Hmm, okaaay.. So Suarez not shaking the hand of someone 'he believes' wrongly accused him of racism is wrong?
Let me put it too you this way, if you were moving boxes in a shop, and you said 'Put it near the back' quite loudly to someone and he put it near the back of the room but there happened to be a black guy that was also very near where the box was being placed.
What if he got agitated and came up to you accusing you of saying 'Put it near the black' and brought you to court over it. And the jury believed him over you and you had to go to jail for 3 months and got yourself labeled as a racist, when you think ('know') your right. Would you shake that mans hand as soon as you walk out the gate of prison? You know you wouldn't because you hadn't done anything wrong. Well anyway I know I wouldn't..
And that's as similar to a real world situation as I can put it.