Obama Presidency Discussion Thread

How would you vote in the 2008 US Presidential Election?

  • Obama-Biden (Democrat)

    Votes: 67 59.3%
  • McCain-Palin (Republican)

    Votes: 18 15.9%
  • Barr-Root (Libertarian)

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • Nader-Gonzales (Independent-Ecology Party / Peace and Freedom Party)

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • McKinney-Clemente (Green)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Baldwin-Castle (Constitution)

    Votes: 7 6.2%
  • Gurney-? (Car & Driver)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Continue clutching at straws, one might work.

Obama only has straws to clutch at.

On a side note. CNN's I wanna be like Fox News' focus group:

Overwhelming? Count for yourself.

Joe Biden:


Sarah Palin:


Of course, there are people out of the frame. Did they all break blue? Really? Srsly? I heart Joe? Maybe O'Brien's verdict was a bit preemptive.
:lol: You posted a video from the Bill O'Riley Show. That has a lot of worth since that guy is one of the most biased people on television today.

CNN Fact Checker
Several other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The National Review, have debunked the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship.

They worked together on some fund raising for a school, it's not like they went on holiday together. I work with people all the time on charitable things and have no idea, or really care, what organisations they belong to outside the one we are both a part of.

Obama campaign rejects Palin 'terrorist' gibe

Barack Obama's campaign has quickly rejected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's claim that he associated "with terrorists who targeted our own country."

Palin attacked Sen. Obama on Saturday for his brief political relationship with Bill Ayers, a founding member of the radical Weather Underground, which was involved in several bombings in the early 1970s, including attacks on the Pentagon and the Capitol. Obama was a child at the time of the bombings.

Obama and Ayers, now a university professor, have met several times since 1995, when both worked with a non-profit group trying to raise funds for a school improvement project and a charitable foundation. CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the volunteer projects in which the two men were involved.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said the two had not spoken by phone or exchanged e-mail messages since Obama came to the U.S. Senate in 2005. He said they last met more than a year ago when they encountered each other on the street in a Chicago neighborhood where both live.

Palin's attack delivered on the McCain campaign's announcement that it would step up attacks on the Democratic presidential candidate with just a month left before the November general election.

"We see America as the greatest force for good in this world," Palin said at a fund-raising event in Colorado, adding, "Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

She referred to an article in Saturday's New York Times about Obama's relationship with Ayers, now 63. But that article concluded that "the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called 'somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.'"

Several other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic, have debunked the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship.

Riot and bomb conspiracy charges against Ayers were dropped in 1974, and he is now a professor of education at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan called Palin's comments "offensive" and "not surprising" given the McCain campaign's statement that "they would be launching Swift boat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation's economic ills."

With Obama rising in polls while the country struggles in the grip of a financial crisis, Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign decided to shift attention away from the troubled economy and on to issues of his opponent's character, judgment and personal associations, the Washington Post reported.

"We're going to get a little tougher," a senior Republican operative said, requesting anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss strategy. "We've got to question this guy's associations. Very soon. There's no question that we have to change the subject here."

McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers told CNN, "We are coming up on 30 days until the election, and there are a lot of unanswered questions about Sen. Obama's judgment."

The Obama camp said the tactic wouldn't work.

"What's clear is that John McCain and Sarah Palin would rather spend their time tearing down Barack Obama than laying out a plan to build up our economy," Sevugan said.

And if we do a bit of fact checking on the issue, we can clearly see Palin is full of it, although what's to expect from a beauty queen?

CNN Fact Check
Fact Check: Is Obama 'palling around with terrorists'?

The Statement: Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin said Saturday, October 4, that Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is "someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

The Facts: In making the charge at a fund-raising event in Englewood, Colorado, and a rally in Carson, California, Palin was referring at least in part to William Ayers, a 1960s radical. In both appearances, Palin cited a front-page article in Saturday's New York Times detailing the working relationship between Obama and Ayers.

In the 1960s, Ayers was a founding member of the radical Weather Underground group that carried out a string of bombings of federal buildings, including the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, in protest against the Vietnam War. The now-defunct group was labeled a "domestic terrorist group" by the FBI, and Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn — also a Weather Underground member — spent 10 years as fugitives in the 1970s. Federal charges against them were dropped due to FBI misconduct in gathering evidence against them, and they resurfaced in 1980. Both Ayers and Dohrn ultimately became university professors in Chicago, with Ayers, 63, now an education professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Obama's Chicago home is in the same neighborhood where Ayers and Dohrn live. Beginning in 1995, Ayers and Obama worked with the non-profit Chicago Annenberg Challenge on a huge school improvement project. The Annenberg Challenge was for cities to compete for $50 million grants to improve public education. Ayers fought to bring the grant to Chicago, and Obama was recruited onto the board. Also from 1999 through 2001 both were board members on the Woods Fund, a charitable foundation that gave money to various causes, including the Trinity United Church that Obama attended and Northwestern University Law Schools' Children and Family Justice Center, where Dohrn worked.

CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the volunteer projects in which the two men were involved.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt told CNN that after meeting Obama through the Annenberg project, Ayers hosted a campaign event for him that same year when then-Illinois state Sen. Alice Palmer, who planned to run for Congress, introduced the young community organizer as her chosen successor. LaBolt also said the two have not spoken by phone or exchanged e-mail messages since Obama came to the U.S. Senate in 2005 and last met more than a year ago when they encountered each other on the street in their Hyde Park neighborhood.

The extent of Obama's relationship with Ayers came up during the Democratic presidential primaries earlier this year, and Obama explained it by saying, "This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood … the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago — when I was 8 years old — somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense."

The New York Times article cited by Palin concluded that "the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers." Other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic, have said that their reporting doesn't support the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship.

The McCain campaign did not respond Saturday to a request for elaboration on Palin's use of the plural "terrorists."

Verdict: False. There is no indication that Ayers and Obama are now "palling around," or that they have had an ongoing relationship in the past three years. Also, there is nothing to suggest that Ayers is now involved in terrorist activity or that other Obama associates are.

Once again, the McCain camp is merely clutching at straws which to mean shows a sign of weakness. If you have to resort to wild accusations on shreds of evidence that have been debunked then I lose respect for you...not that I really respected Sarah Palin in the first place. McCain I can still sort of respect, but it still terrifies me thinking that his crew could end up in the White House.
..And that Sarah Palin is your new president if McCain dies..

Yes, which I still think is a distinct possibility since the job as president is extremely taxing judging by the amount former President Clinton and current President Bush have aged.
:lol: You posted a video from the Bill O'Riley Show. That has a lot of worth since that guy is one of the most biased people on television today.

Bill O'Reilly has been doing a series called The Obama Chronicles. It clears all the bull**** away and reports the history of Barack Obama. Something the Mainstream Media refuses to do. You might want to check it out.

This is part one:

..And that Sarah Palin is your new president if McCain dies..

Or Biden when Obama gets assassinated, right?
Bill O'Reilly has been doing a series called The Obama Chronicles. It clears all the bull**** away and reports the history of Barack Obama. Something the Mainstream Media refuses to do. You might want to check it out.

Why would I want to watch Bill O'Rielly? The man is, as I've said, one of the most biased commentators on television today. The only commentators I can think of that I despise more are Ann Coulter and Michael Moore.

I'll stick with non-biased things thank you.

Facts are facts, no matter who is presenting them. Don't listen to him if you don't want to listen to him. There's quite enough information in those words typed out on the screen. There's no bias in that text. Short and concise.
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Even when Bill O'reilly is reporting factual information about Barack Obama?

You mean "factual"? Yes he is giving facts but his also interjecting his own personal beliefs and values into his reporting and for that I want nothing to do with him or his TV show. And while he claims to be an independent his views are way to conservative for me to ever think about agreeing with.
You mean "factual"? Yes he is giving facts but his also interjecting his own personal beliefs and values into his reporting and for that I want nothing to do with him or his TV show. And while he claims to be an independent his views are way to conservative for me to ever think about agreeing with.

You know what, I had a big reply all typed out, but it's not even worth arguing with you. You obviously have no respect for members with differing opinions then yours and you really have no respect for the rules of the forum.

Do you show respect for a commentator forming his own opinions based on fact or do you just limit that respect for those who think like you?
Do you show respect for a commentator forming his own opinions based on fact or do you just limit that respect for those who think like you?

I'm yet to find a commentator that I fully agree with or like for that matter. They all have preconceived notions therefore can not be used as a source of political fact, which you try to do. You have posted numerous blogs entries and posted videos from people such as Bill O'Reilly, which may use facts in their arguments but are in no way, shape, or form unbiased or reliable. They are people's opinions. I just want the story so I can make up my own mind and do my own research on it.

The second post of mine was solely directed at you because you feel the need to call people dumb when you don't agree with their opinions, which I don't respect at all. You are entitled to your opinion and I will disagree with it, but that doesn't mean I will use personal attacks because it's not only bad debating practice but against forum policy.
You mean "factual"? Yes he is giving facts but his also interjecting his own personal beliefs and values into his reporting and for that I want nothing to do with him or his TV show. And while he claims to be an independent his views are way to conservative for me to ever think about agreeing with.
Like I said, the text that was shown didn't have a lick of his own personal beliefs. Read them. And registering as an independent doesn't have anything to do with your views. It simply means you'll vote either way as you see fit.
Like I said, the text that was shown didn't have a lick of his own personal beliefs. Read them. And registering as an independent doesn't have anything to do with your views. It simply means you'll vote either way as you see fit.

I didn't see your comments when I posted and they weren't directed at you. But I don't watch O'Reilly, ever, I think I've seen his show once or twice in the past couple years. But text can be just as biased at spoken words.

I will admit I didn't watch much of the video posted mainly because as I've said I don't like O'Reilly or think he knows what he is talking about a majority of the time. You are telling me to not to watch the guy if I don't like him, but in the next post you are telling me to watch it again. I don't understand.
And you're telling me you're unable to separate fact from fiction. Don't listen to his jargon, listen to the facts. Throw all the other crap away. You ought to be listening to every available source of information and coming to your own conclusions, instead of relying on a specific few. They all have bits and pieces of what you need, and they all have a bunch of crap to wade through. The only sources of information I can think of that don't have any crap are the dictionary, the thesaurus, the encyclopedia, etc. The tone of everyone's vioce is biased in one way or another, but the words, man.

The words. The words will show you the way. :lol:
And you're telling me you're unable to separate fact from fiction. Don't listen to his jargon, listen to the facts. Throw all the other crap away. You ought to be listening to every available source of information and coming to your own conclusions, instead of relying on a specific few. They all have bits and pieces of what you need, and they all have a bunch of crap to wade through. The only sources of information I can think of that don't have any crap are the dictionary, the thesaurus, the encyclopedia, etc. The tone of everyone's vioce is biased in one way or another, but the words, man.

The words. The words will show you the way. :lol:

I can separate it by why wade through a ton of crap when you can go to other sources and wade through less? Is Obama perfect? Not by a long shot. Is Obama the best man for the job of president? Not at all. I've drawn many conclusions about the upcoming election, some that I share here, others I keep to myself (like who I am going to vote for in the end).
You should listen to Bill Cunningham. He speaks the truth and only the truth. If he wasn't around the world would be lost and we'd all be speaking German.
Bill O'Reilly has been doing a series called The Obama Chronicles. It clears all the bull**** away and reports the history of Barack Obama. Something the Mainstream Media refuses to do.

You may like this one about McCain, done outside of the mainstream media as well...

You may like this one about McCain, done outside of the mainstream media as well...

I'll will spare you from my right-wing 9/11 neo con American fan boy attack only because I like your avatar.
How about this? The University of Illinois has banned its faculty from attending on-campus rallies, wearing political T-shirts, or doing anything related to politics. The governor's Office of Inspector General even stated that the ban even applies to students, which the university disagrees with. U of I says it's not enforcing the ban.

Thoughts? I find it odd that a state-run institution could even have a ban like this. It seems like a blatant ban on free speech. Even though U of I says the ban is not enforced, I'm surprised that this law would even be allowed to exist.

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-u-of-i-politicsoct03,0,2188202.story
It is a ban on free speech, you should be able to endorse any candidate you like whether others agree with it or not. I don't like McCain but I would go around telling people that they shouldn't endorse him if he fits with their political ideology and what they want for the country.
How about this? The University of Illinois has banned its faculty from attending on-campus rallies, wearing political T-shirts, or doing anything related to politics. The governor's Office of Inspector General even stated that the ban even applies to students, which the university disagrees with. U of I says it's not enforcing the ban.

Thoughts? I find it odd that a state-run institution could even have a ban like this. It seems like a blatant ban on free speech. Even though U of I says the ban is not enforced, I'm surprised that this law would even be allowed to exist.

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-u-of-i-politicsoct03,0,2188202.story
You missed the important part of that. It is on-campus rallies. In other words, they are telling their employees not to partake in events at work. That is not limiting free speech, that is limiting stress on workplace relations between faculty members and faculty and students.

Imagine if a politically emotional student finds out that their professor supports another candidate/position and then has trouble concentrating in class because all they can think about is how much of an idiot they think the professor is.

Now, preventing students from doing it is a different story, although it helps cut back on distress among students. The way many campuses in Kentucky do it is that they have what is called the free speech area. It is typically a public area centrally located, but easily avoided, where rallies are allowed to be held by students. Typically the only faculty that attend are the faculty members in charge of the organizing group. This allows students to rally/protest but not disrupt other students who do not share their views. It frequently prevents confrontations that could get ugly.
You missed the important part of that. It is on-campus rallies. In other words, they are telling their employees not to partake in events at work. That is not limiting free speech, that is limiting stress on workplace relations between faculty members and faculty and students.

Its no different here at my private college, but I'm sure that some of the professors could squeak out of things if they needed to. They're happy to discuss current events and how they feel about things, but rarely ever have I heard a professor endorse a given candidate during class time... Its always before, or after, or when we're away doing something else.
I have to say that US presidental election beats sitcoms easily when it comes to humor content..


Wait! You're using Obama to portray a white guy... at the RNC... RACIST!!!


Anyway, I caught a glimpse of CNN today. Their first headline was McCain steps up attacks! I suppose they were referring to the connection between Obama and Ayers. The next headline was Astoroid heading for Earth! Well, God damn, what's with the sky is falling gloom and doom today?
I am many things, senior!


Oh, McCain took his Metamucil today. Moar please!
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I changed the poll for this thread to end on the morning of Election Day.

I'm assuming that is all right with everyone...