapons and maybe feed a few soldiers, he also answers to no one,, and he thinks we in the west are all pussys cuase we let him get away with all of his bull plus he can always vaporize half of South korea any time he likes, using conventional means..he'll save his nukes for a better target..yeah this numbnut really want's nukes bad..we have some extras maybe we should cure his hemmaroid problem to. Again google up North Korea take some time to read about the Country and the regime.the damm history.Read what they themselves publish through there Consulate its all there..Then if you can in anyway find a defense for that regime you'd make a great lawyer or your just as much a friggin maniac killer as the leader of that pestilent piece of dung country.
Originally posted by epic
We do that to.. you know how much **** goes on that they know about and dont tell us? Alot lol thats all I know
I know we do. By no means is the U.S. government all good; none of them are.

But I think to compare our government to any dictatorship is apples and oranges. For instance:

You can access the internet, the whole internet. Not so in North Korea; the dictatorship has deemed it subversive and a threat to it's power.

You may leave your country at will. North Koreans can't.

We let ousiders in, and they may travel unfettered, and talk to whomever they wish. Not so in North Korea.

We feed them. They take our handouts.

North Korea is a bad place to be. The fact that most North Koreans don't know anything any better doesn't make it okay. That is moral relativism to the extreme. Every aspect of life is controlled by a tyrant.

The U.S. has it's problems. But it can't even be compared to North Korea.
@ Epic ..yeah I'm sure we won't be told everything..But if we care enough we can find out basically anything we wan't to know. Without being put in jail tortured or being shot. I donot think you are naive enough to beleive this is not going on in alot of country's around the world not called the United States.
Originally posted by milefile

From Korean Central News Agency of DPRK.

Unceasing GI crimes under fire
Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- The unceasing GI crimes in South Korea clearly prove once again that the U.S. imperialist aggressors are shameless criminals who stoop to any murder, violence and plunder, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
A U.S. lance corporal drove a truck, hitting a civilian and injuring him in Popwon town, Phaju city, Kyonggi Province of South Korea a few days ago. Earlier, a U.S. oil truck slammed into a car running from an opposite direction, causing a serious accident. Two GIs were caught while running away after stealing a steel camera and other valuables at a bar in Tongduchon city, Kyonggi Province.
U.S. imperialist aggressor troops in South Korea are killing civilians for no reason and committing all sorts of crimes. This is the reality of South Korea.
The U.S. is keen to bring the disaster of a nuclear war to all the Koreans in the north and the south.
The South Korean people can never be free from painful misfortune and sufferings nor can the disgraceful history of our nation come to an end as long as the U.S. imperialist occupation forces stay in South Korea.
The main cause of the misfortune should be rooted out.