Official GTP_Race Event 01 (SpecIII: Closed)

  • Thread starter Sphinx
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OH MAN!!!! All this hard work and the draw for Div 3 Silver is Div 1 Gold!!!! So basically we'll either be racing PrudentBear (or some other Div 1 Gold GOD) in the first round of Stage 2. Talk about pressure - SHEEEEEEESH!!!
OH MAN!!!! All this hard work and the draw for Div 3 Silver is Div 1 Gold!!!! So basically we'll either be racing PrudentBear (or some other Div 1 Gold GOD) in the first round of Stage 2. Talk about pressure - SHEEEEEEESH!!!

Talk about the possibility of making a name for yourself by beating a division 1 gold driver. 👍
I have had a breakthrough! Got my first lap time down to what I want and gotten my lap 2 and 3 times where I was hoping. Now just need to get 3 laps together :) That lotus approaching turn 1 on lap 2 is killing me though.
Last edited: this a mandatory event? Cause at the moment i just dont have the time to play GT5...
from first post:
:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::
Talk about the possibility of making a name for yourself by beating a division 1 gold driver. 👍

Yeah, I guess its all upside for that draw - if Div 3 wins, what an upset and if Div 3 loses, we have a real good excuse. ;)

The key is to be right on the back end of the last car as you come out of turn one. Then once through the short chicane stay to the right and outbreak the car into the hairpin. It can be done, trust me. 👍

Ok, given that I've only been playing GT5:P since July'ish, I'm gonna ask for some details here. When you say "outbreak the car into the hairpin", what exactly are you referring to. Given that I will be approaching the turn from a non-optimal angle, are you saying I should break later or sooner? I could probably pull this off with another car, but am struggling to even comprehend how to do it in this AM Corvette the way it handles. Thanks for the tips and advice here.
It would be funny if a division 4 or 5 member won.

I secret racer that didnt bother on the Qualifier. (no its not me :D)
Since only the 2nd and 3rd laps count, why don't you just do a slow first lap, let the AI get far enough ahead so you can't catch them and then have a nice clean run free from interference on the two laps that count? Is this allowed?
This is going to be a long day for me to be even a little challenge in Div 1 Silver.
Since only the 2nd and 3rd laps count, why don't you just do a slow first lap, let the AI get far enough ahead so you can't catch them and then have a nice clean run free from interference on the two laps that count? Is this allowed?
Yes , that is allowed
Since only the 2nd and 3rd laps count, why don't you just do a slow first lap, let the AI get far enough ahead so you can't catch them and then have a nice clean run free from interference on the two laps that count? Is this allowed?

The 2nd and 3rd laps aren't the ONLY ones that count, they are the only ones we are allowed to talk about at this point. The driver with the best total, clean race time will be the one selected for that Div/Medal group and advance to Stage 2.

It would be funny if a division 4 or 5 member won.

I secret racer that didnt bother on the Qualifier. (no its not me :D)

If I don't come out of the Div 3 Silver group, I'm pulling for GTP_Ken773 - I hear he is quite the online racer and could pull quite a first round upset. :)
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Since only the 2nd and 3rd laps count, why don't you just do a slow first lap, let the AI get far enough ahead so you can't catch them and then have a nice clean run free from interference on the two laps that count? Is this allowed?


L2 1.52.736
L3 1.52.651
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Don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I've just given the car a 4-speed gearbox and was a full half a second faster than my previous faster lap straight away 👍
Still a lot slower than a lot of you guys though as it was my first lap in the 1'51's :ouch:
OH MAN!!!! All this hard work and the draw for Div 3 Silver is Div 1 Gold!!!! So basically we'll either be racing PrudentBear (or some other Div 1 Gold GOD) in the first round of Stage 2. Talk about pressure - SHEEEEEEESH!!!

Yeah..I've not started on this event yet, but now I'm worried about doing well, lol. Good luck to the rest of Div 3 Silver, we will all need it!
I thought this would be obvious seeing that this is a GTP_Event, but just in case I'll make it clear; You must use your PSN GTP_Tag when competing in this challenge. Yes, this means for both stages. 👍

First post amended.

  • Yellow Rumbles are part of the track
  • Where white and yellow lines are placed along the edge of the track determine the boundry of the track. There are however some areas where this is not the case, therefore, please use common sense to determine the boundary in these areas. However, if common sense fails then ask in the discussion thread. The excuse that you didn't know is not good enough at this level.
  • 100% clean, no AI touches whatsoever
  • G25 Clutch is prohibited
  • Your run must be done using your GTP_Tag
Talk about the possibility of making a name for yourself by beating a division 1 gold driver. 👍

As if, only way i know to beat a division one driver, if they punted and sack the race off, disconnected part way through or preferably just before the finish line, or the usual way, they slow and let you pass:sly:
As if, only way i know to beat a division one driver, if they punted and sack the race off, disconnected part way through or preferably just before the finish line, or the usual way, they slow and let you pass:sly:

It is also possible that they make a mistake on their own, causing them to go off track, while you run a clean race. It's happened before, and it'll happen again.
It is also possible that they make a mistake on their own, causing them to go off track, while you run a clean race. It's happened before, and it'll happen again.
Not too often though is it
Have you guys noticed that you can push the AI to go slower or even go of track by race CLOSE and fast...? not always an advantage though because loss of slipstream ...
Same with the AI slipstreaming you. I had an elise that went off track every time because it went into the corner too fast while slipstreaming me.
Okay, I finally did a good enough clean run to post it:

Division 2 gold
G25 user
Lap 2: 1'51.747
Lap 3: 1'51.559
I've noticed that sometimes too. I was thinking, "hey, he's on edge doing this like me!" I have finally turned a clean race after several dozen attempts.

Division 5 Silver
L2 1'56.142
L3 1'54.798
Guess I'll post.



I'm not going to be a challenge. Don't mind me.
Was just thinking,if the Al car hits me is that considered a dirty run?

Can we get a little clarification on this? I admit to not having a huge amount of time to dedicate to this. I've run about 10 races (so, 30 laps), and performed well enough in some of them to consider them acceptable. In other words, I feel I drove them fairly well. But I don't think I've ever had an entire race where there wasn't at least a little contact. Nothing serious, but a tap or a nudge certainly. Most specifically, the AI cars are having a tendency to barge-pass - to cut inside under the assumption that they will be fast enough to get past me in the bend. But then they fail at that and collide with me - their front into my side - 100% their fault. Sometimes this is just a tap, sometimes more. At what level of contact is this a "non-clean" race by the standards outlined here?
It is difficult and quite frustrating because we can't control the AI cars BUT

I totally see this is also an exercise of driving clean, being aware of what is happening around you, using mirrors etc.
And i like the fact we can discuss the last 2 laps and settings.

All in all a very good challenge :cheers: Sphinx.
It is also possible that they make a mistake on their own, causing them to go off track, while you run a clean race. It's happened before, and it'll happen again.

Not too often though is it

I don't know about that. The number of times I've beaten "faster" drivers this way is considerable. I would call my driving a bit on the conservative side. I much prefer the early-braking classic race line and tend to push only to the point where I have a good chance of having a completely clean race. This is mostly intentional on my part - I've always raced as if it was "real life," with real-life repercussions (death, for example)...

That isn't to say that there are not many (many!) drivers who are simply better than me - always faster and still clean, but for every superb fast/clean driver there are a dozen that can only run 4 clean laps out of 5, and if you are reasonably fast and clean you've got a great chance at beating them.
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