With the laptimes he's got so far it's probably asking a little much of him to pass the first car just after the first corner - my laps are a good few seconds up on his and even I can't do that
Personally, I get close to the back couple of cars (usually Skylines) going through the complex and then pass them midway through the first bit of banking before the long straight to the chicane. I find myself following a pack (Elises, Clios and Evos usually) through the chicanes. I pass all of these accelerating out onto the banking towards the start/finish, which leaves me with a couple of Elises right up my backside through the whole infield! By the end of the infield section I'm following an Evo at this point who I pass on the banking, and do the same to the Clio he's following.
I'm now exiting the chicane behind another couple of Evos who I pass early in the banking and I get the final couple of 350Zs before the start finish, and have a clean run for the rest of the race.
If you keep this pace up your laptimes for L2 and L3 will be around the low 1'53/high 1'52 mark like mine are. My third lap is always quicker because I'm not passing anything.