Obama Presidency Discussion Thread

How would you vote in the 2008 US Presidential Election?

  • Obama-Biden (Democrat)

    Votes: 67 59.3%
  • McCain-Palin (Republican)

    Votes: 18 15.9%
  • Barr-Root (Libertarian)

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • Nader-Gonzales (Independent-Ecology Party / Peace and Freedom Party)

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • McKinney-Clemente (Green)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Baldwin-Castle (Constitution)

    Votes: 7 6.2%
  • Gurney-? (Car & Driver)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the McCain ads on this site, mainly when in the Opinions forum?

The ads are randomly generated based on keywords found on the page.

If you are viewing the Opinions forum, you are more likely to see political advertisement.

McCain supporters take on intolerance at rally.

Super. Your ignorance of just how stupid we all really are, is astounding. Two YouTube videos sway your opinion?

Well i guess it makes sense. I only needed to view one of Palin's speeches -- where she describes small-town America as "real America" full of people who are "pro-America" -- to know that she is an absolute fool. Her "small town" is full of Wal-Marts and Applebees' just like 85% of the country, anyway.

Hmm, and i guess the current economic crisis is of no concern to her or to McCain, since the stock market is located in a big city, full of anti-American elitists? Those ones that had that attack or whatever on them on September 11th a few years ago?

But people in small towns do sometimes think differently, i suppose. Like Todd Palin? ...Especially regarding secession. Uh-oh.
Honestly I'm sick of both doing negative campaigning.
I couldn't agree more. Political campaigns today are primarly battles to see who can wipe more slime on their opponent. It's utterly ridiculous. Most of the claims made are irrelevant, out-of-context, or outright lies. Tell me how YOU are going to improve this country, not how your opponent voted to kill babies. The Obama/McCain ads are downright civil compared to the ads being run in the Washington gubernatorial race. According to Dino Rossi's camp, voting for Christine Gregoire (incumbent) will get my children raped by released sex offenders. I'm not kidding.

Unfortunately, because of the ignorami in this country, smear ads work, so they keep doing it.
Maybe we citizens should band together and do everything we can to get rid of these two parties. The egos in Washington have gotten out of hand. But of course us Americans can't get along because there's far too many dumb people. Didn't somebody in here mention something about "dealing with it"?

Two problems:

1) We've been saying it for years

2) Strong political adversaries, historically, are absorbed into the two-party system in order to maintain power. Take for example the growth of the Populist and Greenback Parties, some of the first political parties to gain a pretty large base in the Mid-West during the 1890s and early 1900s. There was enough of a groundswell on one or two points of interest that the Democrats essentially said "screw it," took their platforms, and consequently those votes with it. Republicans have done much the same, taking in the Dixiecrats following the Civil Rights movement, and certainly there has always been the love/hate relationship with the Libertarians.

What it comes down to is that after 208 years of the current two-party system with its various names and disguises, unless we change the way in which we vote or the system altogether, we are stuck with the slightly left of center, and the slightly right of center, both of which have to do their best to not only appeal to their "base" voters, but also the growing number of independents in the center.

The good news is that partisanship, for the most part, has decreased steadily with newer generations of voters in the past 50 years. Newer voters are far less-likely to meet or match their party's platform line-for-line, and it is a partial explanation as to why McCain keeps calling himself a "maverick," as the Independent streaks of most Americans increase. This means that, more or less, people are going to be issue-driven with their votes, meaning (God forbid!) that candidates often have to address the issues more often. Well, in theory anyway... So, in the end, while we are otherwise "stuck" with the Democrats and the Republicans, it seems reasonable that we will either see the emergence of the Independent party as a considerable power, or we will continue to see the coalition expansion with the DNC and GOP as usual.
Can we stick to the discussion of presidential candidates, and not the handful of non-affiliated extremists hawking products with childish insults and slogans?
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Here is a topic to hopefully steer thing back on course, in a recent CNN poll 75% of those surveyed are scared about the direction the country is headed. This is going to be a huge issue no matter who wins the election, I mean when there is that many people who are willing to admit they are scared we have an issue. So how can the next leader quell these fears and steer the country back on track?

Poll: Americans angry, worried over state of nation
A new national poll suggests that only a quarter of Americans think things are going well in the country today, while the rest of those questioned are angry, scared and stressed out.

Seventy-five percent of those surveyed in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Tuesday said things are going badly in the United States.

An equal portion of those polled said they are angry about the way things are going. Two-thirds of those questioned said they're scared about the way things are going and three in four said the current conditions in the country are stressing them out.

"It's scary how many Americans admit they are scared," said Keating Holland, CNN's polling director. "Americans tend to downplay the amount of fear they have when facing tough times. The fact that more than six in 10 say that they are scared shows how bad things are getting."

The 25 percent who said things are going well in the country is another indicator of the negative mood among Americans.

"Prior to 2008, we have seen that level of dissatisfaction only three times in the past four decades -- during Watergate, the Iranian hostage crisis and the recession of 1992," Holland added.

The survey also suggests that most Americans are not happy with President Bush. Seventy-two percent of those questioned disapprove of the president's handling of his job.

The war in Iraq also continues to be unpopular with Americans, with 32 percent of those questioned favoring the war.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll was conducted Friday through Sunday, with 1,058 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.


Shouldn't the poll be reset now that there are more options on it?
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Well, since we're all likely not a part of "Real America," I doubt it matters. I'm absolutely dumbfounded by these charges that we'd be "anti-American" under these circumstances.

...In my opinion, this smacks of 1950's McCarthyism...

Its no wonder why people are worried about our current track through history.
Shouldn't the poll be reset now that there are more options on it?

Were you really planning on voting Prohibition Party, instead?

Note: Forgot to mention that I added 9 more candidates this morning.
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Were you really planning on voting Prohibition Party, instead?

No, it was more of a question then anything. I mean some may have wanted other candidates but they weren't there. Not that it's going to make a huge difference as Obama is walking away with the poll anyways.
No, it was more of a question then anything. I mean some may have wanted other candidates but they weren't there. Not that it's going to make a huge difference as Obama is walking away with the poll anyways.

That's exactly the kind of mentality that defeats the voting process.
Precisely what i was referring to earlier.

My apologies, you made a great call there. Thankfully the McCain-Palin campaign has received a sizeable grilling on it, but they've now switched to calling everyone who opposes them "Communists" or "Socialists." It must really be 1953 all over again...


In Other News...

Did you hear the one about the McCain-Palin campaign spending $150K on new clothes and makeup? To think they made a big deal about John Edward's $400 hair cuts...

Oh, and just for fun, Governor Palin still hasn't figured out what the job of the Vice President is. Thank you for reading the Constitution that you would otherwise eventually have to protect if elected, Governor.
My apologies, you made a great call there. Thankfully the McCain-Palin campaign has received a sizeable grilling on it, but they've now switched to calling everyone who opposes them "Communists" or "Socialists." It must really be 1953 all over again...

Except it's true. The problem is that the pot is calling the kettle black.
CULLOWHEE, N.C. - Authorities in North Carolina said the dumping of a dead bear cub draped in Barack Obama signs was a student prank, not a political statement.

Officials said seven Western Carolina University students were involved, and possible charges are being discussed with the local prosecutor.

The students told authorities they took political signs at random to cover the bear's wound and prevent blood from spilling into the bed of the truck they were driving.

Officials say the students discovered the cub, which had been shot in the head, while camping over the weekend and brought it back to a gathering at an apartment near campus Sunday night. It was during that gathering, say officials, that a student suggested placing the bear at the base of a statue at the main entrance to the campus.

Maintenance workers found the bear cub's body early Monday morning near the school's entrance.

Hilarious prank :yuck:.
Oh, and just for fun, Governor Palin still hasn't figured out what the job of the Vice President is. Thank you for reading the Constitution that you would otherwise eventually have to protect if elected, Governor.
Yet, you are supporting the guy that keeps talking about changing systems that are not laid out under any Federal Government powers by the Constitution and supports a tax plan that directly contradicts the Constitution.

I believe I smell irony with a hint of hypocrisy.

Please, if I could submit questions to all candidates involved I would ask them to first quote articles 1 through 3 of the Constitution (which lays out the three branches of the Federal Government), then explain how they have not violated any of that (where applicable), and then explain how if they win they will not violate any of the Executive Branch stuff. Heck we can even throw Article 4 or the Alaska State Constitution in there so that Palin has to answer just as much as the rest.

I doubt they could get past the quoting portion.
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Yet, you are supporting the guy that keeps talking about changing systems that are not laid out under any Federal Government powers by the Constitution and supports a tax plan that directly contradicts the Constitution.

I believe I smell irony with a hint of hypocrisy.

Please, if I could submit questions to all candidates involved I would ask them to first quote articles 1 through 3 of the Constitution (which lays out the three branches of the Federal Government), then explain how they have not violated any of that (where applicable), and then explain how if they win they will not violate any of the Executive Branch stuff. Heck we can even throw Article 4 or the Alaska State Constitution in there so that Palin has to answer just as much as the rest.

I doubt they could past the quoting portion.

Yeah, and then get that PBS debate moderator to read their responses and set fire to the failboat.
Right now, today, Bill Cunningham was speaking about how there's a lawsuit(s?) getting started having something to do with Obama's presidential potential. Namely, that he wasn't born on American soil. In kenya, actually. Somebody is trying to prove that he wasn't born in America, and therefore would not be able to be sworn in as President of the United States of America. I don't know the whole story as I just turned on the radio fifteen minutes ago, but I'll try to remember to link the podcast after I get off work. You may be able to find it on your own with that 700 WLW link I gave the other day.
I don't know.

Apaprently somebody (I already forget his name) has stated that the typical Hawai'i birth certificate of 1961 has different markings or a different design than the one supplied by Obama and his campaign people. This person also has "evidence" (wihch Bill Cunningham hasn't given and won't until he knows what it is. He's one of the O' Reilly types that try to speak the truth) that Obama was born in a village in Kenya. That's what was said about five minutes ago on the radio.

EDIT: On a cmpletely unrelated note, there have been gun shots fired at Western Kentucky University, and now the campus is on an emergency lockdown.
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I believe I smell irony with a hint of hypocrisy.

Talk to every President since Roosevelt, they'll likely tell you that we aren't going back to the way things were previous to the Great Depression. To that point, one of the greatest Republicans Dwight D. Eisenhower specifically noted that to get rid of the New Deal programs would surely be the death of the Republican party, or any other that attempts it. Its fun to be an idealist and talk about getting rid of the stuff, but realistically, the public does not want that, and I highly doubt it would ever happen. With the ever-increasing worry over terrorism (rights slowly withered away by the Bush Administration) and in all likelyhood the possibility of a global economic recession (under the direction of Bush and whoever the next President will be), you can bet your ass that we'll see a continuation of more New Deal-type policies.

The only thing we can hope for is that there continue to be level-headed people in Congress to restrict that process altogether.
The only thing we can hope for is that there continue to be level-headed people in Congress to restrict that process altogether.
So kick Obama, Biden, and McCain out of Congress (along with most of the others)?

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