NSX-RM Wednesday Night World Championship (Champion-Jonzster!!!)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
If there is still spaces I am another Glasgow "boy " who would be keen to take part.

A few years since I was a boy though.

Go on yersel'
Sorry guys I didn't check back here for a while. All of you can just fit in!
If JEMcG and R35 are happy to be in a team then we have another Glaswegian we can pair you with jackargent.
All details are up on GTRacingCircuit.com
I will add you on psn and pm you the final details soon lads :)
Nae bother :) I will check with JEMcG and jackargent to see what they want.
Did you find the regulations ect on the site ok?
Lol the main thing is the regulations mate.
The rules are long winded but are pretty general to all online championships.
Cheers for taking the time to read them.:)

We should be having a few laps tonight if anyone is intrested? :)
Nope I have not heard. I will give him another few days and then get someone else in if needs be.:)
Looking for one more driver!! First race is on Wednesday 13th July at 9pm GMT.

Apologies for the double post/bump but we need to find the last driver as soon as possible. :)
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So sorry mate I got the impression from your post that you could only race Saturdays, my mistake. If you can make Wednesdays at 9pm GMT then certainly you will be in the series.
No, You will be in a team with one other person and have your own Team colour.
Before we start the season all teams must be available between the 29th of June and the 10th of July to have a 1v1 battle with your team mate in Steg’s Lounge. The winner of the race will have the pleasure of putting the number 1 on his car and the losers must wear the number 2. These number must remain throughout the season to easily identify drivers in replays.

Black, White, Gold, Green, Yellow, Blue and Red are taken. ANY other unique colour is allowed and you can paint the wheels whatever colour you want mate.

Before the season starts I will need to know your first name, age and you have to send me your GT driver pic via Playstation for the Teams' section of the website.

Steg, GTRacingCircuit.com
Ok mate you and somebodysb2 can make up the last team :)
You 2 need to decide a colour...Black, White, Gold, Green, Yellow, Blue and Red are taken.
I will add you on PSN and be intouch soon.
For more info the website is in my sig.

Cheers, Steg
If there is still a place going I would like to take part timezone is BST and PSN - kirk1701a
If there is still a place going I would like to take part timezone is BST and PSN - kirk1701a

At the moment there are no spaces left but if someone backs out you will be the first I contact mate.

Cheers, Steg
Why have I been replaced? I spoke to you several times on PSN steg.

I had no idea that you were Jaymz on PSN mate. You are not replaced at all bud and I have deliberately left the last team empty for the moment as not everyone was confirmed. You are 100% guaranteed a spot in the last team as you were on the list before I even advertised on here.

Your team-mate if he can still make it will be somebodysb2 as he was also an early entry.

Sorry Stevisiov but because these guys asked first it would be unfair not to give them the seat. I apologize for my poor organization of late and will keep you posted if a seat becomes available.